Paul Vincent of Fair Isaac on PRR production rules effort in OMG context: OMG UML / commercial biz rules mgm sys (BRMS) 2 subtypes in 1st version 1. *sequentially processed procedural rules 2. production rules dream: transformations why a PRR standard required? prodn rules in: - rule engines / biz rules mgm sys - *process engines LibRT: does just rule verification, as technology co-development with proposed PRRuleML meta-model compatible with: mult rule types, e.g., f/w, b/w, sequential; and with mult expr repns, e.g., XPath - looking at OCL too PRR is for rule modeling PRR only loosely "related" to formal logic are defining behavior as the semantics plan to model events sequential rules can sometimes be viewed as a hint to the execution engine, that makes it simpler to determine execution order of rules [Pegasys. person] %%%% Daniel Selman of Ilog on JSR94 (ff. is summary of his presentation) he product manager for ILOG's JRules lots of interest in Java community on using rule-based technology there's no equivalent in .Net currently, as far as know JSR94 is a standard within Java Community Process, as of 2004 lightweight and weak: it's for getting stuff in and out of the engine, either if stateful or stateless; avoids defining what a rule engine is - needs a standard rule language and semantics to get stronger a number of vendors have implemented it see: * lists like40+ vendors in Java rules space tremendous variety, incl. b/w, production rules, rule templates many use: *Java Open Source Spring framework - helps acquire an interface to a Java-based rule engine value: merely ensures code portability engine semantics not defined, so very high level: like JDBC without SQL no underlying rule language, hence no API to introspect rules, create rulesets, provide pluggable parsers, etc. Rete forward chaining or simpler sequential issues: define the binding between the engine internal object model and the Java object model - e.g., fairly-tight but indirect cf. Jess or Ilog or Pega - how does updating of state get handled might take 500 pages (cf. JVM, SQL92, C standard spec's) to spec fully a "virtual rule engine spec" doc ideas for more: there are a number incl. packaging for hot deployment, Ruleset API's Discussion: Q: why not extend language itself, as ATT did with R++ from C++ A: not sure, partly it's patent issue, partly would have required reengineering the existing rule systems, partly Sun reluctant to change the language itself that way Q by Benjamin Grosof: what besides the rule language and engine behavior would be good to standardize in the -WEB- space? A: *the persistence service for rules/facts, e.g., get via URI's; would be interesting perhaps to do this dynamically, say by assembling several rulebases from around the web %%%% Don Chapin, of Business Rules Team: OMG SBVR (ff. is summary of his presentation) SBVR = Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules do not tackle standardizing syntax do suggest one: structured English BRT is consortium of 18 companies/org's from 6 countries SBVR is for business modeling by business customer, in their own terms - indep of implicit or explicit IS consideration or design decision - in lang that the biz people use - created and maintained by the Business staff IT supplier by contrast uses metamodels built on production rules, OCL, RDBMS triggers want 2-way MDA transformations between them synthesis of 4 previous established areas ("disciplines") - terminology for translating natural lang doc's (ISO 1807-1) - BRG's "structuring biz vocab's for biz rules" - formal logics: Halpin's "obj role modeling (ORM) for the biz" . First order predicate logic with some (limited) extensions: underpins - linguistics & communication: Unisys' "linguistic exr of biz rules based on exchangeable vocab's" meaning sense: may have several ... semantic formulation: which in turn may have several ... business expression, e.g., in mult natural languages, in a graphic approach: - vocabulary is separate from the rules - all "declarative" rules it's a lang for structuring meaning of concepts (defns), rules, questions - e.g., rules that govern operation of an org optimized for people and natural language -- not for machine processing interpretable in formal logics: 1st order and restricted higher order; recursive there's some consideration of deontic and alethic(?) aspects *has XML for logical formulation, that can be used for interchange %%%% DAY 2 %%%% Phil Archer of ICRA: (ff. is summary of presentation) ICRA = Internet Content Rating Assoc moving from PICS to RDF-based want authorization rules, that are prioritized defaults now simple totally-ordered defaults Phil's Q: what's available that can help? Discussion follows: Benjamin: - Courteous LP in RuleML can handle your example and this kind of use case well, e.g., in our use cases for trust; use RuleML, its RDF syntax is under development right now, the examples done already have been in XML syntax or presentation syntax. - your approach looks like P3P, a lesson from there is that want a bit more expressive richness to permit partially, not just totally, ordered prioritization, since that's a class of orderings that's closed under Phil: sounds good; we can use help Paul Vincent: similar to what Benjamin said, as scale up, I would expect there are rule management issues, right? Phil: yes, probably; we can use help