15:29:03 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 15:29:21 DanC has changed the topic to: RDF DAWG 25 Mar http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ 15:29:30 alberto has joined #dawg 15:29:43 + +1.760.476.aaaa 15:29:57 agenda + convene, take role, review record, agenda, and misc actions http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JanMar/0177.html 15:30:06 +??P15 15:30:10 agenda + Amsterdam meeting arrangements 15:30:17 alberto has joined #dawg 15:30:24 DanC has changed the topic to: RDF DAWG 25 Mar http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ chair: DanC; scribe: ?VOLUNTEER_PLS 15:30:26 -??P15 15:30:34 +KendalC 15:30:35 + +1.317.151.aabb 15:30:41 agenda + Use cases and Requirements 15:30:50 argh, zakim always gets my name wrong 15:30:52 +EricP 15:31:01 Zakim, KendalC is KendallC 15:31:01 +KendallC; got it 15:31:04 thx 15:31:10 +[ASemantics] 15:31:12 dirkx has joined #dawg 15:31:25 Zakim, [ASemantics] holds DirkG 15:31:25 +DirkG; got it 15:31:41 +DanC 15:31:50 alberto has joined #dawg 15:32:35 DanC has changed the topic to: RDF DAWG 25 Mar http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ chair: DanC; scribe: KendallC 15:32:45 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:32:45 On the phone I see Tayeb, ??P13, +1.760.476.aaaa, KendallC, +1.317.151.aabb, EricP, [ASemantics], DanC 15:32:47 [ASemantics] has DirkG 15:32:49 +DanielK 15:32:54 DaveB has joined #dawg 15:33:15 +??P20 15:33:31 +Patrick 15:33:36 Zakim, ??P20 is DaveB 15:33:37 +DaveB; got it 15:33:45 zakim, ??P13 is AndyS 15:33:48 alberto has joined #dawg 15:33:49 +AndyS; got it 15:33:55 Zakim, aaaa is RobS 15:33:55 +RobS; got it 15:34:27 +Pat_Hayes 15:34:35 alberto has joined #dawg 15:34:41 Zakim, who's on the phone? 15:34:41 On the phone I see Tayeb, AndyS, RobS, KendallC, +1.317.151.aabb, EricP, [ASemantics], DanC, DanielK, DaveB, Patrick, Pat_Hayes 15:34:43 [ASemantics] has DirkG 15:35:36 +39 is Alberto Reggiori - on the phone too 15:36:34 list attendees 15:36:40 zakim, list attendees 15:36:40 As of this point the attendees have been Tayeb, +1.760.476.aaaa, +1.317.151.aabb, EricP, KendallC, DirkG, DanC, DanielK, Patrick, DaveB, AndyS, RobS, Pat_Hayes 15:37:09 +JosD 15:37:32 Zakim, take up item 1 15:37:32 agendum 1. "convene, take role, review record, agenda, and misc actions http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JanMar/0177.html" taken up [from DanC] 15:38:40 Zakim, next item 15:38:40 agendum 2. "Amsterdam meeting arrangements" taken up [from DanC] 15:38:59 http://dawg.asemantics.com/ 15:39:28 Details http://dawg.asemantics.com/ - will be adding more details as we get closer. 15:39:31 1st f2f meeting in AMS (Leiden actually) - 22-23 April 15:39:33 ACTION ericP: set up meeting registration 15:41:18 Zakim, next item 15:41:18 agendum 3. "Use cases and Requirements" taken up [from DanC] 15:41:48 Dirk will follow hotel sitation (please email me if you find them full) and will try to keep up adding additional ones (the current ones where verified on thursday/friday as still having rooms ). 15:41:58 attendees: alberto asemantics, andyS, jean-francois inria, dank, kc, 15:41:58 robs, patricks, dajobe, ericp, dancon, jos de roo, pat hayes 15:41:58 1 april next meeting 15:41:58 dajobe scribe volunteer 15:41:58 minutes approved (no opposed, no abstens) 15:42:11 danc reserved bridge 15:42:11 amsterdam meeting arrangements, dirk gives us dawg.asemantics.com 15:42:11 ericp take over registration for f2f 15:42:11 discuss telcon participation @ f2f 15:42:11 danc working on f2f agenda 15:42:43 discuss use cases and requirements 15:43:55 attendee: dirk asemantics 15:44:48 m 15:47:16 m 15:47:19 argh, sorry 15:47:55 also attendee, josD - came in during roll call 15:48:04 oh you caught that, sorry 15:48:08 thx 15:48:26 KendallC, no need to paste everything from emacs into this log. but if you could start taking notes here now, that might help. 15:49:50 danc points out that our examples *are* the use cases (maybe clearer to call them user *stories* then?) 15:50:02 "story" is fine by me. 15:52:12 two possible applications/use-cases for "tell me about X": data/metadata browser, metadata crawler 15:52:56 dirkx: split this use case (tell me about foo) into some specific domains. It's very genric. 15:52:59 er, generic. 15:53:18 the google harvesting case, follow the hierarchy case, tell me more case... 15:54:01 use case: AndyS's "Find the email address of John Smith" 15:54:39 robs: we should address precisely what the user wants to do with the results of this query. 15:54:55 Making the use case more specific: "Browse" as in 'discover'; "Browse" as in selectively/interactively follow certain references; "Browse" as in 'discover' more information/refinements; "Browse" as in retrieve some alternative presentation to do something 'different' with. 15:55:12 dirkx: thx 15:55:37 andys: the use case *should* say, if it doesn't, that the query returns an email address, not some RDF. 15:55:43 (that's bryanT speaking?) 15:55:46 I think andy meant that the Use case does -not- say that you get back RDF - rather some result. Such as an email. That is application specific. i read it that way. 15:55:48 oh, sorry 15:55:53 Sorry Andy - you just said that I think. 15:56:30 andys: 2 revisions coming 15:57:11 danc: does anyone think our tech won't solve this problem? No. 15:57:34 DanC: it would not solve the whole problem - just be a key element/step in that process. 15:57:35 that's white pages, not yellow... 15:57:52 No. :> 15:58:42 some hints of consensus forming around idea of solving this use case 15:59:05 JosD has joined #dawg 15:59:59 use case: EricP's use case/action item 16:01:24 Not sure if 'real-life' sizing our use cases are that useful. In actual reality 80% of any given 'solution' for such a case will have nothing to do with RDF and even less is DAWG scope concerned. So you are building use cases which are out of scope to whcih you may add a postfix listing just that part which is DAWG specific. 16:01:37 EP-1 doesn't seem to do anything with ?context in the collect 16:01:49 I think scope comes second. Use cases come first. 16:02:26 PatrickS tells a story of a vendor with complex parts... wants to put a catalog online... 16:03:26 All these "tell me abouts" suddenly seem very interactive and less automated... 16:03:48 most of our stories seem very human facing, which keeps surprising me 16:04:00 rob: that is the result of a premisse; that it must be a story understandable to Aunt Mary. 16:04:16 I feel that the open-ended "tell me about" is intrisically harder to deal with automatically. 16:05:50 action item: patricks to write up his car-parts story 16:06:46 (err, i assume that was a real action item, patrick. if not, lemme know.) 16:07:19 use case: danc's geo story 16:07:37 some liking of alberto's (?) proposed solution 16:07:39 "Re: Use case: tiger map/census data: have it your way" http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JanMar/0059.html and thread 16:07:46 thx 16:08:26 alberto: it can be seen as a case for a kind of extensibility requirement in the QL 16:08:45 danc: didn't mean it as a story to motivate extensibility 16:09:04 danc: rather, that some basic maths should be in the QL 16:10:58 exslt is a good example of that i.e. extend XSLT easly with namespace 16:12:08 http://www.exslt.org/ library like for GIS "operators" for example - or something along those lines 16:12:57 youch! 16:14:49 Zakim, mute me 16:14:49 KendallC should now be muted 16:16:46 One of our technologies here at NI involves viewing relational databases as RDF data. 16:18:14 there's some appeal for danc's geo story 16:18:32 dajobe: speaks in support of EP1 (is that right?) 16:19:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JanMar/0083 16:20:46 EP-4 aka FatAnnotationQuery: 16:21:20 Andys - isn't that about Annotea and Amaya ? 16:21:20 AndyS, cool use case! 16:22:02 Annotea curently shows what annotaitons there are on the "current" document 16:22:20 ericP: ok one step further - cool 16:22:26 - +1.317.151.aabb 16:22:28 AndyS's sounds like it shows usefule stuff when hovering 16:23:26 AndyS UC sounds like "inline metadata" case - attach some external metadata to a link/image - interesting 16:23:52 alberto - I guess so! trying to be a UC, not tech :-) 16:24:03 I can stick around. 16:24:07 AndyS - +1 ! :-) 16:24:21 Zakim, unmute me 16:24:21 KendallC should no longer be muted 16:25:20 Zakim, who'se here? 16:25:20 I don't understand your question, DanC. 16:25:24 Zakim, who's here? 16:25:24 On the phone I see Tayeb, AndyS, RobS, KendallC, EricP, [ASemantics], DanC, DanielK, DaveB, Patrick, Pat_Hayes, JosD 16:25:26 [ASemantics] has DirkG 16:25:27 On IRC I see JosD, alberto, DaveB, dirkx, RRSAgent, Zakim, DanC, KendallC, AndyS, eikeon, rob, ericP 16:25:48 patH has joined #dawg 16:25:52 danc straw polls: do you prefer more free-form discussion or a discussion based on an outline or document. 16:26:36 (ouch, i may have identified some jos contributions as alberto. mea culpa!) 16:28:28 post a protocol use case AndyS :) 16:29:00 it led to rob s suggesting we remove protocol from the charter. -wink- 16:29:12 I haven't seen one that does not assume a common protocol if not local access 16:29:20 (well, sorta suggesting it anyway...) 16:29:27 new uses cases will fit into the overview document - UC discussion should not stop at the moment - there is still a lot to discuss 16:29:31 rob: :> 16:29:58 mine didn't assume local access, but i'm not sure i know what you mean 16:30:44 That introduction is already loading against self-contained RDF repositories... 16:31:35 names please, speaker 16:31:44 that's rob shearer 16:32:55 Good point: we're querying RDF models; who parses is beyond our scope. 16:33:37 danc's straw outline: a generic intro to the problem space (?); a list of use cases: email address, parts catalog, rss feeds; distilled technical requirements; relations to "related techs" 16:34:54 -[ASemantics] 16:35:13 i'm amused by the idea of it being a draft position 16:35:19 danc: if yr interested in being an editor, write up a page-long outline of a first document and send to danc. 16:35:30 +??P15 16:35:41 dajobe: asks for more use cases 16:36:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004JanMar/0094.html 16:36:24 kendallc: i asked for more protocol-oriented use cases 16:36:38 Specific use cases are easier to shoot down! 16:36:48 heh 16:37:01 rob: you *are* a trouble maker ;> 16:37:22 I'm expecting uses cases to be discarded; it's good when we find them out of scope, not for this round of stuff. 16:37:23 andys: would like to increase our general pool of UCs before *too much* sorting of them (err. I think?) 16:38:03 the proposed document may do some of the work of sifting UCs 16:38:45 I worry that we might "ignore" boring but relevent use cases. 16:38:50 rob: yes 16:39:00 editors shall have to guard against that 16:39:09 (well IMO) 16:39:46 alberto: would like the document to have a kind of use case "taxonomy" so that new UCs can be slotted into the right places. 16:40:10 err, "taxonomy" too heavyweight. alberto wants a list of UC types, it seems. 16:40:33 a lightweight categorization of UCs 16:41:13 sorry, "taxonomy" my mishearing of alberto. 16:41:31 I think we'll need 20-30 use cases in order to boil commonalities down to 5-7; let's not get complacent and focus too much on any one. 16:42:15 Is this a good example of a UC section? http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-requirements/#N1011F 16:42:21 yes, starting with 20 to 30 and boiling to 5 to 20 is what I have in mind 16:42:40 depends on what "boiling down" means 16:42:45 It would be nice to get an idea of the full space, and then formally map the group to the 5-7 which represent them. 16:42:51 (talking over each other on phone) 16:42:54 (so that we know we haven't ignored the others) 16:43:27 requirements sound better - taxonomy is odd - I did not meant that - just some "organisation" of UCs 16:43:29 andys: any inputs to the f2f 16:44:03 danc: put f2f inputs on next week's agenda, danc will send mail 16:44:06 ACTION DanC: send mail to start discussion of ftf agenda 16:44:24 -KendallC 16:44:25 waves 16:44:25 -DanC 16:44:26 -Patrick 16:44:27 -RobS 16:44:28 -DaveB 16:44:29 -JosD 16:44:29 -Pat_Hayes 16:44:30 -Tayeb 16:44:31 -DanielK 16:44:33 -??P15 16:44:35 -AndyS 16:44:37 SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended 16:44:39 Attendees were Tayeb, +1.760.476.aaaa, +1.317.151.aabb, EricP, KendallC, DirkG, DanC, DanielK, Patrick, DaveB, AndyS, RobS, Pat_Hayes, JosD 16:44:42 ok, kendall, so you'll send proposed minutes in email? 16:44:48 RRSAgent, make logs world-readable 16:44:52 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 16:45:09 danc: i shall do if you'll tell me where to find them on the web :> 16:45:15 RRSAgent, pointer? 16:45:15 See http://www.w3.org/2004/03/25-dawg-irc#T16-45-15 16:45:20 thx 16:46:42 alberto has left #dawg 16:47:13 AndyS has left #dawg 19:04:33 Zakim has left #dawg 19:06:07 RRSAgent, bye 19:06:07 I see 3 open action items: 19:06:07 ACTION: ericP to set up meeting registration [1] 19:06:07 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/25-dawg-irc#T15-39-33 19:06:08 ACTION: item to patricks to write up his car-parts story [2] 19:06:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/25-dawg-irc#T16-05-50 19:06:08 ACTION: DanC to send mail to start discussion of ftf agenda [3] 19:06:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/03/25-dawg-irc#T16-44-06