Open Actions

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There are 16 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-36 (edit) open Write a draft proposal for management of migration notes. Ram Jeyaraman 2010-02-28
ACTION-148 (edit) open Send a response to the WS-Man WG about the disposition of issue 9607. Tom Rutt 2010-05-18
ACTION-149 (edit) open Come back with a proposal for this issue before end of this F2F Gilbert Pilz 2010-05-18
ACTION-150 (edit) open Prepare a response for 9611. wu chou 2010-05-18
ACTION-152 (edit) open Respond to WS-Man about WS-RA's position on XPath level support. Gilbert Pilz 2010-05-18
ACTION-154 (edit) open Work on a proposal for 9608 Gilbert Pilz 2010-05-18
ACTION-157 (edit) open Will write the response to the originator of issue 9700 Ram Jeyaraman 2010-05-19
ACTION-160 (edit) open Catalogue eventing with an eye to which features might be at risk Gilbert Pilz 2010-05-19
ACTION-163 (edit) open Ping WSO2 about participating in interop testing Bob Natale 2010-05-20
ACTION-164 (edit) open Respond to Antoine on dispensation of 9703 Gilbert Pilz 2010-05-20
ACTION-165 (edit) open Write-up a proposal with Rick's help for Enum optimization issue Ram Jeyaraman 2010-06-08
ACTION-168 (edit) open Open issue on WS-Eventing and the "expiration feature" Gilbert Pilz 2010-10-12
ACTION-170 (edit) open - primer for Eventing due on 2010-10-19 Gilbert Pilz 2010-10-12
ACTION-171 (edit) open Write up text for proposal 3 Katy Warr 2010-11-23
ACTION-175 (edit) open Will help Dug do this in schema. Ashok Malhotra 2011-02-08
ACTION-179 (edit) open And Gil to work on mex test coverage Doug Davis 2011-04-12

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