IRC log of tagmem on 2003-08-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

TBray scribing
... discussion of agenda...
PCotton had made a point of coming to this meeting because provisional agenda said we were going to be discussing extensibility
Letting it slide has a very significant impact on our plan
PC: what is impact on downstream agendas of moving extensibility off this week?
RESOLVED: accept July 28 and Aug 4 minutes
(we decided in Vancouver to cancel 1Sep)
Next two meetings have large numbers of regrets
SW: suggest next meeting 8 September
RESOLVED: next meeting 8 September
ACTION: SW to review work plan from Vancouver F2F to help with schedule
TBL: Possible conflict with other F2F meetings Sep 8
TBL: Might affect IJ too
FYI: 8 Sep was to focus on namespaceDocument-8
(I haven't starting making travel arrangements for Bristol and still have conflicts and don't know how they'll be resolved.)
SW: Should he arrange a single hotel for Bristol?
DC: Consider net access
ACTION: SW to make a suggestion re hotel on email
XML Binary Workshop: anything further
CL: those who are going should go, but not as TAG reps
SW: OK to answer questions on where TAG is at
PC: +1
Proposed new issue, see
DOrchard: raises same issue re extensibility as PC did above
TBL: Deep issue
TBL: Cuts across many SW, RDF, CG, TAG issues
TBL: Risk of philosophical ratholes
TBL: BOF at Budapest conference, need to get this written down
TBL: IMHO need to write down how to interpret
TBL: Easy in RDF
TBL: confusion re 'denote'/'mean' etc
TBL: how are RDF/HTTP/OWL tied together
TBL: when you deref a predicate's URI, you can use the URI to get more info about it
TBL: discussions need to make sure they use URIs the way the rest of the Web does
SW: need TAG input?
If P means that given binary relation is *asserted* then thats ok, but that it *holds* is a different level of social meaning
TBL: Yes, TAG is 50% implicated
DC: history accurate, but missed technical issue
TBray, you wanted to say that I feel poorly qualified to help RDF people & OWL people sort out their disagreements
TB: having trouble understanding the issue
SW: task force?
DC: Possible outcome: text in webarch saying how URIs are shared
DC: If you connect protocols to logic, you have answered the question of meaning
the architecture is that a single meaning is given to each URI (such
as P), that the URI ownership system makes statements by owners
authoritative weight, despite what other documents may say.
TBL: confusion between mean/denote
TBL: we agree that it's good for URIs to produce information
CL: you are claiming that if someone makes an assertion that a URI means X, that can never be changed
TBL: if I'm sesnding an RDF assertion to order a coat, and I have a URI for Pantone #1003, then when I dereference that I should get a colour chart
and who is 'someone' and what exacty is that meaning and where is it written and to what degree of precision
TBL: so to avoid disputes in future, that URI is authoritative
TB: OK, but what's RDF-specific?
TBL: meaning of statement is determined by predicate
TBL: which you can find out more about by dereferencing
TB: so do you want to say that when you identify things in RDF, you should make the URIs yield useful information
what TimB says is true, but is not reallt the issue at hand it seems to me.
Chris, you wanted to point out edge flaws of TimBLs example
DanC_, you wanted to point out what folks might think is in the RDF spec that is, in fact, not there any more.
DC: current RDF spec makes no linkage between use of URIs in RDf and their use in HTTP
some of the statements in section 3 of TimBLs email are, to me, self evidently false
DC: It used to, but people objected
TBray, you wanted to say that I don't understand potential outcomes well enough yes to say "yes" to issue
TB: seems that situation described by Dan is indeed bogus
There are hundreds of different uses of URI in HTTP
straw poll pls
SW: straw poll
yes there is clearly an issue, and we should take it up
yes, I think there's an issue that's worth the TAG's time.
Abstain for now, but would like to ask a couple quewstions
PC: abstain
the chair will please read the IRC responses
TBL: yes
yes because needs more discussion
DO: leaning to "no" because there's probably an issue here, but in past when the issue-raiser hasn't been clear enough, we will say "we don't get it, more info please"
Zakim, aaaa is TimBL
TBL: reprises last para of his email referenced above
oops, actually reprises whole email
that seems like an open-ended list to me
TBray, you wanted to ask politics question
I'm content to accept the issue, but I have real concerns that TimBL is suggesting an attempt to "legislate morality". If I own a URI for my car and I assert my car is Blue, that doesn't make it true. And if eleven other people assert that it's Green, the fact that they're other people doesn't make their assertions false.
interesting point, norm.
TB: suppose we do nothing, toss it back, what happens?
My car is, in fact, green. A pretty ugly green, in fact. :-)
TBL: they might build a consistent logic system with nothing to do with the web
CL: want to take it up although SW people might not like the answer
well said, norm
yes, issue for the TAG
DC: if we do nothing, discussions will go on diffusely, do we want to be at center
yes it is an issue but I request a clearer problem statement or statements
PC: abstain
TBL: Yes
DO: abstain
RESOLVED: issue accepted
issue 42?
RESOLVED: RDF-URI-Meaning-[++Ian]
** please ***
SW: approach SWCG for joint meeting?
ACTION: DC to take this back to SWCG
TBL: not clear that SWCG people are the right people
DC: which time slot?
various: their slot
where "their slot" means "not the TAG slot"
FYI: it appears to be issue 39
PC: need to discuss how this issue affects progress to last call
PC: does this go to top of list?
PC: one reason I abstained is that I'm concerned about adding items to worklist
DanC_, you wanted to set expectations to resolve this in Q1 2004
TB: don't see this one on path to last call
DC: spring 2004
The advantage of meeting on their time is that it doesn't have to step on our time as we progress towards last call
SW: RF's action item on sect3 re-write?
RF: if not done by Aug 18, won't get done for a while
Create an illustration of two resources, one designated by URI without fragment, and one designated by same URI with fragment...
please someone point me to a whiteboard photo, then i can draw it
I felt so good after the planning session in Vancouver; ah well, "life is what happens when you're making other plans"
They'll be in the photosummary I iposted, Chris
ACTION TB: bring meeting photos to Ian's attention
I can edit the ftf record, as can chris
modify action item, point mailing list at photos
i.e. I am technically capable; my question is: May I? ah... yes, stuart answered. thx.
Action item to CL: in re bullleted-list re SVG reference
... discussion of various action items ...
TB/CL action item on "text-based" done
TB "xml-based" not done
NW: WIll get to his actions this week
redraft of Moby Dick section?
leave it pending
DC: .../tag/webarch/tim
"Integrate findings"?
TB will make himself available to IJ to work on this
Rewrite of intro
RF: Need to be able to change sections of the document
RF: not worth working on if it's not open to change
TB: Roy was trying to make a technical point about def'n of Web. That aside, I thought he prior language was a bit clearer
TB: obviously OK to change doc, but we need to have better feeling as for what parts of the doc are cooked
RF: still need to address problem of def'n of web.
RF: currently starts out by defining things as an information system, & follows on to resources from there
RF: but that leaves out SW, need to start from further back and then work forward to the description of the current browser-centric hypertextual web
RF: the web isn't an "information system" , it's the space of resources that are interconneected
in what way is a space of resources not a system?
RF: depending how you define the web constrains hwo you define what resource means
TB: def'n excludes software components?
RF: yes, because components change & are used depending on what you're doing
DO: <missed question>
acl TimBL
(re-starting discussion of what the web is doesn't speak well for our hopes for last call)
RF: My dissertation explicitly limits itself to the information system
TBL: not productive to go back and argue about what web really, really is
TBL: one subset is what you can get at with HTTP GET
TBL: email is part of the information space, but HTTP is very different from SMTP
TBL: could say info space (includes|doesn't include) things like email and HTTP
TBL: so don't need to spend time on Web "for purposes of this document"
TBL: ... fuzzy edges of what the Web is ...
TBL: the only way to get a handle is to write an ontology
TB: happier with a definition that includes the software as part of the web, but acknowledges that you might be able to start with a definition based purely in information
DO: webservices people have wrangled over what a web service is at length, settled on a definition explicitly limited to the doc they're writing, admit their may be things outside that are considered web services but that's not what we're talking about
DanC_, you wanted to say yes, let's focus on the interaction between the terms we've using/defining in our doc... I hadn't appreciated the connection between 'Web' and 'Resource'
... that Roy points out, but I dunno what to do about it off the top of my head
TB: Aug 1st text is getting pretty close in quality to July 16 text, modulo my specific suggestions (in particular see notes on "effect of following web architecture")
DC: neither July nor August version is acceptable to all the TAG as of now