IRC log of wai-wcag on 2004-03-11

Timestamps are in UTC.

21:05:16 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag
21:05:31 [bengt]
that hurt, big ping with message :)
21:05:37 [Zakim]
21:05:53 [wendy]
ben - are you P7?
21:05:57 [rellero]
zakim, ??P7 is rellero
21:05:57 [Zakim]
+rellero; got it
21:06:13 [rellero]
zakim, mute me
21:06:13 [Zakim]
rellero should now be muted
21:06:37 [Zakim]
21:10:50 [wendy]
action: wac add doyle, andi to wcag wg database for registration
21:12:06 [wendy]
zakim, who's on the phone?
21:12:06 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [Microsoft], Dave_MacDonald, John_Slatin, Doyle, Bengt_Farre (muted), Andi_Snow_Weaver, rellero (muted), Paul_Bohman
21:12:09 [Zakim]
John_Slatin has Wendy
21:13:03 [Zakim]
21:13:23 [wendy]
zakim, ??P13 is Gregg_and_Ben
21:13:23 [Zakim]
+Gregg_and_Ben; got it
21:15:13 [wendy]
21:15:24 [wendy]
collect ideas agenda items for f2f, then prioritize
21:15:33 [wendy]
21:15:48 [wendy]
normativeness of checklists
21:16:09 [wendy]
how to use the document
21:16:16 [wendy]
(goes along w/conformance)
21:16:25 [wendy]
scoping (subset of conformance)
21:16:55 [wendy]
examples - aligning them with success criteria, techniques
21:17:22 [wendy]
21:19:28 [wendy]
end-to-end process for at least one guideline (or success criteria)
21:19:37 [wendy]
transition from 1.0 to 2.0
21:19:48 [wendy]
(map all pieces need to support it)
21:20:17 [wendy]
requirements documents
21:21:24 [wendy]
plan (timelines, milestones)
21:22:11 [wendy]
how to chunk things and assign action items
21:22:54 [wendy]
21:24:28 [wendy]
3.1 - specific to english language? does it belong there or elsewhere (gateway? appendix?)
21:25:41 [wendy]
discussion of JIS guidelines, updates, continue discussion from November
21:26:36 [doyle]
Wendy, what does JIS stand for? Sorry!
21:27:04 [wendy]
JISC-Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
21:27:12 [doyle]
21:27:14 [wendy]
21:28:07 [wendy]
ian's comments - report on (relation to xag)
21:28:57 [wendy]
(to be posted to list this week)
21:29:16 [wendy]
WCAG 1.0 revision and errata
21:29:20 [RobertoScano]
RobertoScano has joined #wai-wcag
21:29:37 [rellero]
21:29:40 [Roberto_Scano]
21:30:00 [Roberto_Scano]
only IRC this evening
21:30:28 [bcaldwell]
bcaldwell has joined #wai-wcag
21:32:11 [Zakim]
+ +1.202.647.aaaa
21:32:33 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, list conferences
21:32:33 [Zakim]
I see WAI_WCAG()4:00PM, SVG_WG()4:00PM active and no others scheduled
21:32:43 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, this is WAI_WCAG()
21:32:43 [Zakim]
Roberto_Scano, this was already WAI_WCAG()4:00PM
21:32:44 [Zakim]
ok, Roberto_Scano; that matches WAI_WCAG()4:00PM
21:32:54 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, who is on the phone?
21:32:54 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [Microsoft], Dave_MacDonald, John_Slatin, Doyle, Bengt_Farre (muted), Andi_Snow_Weaver, rellero (muted), Paul_Bohman, Gregg_and_Ben,
21:32:57 [Zakim]
... +1.202.647.aaaa
21:32:58 [Zakim]
John_Slatin has Wendy
21:33:02 [wendy]
if we were to do one thing with wcag 1.0: republish pdfs. loretta willing to help.
21:33:18 [wendy]
let's do that - as a minimum.
21:34:42 [Zakim]
21:34:52 [wendy]
action: loretta and wendy republish WCAG 1.0 PDFs (meet at csun? friday?)
21:34:53 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, +??P16 is Roberto_Scano
21:34:53 [Zakim]
sorry, Roberto_Scano, I do not recognize a party named '+??P16'
21:35:05 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, ??P16 is Roberto_Scano
21:35:05 [Zakim]
+Roberto_Scano; got it
21:35:11 [Roberto_Scano]
zakim, I am Roberto_Scano
21:35:11 [Zakim]
ok, Roberto_Scano, I now associate you with Roberto_Scano
21:35:12 [wendy]
zakim, who's on the phone?
21:35:12 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [Microsoft], Dave_MacDonald, John_Slatin, Doyle, Bengt_Farre (muted), Andi_Snow_Weaver, rellero (muted), Paul_Bohman, Gregg_and_Ben,
21:35:15 [Zakim]
... +1.202.647.aaaa, Roberto_Scano
21:35:16 [Zakim]
John_Slatin has Wendy
21:35:29 [wendy]
zakim, +1.202.647.aaaa is Katie_Haritos-Shea
21:35:29 [Zakim]
+Katie_Haritos-Shea; got it
21:35:57 [wendy]
talking with WAI IG about transition WCAG 1.0 to 2.0
21:36:39 [wendy]
21:38:40 [wendy]
transition support materials:
21:38:49 [wendy]
1. mapping
21:38:50 [wendy]
2. faq
21:39:08 [wendy]
3. guidelines for migration (similar to html 4.01 to xhtml 1.0 guidelines in xhtml 1.0)
21:39:20 [wendy]
gather questions for faq from WAI IG discussion.
21:39:53 [wendy]
should have series of "diff docs" - diffs between JIS, 508, etc? report differences.
21:40:24 [wendy]
these could be submitted to the group via WG participants
21:40:26 [Roberto_Scano]
one doc for every "standard"? humm....
21:41:01 [wendy]
others: ibm guidelines. where are we different? how are we different? why?
21:41:15 [wendy]
state guidelines?
21:41:53 [Roberto_Scano]
I think that is best that the point of reference must be WCAG: so for eg. IBM guidelines checkpoint refer to WCAG but not WCAG refer to IBM checkpoint
21:42:19 [rellero]
I agree
21:42:34 [Roberto_Scano]
WCAG are "the guidelines" :)
21:45:05 [Roberto_Scano]
WCAG Policy Matrix?
21:49:49 [wendy]
(prioritizing agenda items for f2f)
21:50:30 [Roberto_Scano]
thank u wendy... now i understand :)
22:04:16 [wendy]
wendy has joined #wai-wcag
22:09:33 [Zakim]
22:09:34 [Zakim]
22:09:34 [Zakim]
22:09:34 [bengt]
bye bye
22:09:34 [rellero]
22:09:35 [Zakim]
22:09:35 [Zakim]
22:09:36 [Zakim]
22:09:36 [Zakim]
22:09:38 [Zakim]
22:09:40 [Zakim]
22:09:42 [Zakim]
22:09:44 [Zakim]
22:09:57 [Zakim]
22:09:58 [Zakim]
WAI_WCAG()4:00PM has ended
22:09:59 [Zakim]
Attendees were Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [Microsoft], Dave_MacDonald, Bengt_Farre, Doyle, Wendy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Gregg_and_Ben?, rellero, Paul_Bohman, Gregg_and_Ben, Roberto_Scano,
22:10:01 [Zakim]
... Katie_Haritos-Shea
22:10:48 [wendy]
zakim, bye
22:10:48 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wai-wcag
22:10:55 [wendy]
RRSAgent, make log world-visible
22:11:02 [wendy]
RRSAgent, bye
22:11:02 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items:
22:11:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: wac add doyle, andi to wcag wg database for registration [1]
22:11:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
22:11:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: loretta and wendy republish WCAG 1.0 PDFs (meet at csun? friday?) [2]
22:11:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
22:11:05 [Roberto_Scano]
good night to all... and happy F2F :)