IRC log of rdfcore on 2003-08-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:57:51 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rdfcore
13:57:52 [danbri]
danbri has changed the topic to: rdfcore 2003-08-01
13:57:56 [danbri]
hi kids
13:57:59 [em]
em has changed the topic to: RDF Core Aug 1 teleconference
13:58:05 [danbri]
danbri has changed the topic to: rdfcore 2003-08-01
13:58:05 [em]
zakim, this will be RDF
13:58:05 [Zakim]
ok, em; I see SW_RDFCore()10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes
13:58:29 [Zakim]
SW_RDFCore()10:00AM has now started
13:58:36 [Zakim]
13:58:43 [bwm]
Zakim, ??p13 is bwm
13:58:43 [Zakim]
+bwm; got it
13:59:01 [Zakim]
13:59:40 [Zakim]
14:00:00 [gk]
gk has joined #rdfcore
14:00:15 [Zakim]
14:00:57 [DaveB]
Zakim, ??P15 is ILRT
14:00:57 [Zakim]
+ILRT; got it
14:00:58 [bwm]
Zakim, ??p15 is ilrt
14:00:58 [Zakim]
sorry, bwm, I do not recognize a party named '??p15'
14:01:07 [DaveB]
Zakim, ILRT has jang, DaveB
14:01:07 [Zakim]
+jang, DaveB; got it
14:02:38 [Zakim]
14:03:49 [Zakim]
14:04:15 [Daveb-scr]
meeting starts
14:04:17 [Daveb-scr]
roll call
14:04:22 [bwm]
Zakim, who is on the phone?
14:04:22 [Zakim]
On the phone I see bwm, EMiller, FrankM, ILRT, GrahamKlyne, Danbri
14:04:23 [Zakim]
ILRT has jang, DaveB
14:04:46 [Daveb-scr]
regrets jjc, patrick
14:04:49 [Daveb-scr]
item 3 agenda
14:04:57 [Daveb-scr]
aob update on impl report
14:05:02 [Daveb-scr]
- bwm
14:05:07 [Daveb-scr]
item 4 telcon 8 aug
14:05:21 [Daveb-scr]
jang volunteers if present (may be at risk)(
14:05:56 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: will look to see who is here next week
14:05:58 [Daveb-scr]
no scribe recorded
14:06:01 [em]
em at risk for next weeks telecon
14:06:12 [Daveb-scr]
item 5 minutes
14:06:13 [Daveb-scr]
14:06:16 [Daveb-scr]
item 6 compled actions
14:06:25 [Daveb-scr]
frankm primer 4.5 action ...
14:06:34 [Daveb-scr]
14:06:45 [Daveb-scr]
is actually done
14:07:08 [Daveb-scr]
item 7 misc actions
14:07:23 [Daveb-scr]
20030425#10 old item
14:07:40 [Daveb-scr]
14:07:46 [Daveb-scr]
20030711#4 danc
14:07:53 [Daveb-scr]
danc not present, continued
14:08:04 [Daveb-scr]
item 8 Bel in plain literals
14:08:23 [Daveb-scr]
some unicode characters are allowed inplain, not in xsd::strings
14:08:38 [Daveb-scr]
also not legal in XML
14:08:50 [Daveb-scr]
ongoing work by PatH to construct words
14:09:23 [Daveb-scr]
gk: already have unserialized graphs that can't be written in XML
14:11:02 [Daveb-scr]
desription of PatH's new wording (ptr anyone)
14:11:05 [Daveb-scr]
item 9 i18n update
14:11:13 [Daveb-scr]
bwm went to telcon
14:11:20 [Daveb-scr]
i18n telcon tuesday
14:11:50 [Zakim]
14:12:04 [Daveb-scr]
find out what they care about
14:12:22 [em]
q+ to ask about bwm's insight on what i18n cares about
14:13:21 [gk]
q+ to asj if they *can* raise a formal objection afdter end of LC
14:13:26 [Daveb-scr]
ack gk
14:13:26 [Zakim]
gk, you wanted to asj if they *can* raise a formal objection afdter end of LC
14:13:49 [em]
14:14:00 [bwm]
14:14:05 [bwm]
ack em
14:14:05 [Zakim]
em, you wanted to ask about bwm's insight on what i18n cares about
14:14:31 [Daveb-scr]
earlier, em: yes they can, post LC there was a change
14:14:49 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: trying to get a better understanding
14:15:34 [Daveb-scr]
issue 1 - markup integrity
14:15:58 [Daveb-scr]
concern is that if you pick up some markup out of an xml document and you have to modify it to record a language tag such as html with lang in scope...
14:16:12 [Daveb-scr]
if you have to <span> that, you've modified it and you may not be able to recover the markup you started with
14:16:36 [Daveb-scr]
length discussion
14:17:34 [Daveb-scr]
need a more precise use case
14:17:40 [Daveb-scr]
since there doesn't seem to be a standard way to do this
14:17:49 [Daveb-scr]
issue 2 - mixed text, quite similar
14:18:16 [Daveb-scr]
example is, say you build a web scraper of and make an rdf databse of the words, some of which have lang tags
14:18:25 [Daveb-scr]
scenario, the concern is mixed text
14:18:57 [Daveb-scr]
issue 3 - comparing plain literals with xml literals
14:19:23 [Daveb-scr]
such as "plain"-en and an xml literal with same text "plain"
14:19:33 [Daveb-scr]
and martin wants them to be the same (?)
14:21:23 [gk]
q+ to ask if the I18N issues all revolve around lang tags, or is there more?
14:21:34 [Daveb-scr]
em: about seeing this as xml
14:29:45 [em]
14:30:15 [Daveb-scr]
impact on schedule
14:31:29 [gk]
14:32:00 [gk]
q+ to say the change of direction at this stage would incur a bit timescale hit
14:34:18 [Zakim]
14:34:32 [Daveb-scr]
Zakim, ??P0 is JosD
14:34:32 [Zakim]
+JosD; got it
14:34:45 [Daveb-scr]
discussion of LC issue with objections
14:35:35 [em]
ack em
14:35:39 [gk]
14:36:40 [Daveb-scr]
still some changes to value space of xml literal, may be in works
14:36:57 [JosD]
JosD has joined #rdfcore
14:36:58 [Daveb-scr]
item 10 primer
14:38:09 [Daveb-scr]
updates monday
14:39:05 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: I owe you a review, will only be critical things
14:39:16 [Daveb-scr]
em: will look tomorrow morning (sat) quick scan
14:39:20 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: plan for an update monday
14:39:29 [Daveb-scr]
item 11 concepts
14:39:37 [Daveb-scr]
gk: had some editorial suggestions
14:40:21 [Daveb-scr]
xml literal still need changes
14:40:29 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: pfps 22, 23?
14:41:07 [Daveb-scr]
(w00t, rdf syntax doc first edited 2001-07-20, happy birthday)
14:41:49 [Daveb-scr]
ACTION bwm will take a pass through concepts and send jeremy a todo list ASAP
14:41:58 [Daveb-scr]
... aide to jjc in order to catchup
14:42:03 [Daveb-scr]
gk: relatievly little todo
14:42:11 [Daveb-scr]
item 12 syntax
14:42:16 [danbri]
Also 2 years today since 1st f2f meeting:
14:42:32 [gk]
q+ to mention macintiosh file type (syntax/mime docs)
14:43:00 [Daveb-scr]
dveb: to add svg, xml literal change - will propose
14:43:28 [gk]
14:43:35 [Daveb-scr]
gk: want mime types to be consistent
14:43:42 [bwm]
14:43:51 [Daveb-scr]
ACTION daveb: sync with aaron with mime type and make sure the docs are consitent - use same mac type
14:44:32 [Daveb-scr]
daveb: will send wording for syntax xml literal words
14:45:39 [Daveb-scr]
item 13 schema
14:45:41 [danbri]
RDFS status update, details in
14:46:19 [Daveb-scr]
(on item 12l, daveb notes svg stuff reviwed by chrisL, happy. xml literal to mailing list today)
14:47:12 [danbri]
pfps-11 propsoal from peter:
14:47:52 [Daveb-scr]
on pfps-11 response, still might ened more changes, want review
14:48:05 [Daveb-scr]
working on todo list
14:48:24 [Daveb-scr]
new issue roland schwartzl, error in comments of rdfs:comment of rdfs:member
14:48:31 [Daveb-scr]
needs a rewording
14:48:55 [Daveb-scr]
anyone got an alternative wording for this, please tell danbri
14:49:05 [Daveb-scr]
on admin managing of namespaces
14:49:12 [Daveb-scr]
updating rdf schemas at namespace URIs
14:49:33 [Daveb-scr]
we currently have some things in the rdf schema is a single overview of all the vocabs
14:49:43 [Daveb-scr]
need to put things at the 2 namespace uris
14:50:06 [Daveb-scr]
looks like we can do this, after confirming with emiller
14:50:15 [Daveb-scr]
danbri asks for help with this splitting up work
14:51:54 [danbri] is the only RDFS description of our classes and properties. Currently it does both sets of classes/properties at once.
14:52:31 [Daveb-scr]
em: q - how do the namespace docs and TR space intersect?
14:52:45 [Daveb-scr]
ideally, would be in sync
14:52:54 [Daveb-scr]
and mimetypes are what we say
14:53:13 [Daveb-scr]
stylesheets for human views of it, still with machine content
14:53:13 [bwm]
14:53:22 [Daveb-scr]
no zakim, it died
14:53:37 [danbri]
14:53:40 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rdfcore
14:53:57 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: step 1 is to have the 2 documents ready
14:54:12 [em]
zakim, who is here?
14:54:12 [Zakim]
sorry, em, I don't know what conference this is
14:54:13 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Zakim, JosD, gk, RRSAgent, danbri, Daveb-scr, bwm, em, logger
14:54:15 [Daveb-scr]
danbri: it's taking the rdf schema appendix doc apart and checking it
14:54:18 [em]
zakim, this is RDF
14:54:18 [Zakim]
ok, em
14:54:49 [Daveb-scr]
ACTION bwm: help danbri split the rdf schema appendix into the 2 new namespace URIs rdf schema documents
14:55:05 [danbri]
help needed reviewing pfps-11 response,
14:55:20 [Daveb-scr]
ACTIOn jang: review pfps-11 response in aug/0014
14:55:28 [em]
(i thought we, er maybe I, did this... this -- design rdf schemas for m&s and vocab)
14:55:39 [Daveb-scr]
above action "by monday"
14:56:37 [Daveb-scr]
group concurred with danbri change to rdfs:member comment
14:56:39 [Daveb-scr]
item 13 schema
14:56:40 [Daveb-scr]
no path
14:56:40 [Daveb-scr]
item 14
14:57:00 [Daveb-scr]
NO item test cases
14:57:20 [Daveb-scr]
jang: on arjon bagid, not a problem, will reply
14:57:40 [Daveb-scr]
jang: on dave/hp, only one significant on rdf-seq-rep, sitll applies
14:57:53 [Daveb-scr]
s/NO/item 15/ # oops
14:58:21 [Daveb-scr]
ACTION jang: respond to daveR on comments to testcases
14:58:31 [Daveb-scr]
... on zip, will rebuild
14:59:08 [Daveb-scr]
jang: the things are in the axiomatic triples
14:59:28 [Daveb-scr]
s/things/seq container membership/
14:59:34 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: a mistake?
14:59:41 [Daveb-scr]
josd: yes, they are present
14:59:54 [danbri]
OK, rdfs:member definition updated.
15:00:03 [Daveb-scr]
shame to have test cases that fwd reasoners will fail on
15:00:36 [Daveb-scr]
jang: fwd reasoners will have to look at entailments they are testing as well as the input graph. It is possivle to vuld these without infinent set of triples being generated
15:01:22 [Daveb-scr]
josd: we can avoid some of these probles
15:01:27 [Daveb-scr]
josd: error on facets
15:03:22 [Daveb-scr]
josd: most implemetnations treat " 3 " as a valid XSD int, not invalid (which is what XSD specs say)
15:03:41 [Daveb-scr]
ACTION bwm put the invalid xsd int on jjc's todo list
15:04:46 [Daveb-scr]
josd: negative entailment tests aren't so useful,since not finding them isn't conclusive
15:04:55 [Daveb-scr]
positive entailemtn are, and in good shape
15:05:13 [Daveb-scr]
item AOB implementation report
15:05:34 [em]
15:05:54 [danbri]
(did the meeting get extended officially yet? are we going to half-past?)
15:06:49 [Daveb-scr]
em: waiting from c# impl
15:06:53 [Daveb-scr]
15:06:56 [Daveb-scr]
jos: we have one
15:07:30 [em]
15:07:41 [danbri]
...eulersharp. I can confirm I've had this running under dotgnu (w/ help from mdupont)
15:07:51 [Daveb-scr]
15:07:59 [Daveb-scr]
em: daveb, josd please get back to me
15:08:06 [em]
15:08:36 [Daveb-scr]
15:08:45 [Daveb-scr]
^- josd c# app
15:09:11 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: not just langs, coverage
15:09:23 [Daveb-scr]
... need to demostrate interop
15:09:28 [Daveb-scr]
of everything
15:09:30 [Daveb-scr]
how about schema?
15:09:59 [Daveb-scr]
em: in temrs of entailment?
15:10:31 [Daveb-scr]
jang: 2 ays - inference engine, or an imperative API that can ask questions involving rdfs-entailemntn
15:10:54 [Daveb-scr]
danbri: also graphical editors and users of the vocabulary
15:11:12 [Daveb-scr]
eM identifying criteria for success
15:11:51 [Daveb-scr]
our test cases are for design, not for conformance
15:12:15 [Daveb-scr]
(for e.g. TAP does rdfs)
15:12:26 [gk]
q+ to note that IETF criteria is 2 interoperable implementations of each normative feature
15:12:45 [gk]
15:12:50 [Daveb-scr]
[gk: how would you measure a normative feature?]
15:13:23 [gk]
[Dave, that's fuzzy, but often it is described using RFC2119 language]
15:13:49 [Daveb-scr]
josd: euler currently fails 5 tests
15:14:06 [Daveb-scr]
3store 2.2.8 "Now produces all RDF entailments except RDFS10
15:14:06 [Daveb-scr]
15:14:33 [Daveb-scr]
[scribe: I assume that means RDF, RDFS]
15:15:07 [Daveb-scr]
josd: some failures are the xsd " 5 " being valid
15:15:26 [Daveb-scr]
josd: Jena2/DaveR also gets this, same libraries underneath report this as OK
15:15:55 [Daveb-scr]
[scribe: note action to bwm for jjc includes to look at xmlsch-02]
15:17:58 [danbri]
15:18:00 [Daveb-scr]
em: expecting a report from cwm and from sandro - surnia (sp?)
15:18:51 [Zakim]
15:19:18 [Daveb-scr]
bwm, back to item 14 semantics
15:19:30 [Daveb-scr]
Path: fixed bug re rdfs inconsistency
15:20:04 [Daveb-scr]
... it seems to cover it, as far as I can tell
15:20:24 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: your mionor tweak tot he value space seems appropriate
15:21:35 [Daveb-scr]
(/me just noticed the Conformance section for syntax drafted last week isn't there, will need to get an ack on that)
15:22:44 [Daveb-scr]
path: " 2 "^^xsd:int is a literla, just whether it denotes a (??)semantic value
15:23:39 [Daveb-scr]
PatH: the emptyg raph does not entail _:1 rdf:type rdf:Property
15:23:42 [Daveb-scr]
but rdf-entail, yes
15:23:58 [Daveb-scr]
(rdf:_1) above
15:24:31 [Daveb-scr]
josd: and for containermembership properties? somewher you say these are axiomatic
15:25:11 [Daveb-scr]
PatH: will check. yes, because the defn of rdf-entail true in all interp 'cos it include simple entailment too
15:25:47 [Zakim]
15:25:56 [Daveb-scr]
back to item 16 impl report
15:26:18 [Daveb-scr]
q+ conformance of syntax
15:26:28 [Daveb-scr]
q+ to something on conformance of syntax
15:27:07 [JosD]
15:28:02 [Daveb-scr]
[* finish resolving dependency on RDF Core specs, esp. RDF Semantics]
15:30:08 [danbri]
q+ to note that is both updated and now served as application/rdf+xml
15:30:59 [bwm]
ack daveB
15:30:59 [Zakim]
Daveb-scr, you wanted to something on conformance of syntax
15:32:38 [Daveb-scr]
ack Daveb-scr
15:33:29 [bwm]
ack danbri
15:33:29 [Zakim]
danbri, you wanted to note that is both updated and now served as application/rdf+xml
15:34:34 [Daveb-scr]
em: want help with impl report
15:34:41 [Daveb-scr]
Daveb-scr: how much do you pay?
15:35:04 [Daveb-scr]
bwm: docs ready next week? feasible?
15:35:14 [gk]
Is jeremy back next week?
15:37:56 [Daveb-scr]
PR/CR proposal next week
15:38:02 [Daveb-scr]
prepare to vote next week
15:38:12 [Daveb-scr]
end of meeting
15:38:14 [Daveb-scr]
15:38:55 [Zakim]
15:38:56 [Zakim]
15:38:57 [Zakim]
15:39:01 [Zakim]
15:39:04 [Zakim]
15:39:14 [em]
zakim, who is here?
15:39:14 [Zakim]
On the phone I see bwm, EMiller, ILRT
15:39:15 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Zakim, JosD, gk, RRSAgent, danbri, Daveb-scr, bwm, em, logger
15:39:39 [em]
15:39:44 [em]
15:40:07 [gk]
[Thinking about Concepts todo for j: look for responses on rdf-comments, XML literals, is all I can think of]
15:41:07 [Daveb-scr]
daveb: missing particular is 3store
15:44:04 [Daveb-scr]
collecting pointers to (reports => announcements) - 3store, sesame, off my htop of my head
15:47:05 [Daveb-scr]
2 impls of every (thing, test case)
15:47:42 [Daveb-scr]
contact groups on semantics side
15:47:54 [Daveb-scr]
point at impl requests, get to run testa, make announcements on archived lists
15:48:00 [Daveb-scr]
draft of conformance for rdf/xml
15:48:13 [Daveb-scr]
is at
15:49:36 [Daveb-scr]
also should check
15:52:48 [Zakim]
15:52:49 [Zakim]
15:52:50 [Zakim]
15:52:52 [Zakim]
SW_RDFCore()10:00AM has ended
15:53:48 [em]
rragent, please leave
15:53:52 [em]
rrsagent, please leave
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items:
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: daveb to sync with aaron with mime type and make sure the docs are consitent - use same mac type [1]
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: bwm to help danbri split the rdf schema appendix into the 2 new namespace URIs rdf schema documents [2]
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: jang to respond to daveR on comments to testcases [3]
15:53:52 [RRSAgent]
recorded in