SW status and direction


Tim Berners-Lee

MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)

World Wide Web Consortium

International Semantic Web Conference 2003

This talk


Well done



When you have a hammer

(power screwdriver and self-tapping screws?)

Just use HTTP + RDF

The Killer App for the Semantic Web

Semantic Web Evangelism

SW misunderstandings

Applications connected by concepts

Its like a metro, the way the lines of common concepts connect the stations of different applications

2003: Enterprise Application Integration

N by N problem without RDF

RDF: Enterprise Integration hub

N by 1 problem with RDF

Global Integration bus

N by 1 problem with RDF

RDF is to enterprise software what IP was to networking - Keith Fox, Brandsoft

We must now deliver

the rest of the kit

- Specifically, remote query, rules.

Query? A basic web service

- with interesting properties, completely defined mathematically & no side-effects

- beneficial to describe in depth

Interlude: Web Architecture(TiM)


Lots of discussion - TAG, public-sw-meaning@w3.org, etc

Please re-use


When to look things up

Simple example

name a city in a state that borders Massachusetts ?

{  ?m  state:code "MA".
   ?s  state:borderstate ?m.
   ?c  city:state  ?s.
   ?c  city:name ?n
} => {
   ?n a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts

Terms on the semantic web.

@prefix state: <http://www.w3.org/.../data/USRegionState.n3#> .
@prefix city: <http://www.w3.org/.../data/USCity.n3#> .
{  ?m  state:code "MA".
   ?s  state:borderstate ?m.
   ?c  city:state  ?s.
   ?c  city:name ?n
} => {
   ?n a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts


<> is log:definitiveDocument of :name, :state.

    :USCity     a rdfs:Class;
         rdfs:comment """
      Information about US cities.
         rdfs:label "USCity";
         rdfs:subClassOf city:City .
    :abilenetx     a :USCity;
         :name "Abilene";
         :state usstate:TX .
    :albanyny     a :USCity;
         :name "Albany";
         :state usstate:NY .

cwm WhatCity.n3 --mode=rse --think

"Albany"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts . 
"Amherst"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts .
"Avon"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts .
"Bridgeport"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts .
"Buffalo"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts . 
"Burlington"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts .
"Concord"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts . 
"Danbury"     a :Name_Of_A_City_In_A_State_Bordering_Massachusetts . 

Useful to be able to look things up

circles and arrorws

Looking things up

Fun things coming up

imagine that there is a lot data...

Indexing data - by ontology

Indexing rules, building translation paths

Whatever happened to delegated database query?

like one big database? or one big web?

Indexing ontologies

Generic sematic web change propagation

The SW browser - RDF -> SVG via (Javascript? Rules? adrenaline?...)

How's the stack doing?

architectural layers

The Semantic Web Wave

The wave is coming...get out your surfboard

Not to mention

Web services stack

Connections WS-SW


W3C Semantic Web Services Interest group now exists

What SWWS can offer WS

Trusted systems and SW


When we have a vast array of data then things may look very different.

Let us make one

Thank you for your attention


Web Services and Semantic Web

WS do program integration

SW does data integration

... across application barriers

... across organizational barriers