W3CDOM Level 3 Load and Save Issues List

Individual view

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This list received comments from 3 groups and 4 individuals.

Comments from groups

  1. Internationalization WG [9 issues ]
    1. i18n1 : DOMParser character normalization [closed]
    2. i18n2 : DOMParser check character normalization error [closed]
    3. i18n3 : DOMSerializer output clarification [closed]
    4. i18n5 : DOMSerializer encoding pseudo attribute handling [open]
    5. i18n6 : DOMSerializer.writeURI and encoding [closed]
    6. i18n7 : DOMSerializer.writeURI naming [closed]
    7. i18n8 : DOMSerializer UTF8 & UTF16 & byteorders [closed]
    8. i18n9 : DocumentLS.load config parameters [closed]
    9. i18n10 : Unicode 4.0 [closed]
  2. XForms [3 issues ]
    1. honkala1 : DOMParserFilter inconsistencies [open]
    2. honkala2 : DOMSerializerFilter inconsistencies [open]
    3. honkala3 : Make convenience interfaces mandatory [open]
  3. XML Core [10 issues ]
    1. xmlcorewg1 : Unicode references [open]
    2. xmlcorewg2 : Empty intput source [open]
    3. xmlcorewg3 : DOMParser and CDATA as structure. [open]
    4. xmlcorewg4 : DOMParser and "unbound-namespace-in-entity" [open]
    5. xmlcorewg5 : DOMParser XML namespace reference. [open]
    6. xmlcorewg6 : Finding data in DOMInput [open]
    7. xmlcorewg7 : DOMSerializer and node types [open]
    8. xmlcorewg8 : DOMSerializer.writeURI [open]
    9. xmlcorewg9 : DOMOutput [open]
    10. xmlcorewg10 : DOMOutput relative systemID [open]

Comments from individuals

  1. Andrew Clover [3 issues ]
    1. clover1 : Various edits [open]
    2. clover2 : DOMImplementationLS.createDOMOuput [open]
    3. clover3 : unbound-namespace-in-entity [open]
  2. Anjana Manian [7 issues ]
    1. manian2a : DOMParser interface name [open]
    2. manian2b : DOMParser and EventTarget [open]
    3. manian2c : Progress events [open]
    4. manian2d : DOMParser.config [open]
    5. manian3 : A DOMParser's DOMResourceResolver [open]
    6. manian4a : DOMSerializer interface name [open]
    7. manian4b : DOMSerializer.config [open]
  3. Christian Parpart [2 issues ]
    1. cparpart1 : DOMParser.parseWithContext [open]
    2. cparpart2 : newline handling [open]
  4. Elliotte Rusty Harold [2 issues ]
    1. harold1 : DOMInput.certified attribute meaning [open]
    2. i18n8 : DOMSerializer UTF8 & UTF16 & byteorders [closed]

Maintained by DOM Working Group.

Last update: $Date: 2003/12/17 21:24:16 $