SWS IG scratchpad

Disclaimer: the content of the scratchpad is not authored nor endorsed by W3C

last updated at 2004-09-24 13:29

A generalized RuleML-based Declarative Policy specification language for Web Services

plh: A policy can be defined as a declarative specification of guidelines, rules of conduct, organization, and behavior of entities in a given environment. The area of policy languages is still maturing from both a research and industrial point of view. From an application standpoint, this field has been dominated by very narrow applications in privacy and security. A number of languages have been proposed, most of them based on limited expre

The Rule Markup Initiative

hugoh: "The Rule Markup Initiative has taken steps towards defining a shared Rule Markup Language (RuleML), permitting both forward (bottom-up) and backward (top-down) rules in XML for deduction, rewriting, and further inferential-transformational tasks."

Semantic Web Enabled Web Services

hugoh: IST project


carine: F-Logic
plh: Papers on F-logic, Transaction Logic, and Related Issues

D4.2v01 Formal Comparison WSMO/OWL-S

plh: aim to formally compare the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) and the Semantic Web Services ontology OWL-S by hand of some well-known examples.

WSMO/OWL-S Comparison

hugoh: By DERI

Semantic Web Services Initiative

hugoh: "The Semantic Web Services Initiative (SWSI) is an ad hoc initiative of academic and industrial researchers"
hugoh: "The SWSI mission is threefold: to create infrastructure that combines Semantic Web and Web Services technologies to enable maximal automation and dynamism in all aspects of Web service provision and use, including (but not limited to) discovery, selection, composition, negotiation, invocation, monitoring and recovery; to coordinate ongoing research initiatives in the Semantic Web Services area; to promote the results of SWSI work to academia and industry."

Web Service Capabilities and Constraints in WSMO

Philippe: Web Service Capabilities and Constraints in WSMO
Philippe: This paper summarizes the necessities on the semantic modeling of Web Service constraints and capabilities from the viewpoint of the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) working group. We will give a short motivating use case from the travel- ling domain which we shall use to classify possible capabilities and constraints to be described on the service and requester side.

OWL-S home page

hugoh: OWL-S home page
hugoh: "OWL-S supplies Web service providers with a core set of markup language constructs for describing the properties and capabilities of their Web services in unambiguous, computer-intepretable form. OWL-S markup of Web services will facilitate the automation of Web service tasks including automated Web service discovery, execution, interoperation, composition and execution monitoring."

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