Yet more candidates
for Requirements and Design Objects

This document describes yet more candidates for Requirements and Design Objects for
RDF Data Access Use Cases and Requirements
This document is created by Yoshio Fukushige (

The followings are the proposed additional candidates for the requirements (marked with "(R)")and design objectives (marked with "(O")). Striked are the ones rejected by the author in reconsideration.

Getting just the number of the answers (R)

It must be possible for user to get just the number of the query answers.

Implicitly presupposed in 3.10 Result Limits, 3.11 Iterative Query and 3.12 Streaming Results?

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Sorting of the answers (R)

It should be possible to specify a means to sort the answers for the query.

Implicitly presupposed in 3.10 Result Limits, 3.11 Iterative Query and 3.12 Streaming Results?

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Answer in N-bytes (R)

The server should return its answer in less than a prespecified number of bytes. The server should tell the client whether the answer it gives is the whole answer or it is snipped.

A variant of the requirement 3.10 Result Limits

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Searching Reified triples (O)

It should be possible to specify whether reified triples should be regarded as an assertion (with additional information)

[NOTE] There could be KB systems where reification may be used when additional information should be attached to an assertion.

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Conditioning on meta-data (O)

It should be possible to specify which triples should or should not be used in searching. The specification may refer to the date of the creation of the data, the creator of the data, or other meta-data attatched to the data.

e.g. "Use data (triples) created within 1 year only." or "Don't use data created before 1 year back from now"

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Already included in 4.5 Aggregate Query

we do lots of queries with premises in our daily life.

e.g. Are Mary and Bob friends of a friend if Jane is a friend of Mike?
e.g. What is the lowest price for the product A if shop B does discounts by 20 points from their normal price?

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Conditional solution

It must be possible for query results to be returned in conditional form.

It is just the matter of the interpretation of the results.

e.g. To the question "How long does it take from Fujisawa to Shinjuku?," the system may answer:
"If you take Odakyu line, it'll be 52 minutes, and if you take JR line, it'll be 68 minutes..."

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Limit in Time

The server should not spend over a prescribed amount of time attempting the query or inference.

Little use or protocol issue


"Give me all the answer found in N seconds"

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Created by Yoshio Fukushige