Colleen McClintock (ff. are some key points from her presentation) 25 commercial and 18 open source in the Java rule engines space alone features wanted: retract and modify in action part of rules want one uniform way to represent assertions want languages specific to classes of rule/inference engines to specify how engine executes and performs inference %%% Discussion on second session: Benjamin: Representing assertions, and also queries/answers (+ later proofs) which are the conclusions from those assertions, in terms of external-to-engine behavior of what's inferred, is low hanging fruit. Want to standardize the basic behavior, in a way where can treat in terms of data not procedural aspects in depth. Ed B., Colleen, Christian: yes, agree with that. Benjamin: Also, it's desirable to have languages for particular families of rule systems, e.g., production rules, that have additional features/restrictions as compared to overall standard. But the execution layer of engine is really procedural, without well established available theory as there is for declarative knowledge representation, and thus seems fairly difficult to standardize on anytime soon. In light of this, how should we proceed in standardization? Colleen: We're basically pointing out a problem/challenge wrt achieving interoperability. Differences in the engine behavior such as rule priority/sequencing and refraction may affect what actions get performed. Benjamin: Rather than trying to describe these internal variants of the engine behavior, usually simpler is to standardly define the behavior expected, and the engine should then (be developed so as to) support the standard, e.g., with some expressive restrictions on when it does. Ed: Yes, that makes sense. Ed: However, when RuleML starts tackling aspects of action, as it has recently, it's not clear to me that approach will handle enough of the execution level considerations I talked about.