Automatic inclusion of RDF annotation in SMIL 2.0

Project acronym: QUESTION-HOW
Project Full Title:Quality Engineering Solutions via Tools, Information and Outreach for the New Highly-enriched Offerings from W3C: Evolving the Web in Europe
Project/Contract No. IST-2000-28767
Workpackage 2, Deliverable D2.4

Project Manager: Daniel Dardailler <>
Author of this document: Lynda Hardman and Daniel Dardailler

Created: 20 March 2003. Last updated: 20 March 2003

Table of Content:


Web publishing systems have to take into account a plethora of Web-enabled devices, user preferences and abilities. Technologies generating these presentations will need to be explicitly aware of the context in which the information is being presented. Semantic Web technology can be a fundamental part of the solution to this problem by explicitly modeling the knowledge needed to adapt presentations to a specific delivery context

This project focuses on the automatic inclusion of RDF annotation in generated SMIL 2.0 presentations. This is being incorporated in the Cuypers hypermedia presentation generation system. An initial proof of concept using Dublin Core to annotate individual media items is being implemented.

This uses information stored in the underlying database of multimedia items (the database is owned by the Rijksmuseum). The information stored in the database is translated to Dublin Core, associated with the media items used in the final presentation and included in the SMIL file.

As we make the knowledge used during the different steps of the generation process more explicit, this can also be included in the final presentation. For example, for which device was this presentation created; for which user characteristics; which application domain is used in this presentation.

Such explicit annotations improve the tracebility and trustlevel of information by explaining the origin of selected information as well as the design decisions taken during the (server-side) generation process.

We also plan to include the exploration of domain-specific ontologies to improve metadata by using ontological reasoning and the exploration of annotation of the overall presentation by using presentation/narrative oriented vocabularies.

Progress to Date

The technical work to date has focussed on the automatic inclusion of RDF annotation in generated SMIL 2.0 presentations. T

This has been incorporated in the Cuypers hypermedia presentation generation system. An initial proof of concept using Dublin Core to annotate individual media items has been implemented. This uses information stored in the underlying database of multimedia items (the database is owned by the Rijksmuseum). The information stored in the database is translated to Dublin Core, associated with the media items used in the final presentation and included in the SMIL file.

As we make the knowledge used during the different steps of the generation process more explicit, this can also be included in the final presentation.

For example, for which device was this presentation created; for which user characteristics; which application domain is used in this presentation. Such explicit annotations improve the tracebility and trustlevel of information by explaining the origin of selected information as well as the design decisions taken during the (server-side) generation process.

Future work will include:

The current state of the implementation can be seen at:

Deviations from plan
