Table of Contents

Title Page

  1. Impact on Society and Culture
  2. Has the Web lived up to its promise?
  3. Balkanization of viewpoints -- the Web as self-enforcing echo chamber
  4. The Adoption of the Internet and its Impact
  5. Being online is the norm...
  6. Broadband adoption
  7. Typical day online
  8. What teenagers do online — informal use
  9. What teenagers do online — educational use
  10. The Internet helps in everyday life
  11. The Internet helps at major life moments
  12. The Internet and health
  13. What e-patients do — 1
  14. What e-patients do — 2
  15. The Internet and religious and spiritual life
  16. The e-faith universe = 82 million Americans
  17. The Internet and government and politics
  18. The e-citizen nation
  19. What Internet users do on government sites
  20. The Internet and community
  21. Internet communities
  22. Digital divide 1: Age
  23. Digital divide 2: Household income
  24. Digital divide 3: Educational attainment
  25. Digital divide 4: Race and ethnicity (English speaking)
  26. Digital divide 5: Community type
  27. Digital divide 6: Disability
  28. Digital divide 7: Disability
  29. Next Session

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