Namespace-aware SVG validator

Project acronym: QUESTION-HOW
Project Full Title:Quality Engineering Solutions via Tools, Information and Outreach for the New Highly-enriched Offerings from W3C: Evolving the Web in Europe
Project/Contract No. IST-2000-28767
Workpackage 1, Deliverable D2.2

Project Manager: Daniel Dardailler <>
Author of this document: same

Created: 4 August 2003. Last updated: 4 August 2003.

Table of Content:


Validation has different meanings depending on context. It can mean valid to a DTD, or to a schema. It can mean valid to the prose of some specification.

In the case of SVG, a file needs to be valid:

This project is about a modular and extensible validation framework that checks all those aspects. It can validate not only stand-alone SVG but also SVG embedded in other document types.

The deliverables of the project will be packaged as an online service for users to validate over the web, and a standalone validator for local, offline use.

SVG Validator


A regular markup validator support for SVG is limited since it doesn't check the syntax of complex attributes: path, length, ...) and SVG profiles (basic & tiny) don't have DTDs so markup validator can't be used.

So the new tool does the following:

The tool on the other hand doesn't check the validity of the scripts because the spec doesn't say that scripts must be "valid" in order for the document to be valid.

And for the time being, only validates against SVG 1.0.

How to download

You can download the zip for offline use or use the online version.

How to use

System Requirements

In order to properly work, the SVG validator requires:

Installing the SVG validator

To install the SVG validator, you should:

Using the SVG validator

To use the SVG validator, type the following on the command line:

cd <installDir>
java -jar svgvalidator.jar [svgFiles]+

You can pass options to the command line:
java -jar svgvalidator.jar [-html|-xml|-txt]? <options>* [svgFiles]+


-html Will write the validation report in an html file.
-xml Will write the validation report in a file using an XML syntax.
-txt Will write the validation report in a txt file.

If no output format is specified, the validation report will be printed in the standard output stream.

and possible options include:

-o <file> The validation report will be written in the specified file.
Can only be used if an output format is specified.
The file extension and the output format must match.
-nowarn The validation report will not show the warnings.
-help Will print a synopsis of standard options.

