Test http://www.w3.org/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/level2/html/HTMLObjectElement10

<test name='HTMLObjectElement10' schemaLocation='http://www.w3.org/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/Level-1 dom1.xsd'>
          <description> The height attribute overrides the value of the actual height of the object. Retrieve the height attribute of the first OBJECT element and examine its value. </description>
          <contributor>Mary Brady</contributor>
          <date qualifier='created'>2002-02-22</date>
          <subject resource='http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/level-one-html#ID-88925838'/>
     <var name='nodeList' type='NodeList'/>
     <var name='testNode' type='Node'/>
     <var name='vheight' type='DOMString'/>
     <var name='doc' type='Document'/>
     <load var='doc' href='object' willBeModified='false'/>
     <getElementsByTagName interface='Document' obj='doc' var='nodeList' tagname='"object"'/>
     <assertSize collection='nodeList' size='2' id='Asize'/>
     <item interface='NodeList' obj='nodeList' var='testNode' index='0'/>
     <height interface='HTMLObjectElement' obj='testNode' var='vheight'/>
     <assertEquals actual='vheight' expected='"60"' id='heightLink' ignoreCase='false'/>

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