People Present at the Workshop

See: Workshop Site

1Waleed AbdullaWaleed_Abdulla (at) xrules.orgReality and Reflections - Position Paper For W3C Workshop on Rules Languages for Interoperability
2Jean-Francois Abramaticjfabramatic (at) ilog.frILOG's position on Rule Languages for Interoperability
3Phil Archerphil.archer (at) icra.orgRule Languages for Interoperability - ICRA Position Paper for W3C Workshop
4Ed Barkmeyeredbark (at) nist.govNIST "Position Paper" for the W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
5Devasis Bassudbassu (at) telcordia.comBusiness Rules Languages and Model-Interoperability
6Tim Berners-Leetimbl (at) w3.orgExperience with N3 rules
7Yaser Bishryaserb (at) imagem.ccRules For Geospatial Semantic Web Applications
8Yuri Boglaevyboglaev (at) ameritrade.comInterchange of ECA Rules with Xpath expressions
9Harold BoleyHarold.Boley (at) nrc-cnrc.gc.caImplementing RuleML Using Schemas, Translators, and Bidirectional Interpreters RuleML Position Statement
10Jos de Bruijnjos.debruijn (at) deri.orgWSML - a Language Framework for Semantic Web Services The WSML Rule Languages for the Semantic Web
11Murray Burkemburke (at) snap.orgFormer DARPA DAML Program Manager
12Sam Chancesgchance (at) comcast.netSandpiper Software Rule Languages for Interoperability Workshop Position Paper
13Donald ChapinDonald.Chapin (at) btinternet.comBusiness Requirements & Use Cases and Rule Language Framework Architecture
14Harry Chenharry.chen (at) gmail.comRules For Geospatial Semantic Web Applications
15Doug ClarkDClark (at) metier.comPosition Paper for Rules Concerning Project Management Ontologies
16Kendall Clarkkendall (at) monkeyfist.comUMD Mindlab Rules Workshop Position Paper
17Dan Connollyconnolly (at) w3.orgExperience with N3 rules
18Stefan Deckerstefan.decker (at) deri.orgTRIPLE - an RDF Rule Language with Context and Use Cases
19Alan Dekokadekok (at) title)
20Grit DenkerGrit.Denker (at) sri.comUsing Rules to Define the Semantics of Privacy Policies
21Stan Devittstan.devitt (at) agfa.comDesirable Features of Rule Based Systems for Medical Knowledge
22Dieter Fenseldieter.fensel (at) deri.orgWSML - a Language Framework for Semantic Web Services The WSML Rule Languages for the Semantic Web
23Anthony Finkelsteinanthony (at) systemwire.comCLiX - A Validation Rule Language for XML
24Kurt Goddenkurt.godden (at) gm.comPosition Paper on Rule Languages for Interoperability
25Christine GolbreichChristine.Golbreich (at) univ-rennes1.frUse Case: Ontology with Rules for identifying brain anatomical structures
26David Goldsteindavid_goldstein (at) title)
27Mark Greavesmgreaves (at) darpa.milDARPA DAML Program Manager
28Benjamin Grosofbgrosof (at) mit.eduRules in the Semantic Web Services Language (SWSL): An Overview for Standardization Directions
29John Halljohnhallms (at) hotmail.comSemantic Formulations in SBVR Semantics of Business Vocabulary & Business Rules (SBVR)
30Gary Hallmarkgary.hallmark (at) oracle.comA Business Rule Perspective on a Standard Rule Language
31Harry Halpinhhalpin (at) ibiblio.orgRules: Enabling Data Integration using the Semantic Web
32Terry Halpinterry.halpin (at) northface.eduFORML Position paper for W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
33Sandro Hawkesandro (at) w3.orgWorkshop Co-Chair
34Pat Hayesphayes (at) ihmc.usSimple Common Logic
35Pascal Hitzlerhitzler (at) aifb.uni-karlsruhe.deBridging the Paradigm Gap with Rules for OWL
36Ian Horrocksian.horrocks (at) networkinference.comOWL Rules, OK?
37David H Jonesdavid.h.jones (at) boeing.comRole of Rules and Rule Interchange in Semantic Integration & Interoperability
38Elisa F. Kendallekendall (at) sandsoft.comSandpiper Software Rule Languages for Interoperability Workshop Position Paper
39Michael Kiferkifer (at) Requirements for an Expressive Rule Language on the Semantic Web
40Srinivas Krovvidysrinivas_krovvidy (at) fanniemae.comInteroperability and Rule Languages
41Henry Kurzhenry.kurz (at) integrity.vcRule requirements for product ontologies
42Holger Lausenholger.lausen (at) deri.orgWSML - a Language Framework for Semantic Web Services The WSML Rule Languages for the Semantic Web
43Mark H Linehanmlinehan (at) Rule Standards -- Interoperability and Portability
44Massimo Marchiorimassimo (at) w3.orgTen Theses on Logic Languages for the Semantic Web
45Christian de Sainte Mariecsma (at) ilog.frWorkshop Co-Chair
46Ryusuke Masuokaryusuke.masuoka (at) Paper for W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
47Christopher J. Matheuschris (at) matheus.comPosition Paper: Using Ontology-based Rules for Situation Awareness and Information Fusion
48Colleen McClintockcmcclintock (at) ilog.comILOG's position on Rule Languages for Interoperability
49Deborah L. McGuinnessdlm (at) ksl.stanford.eduSemantic Web Rule Languages and Explanation
50Henry Meeterhenry.meeter (at) t-online.deRule requirements for product ontologies
51Eric Millerem (at) w3.orgW3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
52Terry Moriartyterry (at) title)
53Martin Nallynally (at) Rule Standards -- Interoperability and Portability
54Gary NgGary.Ng (at) networkinference.comOWL Rules, OK?
55Deborah Nicholsdlnichols (at) mitre.orgToward a Standard Rule Language for Semantic Integration of the DoD Enterprise
56Brand Niemannniemann.brand (at) epa.govCIOC SICoP
57Jeff Panpan (at) for a Semantic Web Rule Language
58Bijan Parsiabparsia (at) isr.umd.eduUMD Mindlab Rules Workshop Position Paper
59Peter F. Patel-Schneiderpfps (at) research.bell-labs.comRequirements and Non-Requirements for a Semantic Web Rule Language
60Jon Pellantjonrobert.pellant (at) pega.comOMG Production Rule Representation - Context and Current Status
61Ravi Ramanravi.raman (at) nist.govNIST "Position Paper" for the W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
62Daniel R. Rehakrehak (at) cmu.eduRule Use and Interoperability in Federated Learning Content Repositories
63Dave Reynoldsdave.reynolds (at) hp.comRule languages for interoperability: HP Position paper
64Jeffrey Ritterjritter (at) klng.comThe Use of Rule Languages for Policy and Legal Compliance
65Thomas Roesslertlr (at) w3.orgPosition paper: Rule Language Requirement for Privacy-Enabled Identity Management
66Jos De Roojos.deroo (at) agfa.comDesirable Features of Rule Based Systems for Medical Knowledge
67Andrew Schainandrew.schain (at) nasa.govUMD Mindlab Rules Workshop Position Paper
68Dave Scottdms (at) title)
69Daniel Selmandselman (at) ilog.frThe Java Community and Rule Engine Standards
70Michael Sinteksintek (at) dfki.uni-kl.deRDF/RuleML Interoperability
71Susie Stephenssusie.stephens (at) oracle.comThe use of Business Rules with Workflow Systems
72Suzette Stoutenburgsuzette (at) mitre.orgToward a Standard Rule Language for Semantic Integration of the DoD Enterprise
73Ravi Sundaarrsundaar (at) aretus.bizPosition Paper on Rule Languages for Interoperability
74Said Tabetstabet (at) ruleml.orgWorkshop Co-Chair
75Kjell TangenKjell.Tangen (at) dnv.comLarge-scale Use and Exchange of Classification Rules in the Maritime Industry
76Bryan B. ThompsonBryan.B.Thompson (at) saic.comSAIC Advanced System Concepts
77Vassilis Tzouvarastzouvaras (at) image.ntua.grA Fuzzy Extension of SWRL
78Mike Uscholdmichael.f.uschold (at) boeing.comRole of Rules and Rule Interchange in Semantic Integration & Interoperability
79Paul D VincentPaulVincent (at) fairisaac.comFair Isaac Blaze Advisor Structured Rules Language - a commercial rules representation
80Adrian Walkeradrianw (at) snet.netUnderstandability and Semantic Interoperability of Diverse Rules Systems
81Evan Wallaceewallace (at) nist.govNIST "Position Paper" for the W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability
82Daniel J. Weitznerdjw (at) w3.orgW3C Technology and Society Domain Lead