15:46:23 RRSAgent has joined #webont 15:46:27 Zakim, this will be WEBO 15:46:28 ok, DanC; I see SW_WebOnt()12:00PM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 15:46:47 DanC has changed the topic to: 2 Oct http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ 15:47:42 agenda + 2 Oct http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Sep/0330.html 15:47:56 DanC has changed the topic to: 2 Oct http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ chair: Guus; scribe: ?? 15:53:15 guus has joined #webont 15:53:43 hi guus 15:55:52 hi, dan, you coming to FL? 15:57:13 SW_WebOnt()12:00PM has now started 15:57:19 +Guus 15:59:11 +[EDS] 16:01:05 ChrisW has joined #webont 16:01:13 yes, coming to FL after all. http://www.w3.org/2003/10dc-rsw/ 16:01:20 +JimH 16:01:21 (linked from my homepage) 16:01:24 +Mike_Dean 16:01:30 +DanC 16:01:49 +ChrisW 16:02:06 +Ian_Horrocks 16:02:08 seanb has joined #webont 16:02:08 -DanC 16:02:10 +Jeff_Heflin 16:02:16 +??P25 16:02:19 IanH has joined #webont 16:02:25 +Evan_Wallace 16:02:32 +DanC 16:02:33 zakim, ??p25 is Jeremy 16:02:33 +Jeremy; got it 16:03:10 +??P31 16:03:42 zakim, ??p31 is HermantH 16:03:42 +HermantH; got it 16:03:57 +??P32 16:04:25 zakim, ??p32 is SeanB 16:04:25 +SeanB; got it 16:04:28 jjc has joined #webont 16:04:38 do we have a scribe? 16:05:30 +Deb_Mcguinness 16:05:31 DanC has changed the topic to: 2 Oct http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ chair: Guus; scribe: JeremyC 16:05:53 zakim, whi is here? 16:05:53 sorry, guus, I do not understand your question 16:05:56 Scribe- jeremy 16:06:09 Zakim, who's talking? 16:06:20 jjcscribe, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Guus (26%), JimH (27%), Jeremy (4%), SeanB (29%), Deb_Mcguinness (4%) 16:07:00 +??P38 16:07:10 agenda? 16:07:20 zakim, ??p38 is Yasser 16:07:20 +Yasser; got it 16:07:56 Minutes of last telecon - seconded connolly 16:08:00 proposed guus 16:08:08 minutes approved 16:08:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Sep/0330.html 16:08:23 agenda 16:08:25 prev 16:08:28 minutes: 16:08:35 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:08:35 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose DanC 16:08:38 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:08:38 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose HermantH 16:08:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Sep/0216.html 16:08:47 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:08:47 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Ian_Horrocks 16:08:59 +??P67 16:09:01 Ian next week scribe 16:09:14 Charles 16:09:16 zakim, ??p67 is Charles 16:09:16 sorry, guus, I do not recognize a party named '??p67' 16:09:32 +Tayeb 16:10:14 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:10:14 On the phone I see Guus, [EDS], JimH, Mike_Dean, DanC, ChrisW, Ian_Horrocks, Jeff_Heflin, Jeremy, Evan_Wallace, HermantH, SeanB, Deb_Mcguinness, Yasser, CharlesW, JeromeE 16:10:25 Next telecon next week - then Oct 30 16:10:31 agendum 2 16:10:37 RDF Core isues 16:11:10 RDF Semantics - Herman, and Ian were reviewing 16:11:25 Ian: mailed a review just before telecon 16:11:38 mainly Jeff dd the review 16:11:45 concrn abouyt datatypes 16:12:05 hence possible to have inconsistency 16:12:52 DanC: this is not new - may 2002 16:13:10 Ian: not clear when things are inconsistent or not 16:13:47 Jim: model theory of datatypes changed between LC and now 16:14:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0032.html 16:14:27 Ian's review above 16:15:16 Herman: interpolation lemma problem PatH has responded 16:15:24 review is unfinished 16:15:39 the rules have changed 16:15:57 RDFS entailment lemma issue with proof .... 16:17:50 Jeremy: will RDF Semantics need to change more? 16:18:03 Herman: I expect more details in maths will change 16:18:41 Herman: so more will need to change ... 16:18:53 Ian: no showstoppers, but urhter clairfication may be needed 16:19:41 DanC: we cannot confirm that it is right ... but we haven't found anything critically wrong 16:19:54 (or have we? are there any test cases?) 16:20:52 ACTION DanC trn Ian's reviews into test cases 16:21:04 Herman's action continued 16:21:35 ACTION guus send mail to brian sumamrizing unfinished semantics review - 16:22:42 Looking for reviewers fro LC2 16:23:57 ACTION Guius review LC2 RDF schema when it comes 16:24:39 ACTION Jim review LC2 RDF Concepts 16:24:46 Everyone else encoruaged to also review 16:24:55 Guus's proposal on I18N 16:25:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0021.html 16:26:31 possible rephrasing of "The arguments against the alternatives proposed by 16:26:32 I18N are compelling (see e.g. [2]). 16:26:50 Seconded connolly with amendment 16:27:06 (amendment to make tat sentence less confusing) 16:27:17 (Scribe has sticky keyboard) 16:27:25 Resolved by consensus 16:27:38 Agendum 3 16:27:39 ACTION Guus revise and send 16:28:41 Proposal to approve tests http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0003.html 16:29:02 Proposal to approve extracredit tests http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0005.html 16:31:41 discussion of I5.26-003 levels:Full [PROPOSED] Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between two class descriptions. 16:35:17 ... discussion of whether PELLET has actually come up with a proof of consistency w.r.t. OWL Full semantics ... 16:35:34 ... general support for making this an extra credit case in any case... 16:35:55 +JosD 16:36:05 PROPOSED: to approve extracredit tests as in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0005.html 16:36:07 so RESOLVED. 16:36:20 JosD has joined #webont 16:36:28 Proposal to approve tests http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0003.html 16:37:59 ... note excluded tests 16:38:14 ... note that it's cool to have the machine help so much with making this proposal 16:38:26 (which test?) 16:39:45 there's some test that's failed... empty universe... 16:40:45 Thing-001 16:41:20 PROPOSED: to approve tests per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0003.html ammended to take out Thing-001 16:41:26 so RESOLVED. 16:41:51 ACTION jjc update test spec. ETA friday next week or after 16:42:22 ACTION IanH follow up on Thing-001 and S&AS 16:43:30 --- 3.2 consistency of examples from the OWL guide 16:44:00 IanH: we know we don't have effective decision procedures here... 16:44:12 ... JimH's proposal to do some query-style entailment tests seems good 16:44:35 JimH: consistency of the ontology seems like extra credit, but please don't remove it 16:45:17 Jeremy: knock-on effects in guide or whatever? 16:45:35 Connolly: yes, I'd expect a note ala "we've used something that makes it infeasible to check consistency" 16:46:07 ... discussion of whether use of oneOf in the guide is merited 16:47:10 JimH: I would oppose anything more than a note about oneOf in the guide [?] 16:48:17 IanH: indeed, oneOf is used once in the text of the Guide, but it's used much more in the ontology. 16:49:55 DanC: our implementation experience shows an issue - let's not curtail discussion 16:50:13 DanC: I'm kinda surprised that you can't check the consistency of the guide ontologies. 16:51:00 McG a new section in guide showing new pattern 16:51:01 DebM: hmm... a new section to show an alternative model that's perhaps less natural but more [what was the word?] 16:51:10 effciient? 16:53:08 q+ 16:53:14 JimH: [missed some of it 16:53:16 ] 16:53:57 JimH: I think we've been clear setting expectations around the ontologies in the guide. seems odd to put in the alternative in there. 16:54:18 [... jjc/IanH on some mechanical transformation ...] 16:54:58 JJC offers to investingate tests based on a mechanical transformation 16:55:29 MikeS: moving these to extra credit seems in order. 16:56:33 ACTION JJC: take tests based on guide and (a) propose to make the existing consistency tests extra credit, (b) derive similar tests by mechanical transformation 16:56:55 ACTION Jos: make addtional query-style tests. 16:57:07 ... ala jimh's msg 16:57:29 ** 4.0 New Document - OWL implementation Hints? 16:58:14 JimH/Guus: options: (a) nothing (b) WG note, (c) appendix to existing WG document 16:58:38 Sean: I'd be happy for it to become a WG note... 16:58:51 ... it's pretty much done from my perspective 16:59:39 DanC: hmm... more work for team contact 16:59:47 JimH offers to recruit sandro to do it 16:59:58 Guus solicits reviewers 17:00:16 Sean: I think Peter has looked at it... 17:00:27 JimH offers to have it reviewed by MINDSWAP 17:00:38 ACTION jimH ask mindswap 17:00:47 ACTION guus ask peter for review 17:00:47 ACTION Guus: ask Peter to review 17:00:57 === 3.3 17:01:02 ACTION jjc: review sean's document 17:01:54 several proposals from peter http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0006.html 17:02:37 ... observation that some parts are easier than others 17:03:04 A) URIs starting in "/" and "." http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0001.html 17:04:01 Sorry, have to leave now..... 17:04:06 Bye! 17:04:10 -SeanB 17:05:08 as the tests are approved, and the confusion has subsided, no question is put. 17:05:54 -- C: Semantic Layering Bug 17:06:08 Ontology-002, Ontology-003 17:06:32 JJC: peter proposes a fix which looks OK to me 17:07:12 JosD: ... this "X is an Ontology" triple [...?...] test2[?] 17:07:35 [JJC explains to JosD; scribe doesn't follow] 17:08:53 [scribe is still not clear on what proposal JJC is endorsing...] 17:09:36 PROPOSED: to update previous decision on optionality of Ontology triple, etc. as per C/ Semantic layering bug in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Oct/0006.html 17:09:50 2nd 17:10:02 so RESOLVED. ACTION jjc, pfps[done?] 17:10:55 JJC: ?003 becomes a [?]. update changelog 17:11:28 JJC: E/ Loops in owl:equivalentClass has been resolved (little r) among the editors. 17:13:01 JJC: proposed to reject cardinality007 17:13:14 ... er never mind... not accepted. 17:13:19 ... note I'm going to obsolete it. 17:13:36 JJC: proposed to obsolete cardinality007 17:13:50 RESOLVED to obsolete cardinality007 17:13:56 ACTION jjc 17:14:17 discussion of "B" is postponed. 17:14:50 sandro actions continued 17:15:04 jjc actions done 17:15:15 guus action is done 17:15:40 danc is done 17:15:50 no, I'm not actually 17:16:07 sorry I got that wrong 17:16:12 danc's action continued 17:16:37 jjc done 17:17:27 ACTION jimh added disjoint on agenda 17:17:40 jjc done 17:18:03 guus action continued 17:18:20 Item 5.0 Outreach 17:18:37 guus action continued - in florida 17:18:44 miked continued -in florida 17:19:26 faq discussion connolly dean mcguiness horrcks hendler 17:19:32 terhorst 17:19:38 maybe a Bof during lunch 17:19:39 me too 17:19:58 guus omg action 17:20:09 there s no formal mechanism 17:22:11 discussion of ibm and sandpipier proposals and links 17:22:25 (under OMG action still) 17:22:41 Mcg welty guus 17:24:51 ACTION debMcG send review e-mail address to list for OMG reviews 17:29:44 ACTION guus draft with ??? requirements msg on OMG proposals 17:29:51 (that action still being discussed) 17:29:59 natural mapping owl to UML or not 17:30:11 Guus, DanC like natural mappings, rather than exhaustuve 17:30:23 McG raises issue of subProperty hierarchy 17:30:37 also semantics preservation issue 17:31:17 wallace in discussion 17:32:23 s/with ???// in ACTION above 17:32:42 no replace above action 17:32:55 ACTION guus draft parts of requirements msg on OMG proposals 17:33:40 Dan raises issues about DAML meeting 17:33:57 input from WebOnt WG to DAML PI meeting 17:34:05 ACTION chairs representating of WebOnt at DAML PI meeting 17:34:28 JimHproposes extension 10 minutes 17:34:43 DanC suggests adjournment and after hors discussion 17:34:48 -HermantH 17:34:49 -Evan_Wallace 17:34:57 -ChrisW 17:35:00 -CharlesW 17:35:01 -JeromeE 17:35:10 -Jeremy 17:35:53 -JosD 17:43:33 -[EDS] 17:45:27 -DanC 17:45:33 -JimH 17:45:36 -Jeff_Heflin 17:45:37 -Mike_Dean 17:45:37 -Ian_Horrocks 17:45:42 -Yasser 17:45:54 -Guus 17:47:30 -Deb_Mcguinness 17:47:31 SW_WebOnt()12:00PM has ended 19:15:27 Zakim has left #webont