Descriptions of images used in "Metadata for Accessibility Adaptation" slides

This presentation was given at the Workshop on Metadata for Content Adaptation on 12 October 2004.

Web accessibility: Content Adapts

The presentation of the concept "North" can take many forms:

  1. A description or definition of "North"
  2. A signing avatar or video of a sign-language interpreter
  3. A symbol - the letter "N" labels an arrow pointing up
  4. The word "North" can be presented:

These concepts are illustrated by the word "North" on the left pointing to the following seven shapes on the right:

  1. "North" is ...
  2. A symbol of a man
  3. Braille characters
  4. North in large letters
  5. North as white text on black background
  6. A symbol for "speaker"
  7. A white arrow pointing up labeled with the letter "N"

return to slide: Web accessibility: Content Adapts

Cornerstones and Interdependent components of Web accessibility

Content developers use development tools to produce content and users access the content through client tools. ATAG 1.0 and 2.0 apply to the development tools, WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 apply to the content, and UAAG 1.0 applies to the client tools. The image illustrates that multiple authored units are aggregated into a single delivery unit that is transformed by user agents and assistive technologies into a perceivable unit.

This is presented in a pyramid. The flow (and thus the description) starts at the lower left base of the pyramid and moves upward two steps to the apex and then down two steps on the right side of the pyramid. The content developer is the lower left base of the pyramid and the user is the lower right base of the pyramid.

Starting at the developer and moving up one level: Development tools is a box that contains a red and blue blob.

Moving up one more level, to the top of the pyramid: Content is a box that contains the red and blue blobs combined into a single unit.

Moving down one level to the right: Client tools is a box that contains a yellow and red blob.

The positioning of the blobs -- separate in the development tools box and joined in the content and client tools boxes -- represents multiple authored units that are aggregated into a single delivery unit. The changing color represents the transformation that user agents and assistive technologies perform on delivery units to create a perceivable unit.

return to slide: Cornerstones and Interdependent components of Web accessibility

Interdependent components of Web accessibility with enhanced semantics and renegotiation

Multiple content developers use development tools to produce content and users access the content through client tools. The image illustrates that multiple content developers create multiple authored units that are aggregated into a single delivery unit that may be transformed by a third party adaptation before client adaptation into a perceivable unit.

The pyramid from the previous illustration has been expanded from three layers to four. The flow (and thus the description) starts at the lower left base of the pyramid and moves upward three steps to the apex and then down two steps on the right side of the pyramid.

Two content developers form the bottom left of the pyramid. Moving up one level, each content developer uses his or her own development tool. One creates a red blob the other creates a blue blob.

Moving up one more level: Aggregation is a box that contains the red and blue blobs combined into a single unit.

Moving up one more level, to the top of the pyramid: Third party aggregation adds a yellow blob to the combined red and blue blob that resulted from Aggregation.

Moving down one level to the right: Client Adaptation is a box that contains a yellow and red blob.

The positioning of the blobs -- separate in the development tools box and joined in the Aggregation, Third Party Adaptation, and Client Adaptation boxes -- represents multiple authored units that are aggregated into a single delivery unit. The changing color represents the transformation that user agents and assistive technologies perform on delivery units to create a perceivable unit. Arrows point both directions between Aggregation and Third Party Adaptation and Client Adaptation representing the possibility for renegotiation at any stage of aggregation or adaptation.

return to slide: Interdependent components of Web accessibility with enhanced semantics and renegotiation

$Date: 2004/11/09 00:47:34 $ Wendy Chisholm