IdExample Example

  <xs:element name="idExample" type="ex:IdExample" id="node1"/>

  <xs:complexType name="IdExample" id="node2">
            <xs:sequence id="node3">
               <xs:element name="text" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" id="node4"/>
            <xs:attribute name="string" type="xs:string" id="node5"/>

The example schema [IdExample.xsd] has been classified as being a Basic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
basic UnqualifiedLocalAttributes .[not(@attributeFormDefault) or @attributeFormDefault = 'unqualified']/ (., @attributeFormDefault)
basic IdentifierName .//.[matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$")]/ (@name)
basic GlobalElement ./xs:element[@name and @type and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic Id .//@id
basic ElementMinOccurs0 .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and (not(@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic GlobalComplexType ./xs:complexType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic ComplexTypeAttribute .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name]/ (., @name)
basic ComplexTypeSequence .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
basic ElementTypeReference .//xs:element[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic StringElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]
basic StringAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]

To facilitate testing, the example schema element has been wrapped in the following descriptions:

The following valid instance documents are provided:

Instance Validity
IdExample01 true

  <ex:idExample string="hello"/>

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).

Generated from examples.xml $Date$