Test http://www.w3.org/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/level2/core/documentimportnode11

<test name='documentimportnode11' schemaLocation='http://www.w3.org/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/Level-2 dom2.xsd'>
          <description> The importNode method imports a node from another document to this document. The returned node has no parent; (parentNode is null). The source node is not altered or removed from the original document but a new copy of the source node is created. Using the method importNode with deep=false, import this Document's documentElement node. Verify if the node has been imported correctly by its nodeName atttribute and if the original document is not altered by checking if hasChildNodes returns false. </description>
          <contributor>Neil Delima</contributor>
          <date qualifier='created'>2002-04-30</date>
          <subject resource='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core'/>
          <subject resource='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/core#Core-Document-importNode'/>
     <implementationAttribute name='namespaceAware' value='true'/>
     <var name='doc' type='Document'/>
     <var name='docElement' type='Element'/>
     <var name='imported' type='Node'/>
     <var name='success' type='boolean'/>
     <var name='nodeNameOrig' type='DOMString'/>
     <var name='nodeNameImported' type='DOMString'/>
     <load var='doc' href='staffNS' willBeModified='true'/>
     <documentElement var='docElement' obj='doc'/>
     <importNode var='imported' obj='doc' importedNode='docElement' deep='false'/>
     <hasChildNodes var='success' obj='imported'/>
     <assertFalse actual='success' id='documentimportnode11'/>
     <nodeName var='nodeNameImported' obj='imported'/>
     <nodeName var='nodeNameOrig' obj='docElement'/>
     <assertEquals actual='nodeNameOrig' expected='nodeNameImported' id='documentimportnode11_NodeName' ignoreCase='false'/>

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