
The document saved/private/Origo/RetrieveAgreementInPrincipleResponse.xsd has been classified as being possibly an Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Nodes Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
advanced QualifiedLocalAttributes .[@attributeFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@attributeFormDefault)
basic SchemaVersion ./@version
basic DocumentationElement .//xs:annotation/xs:documentation/ (.., ., .//*, .//@*)
basic IdentifierName .//.[matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$")]/ (@name)
basic NonIdentifierName .//.[@name and not(matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$"))]/ (@name)
basic GlobalElement ./xs:element[@name and @type and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic ElementMinOccurs0 .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and (not(@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic AttributeOptional .//xs:attribute[@use = 'optional']/ (@use)
advanced AttributeDefault .//xs:attribute[@default] / (@default)
basic GlobalSimpleType ./xs:simpleType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic GlobalComplexType ./xs:complexType[@name]/ (., @name)
advanced SimpleTypeEnumerationType .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@base,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' ]/ (., @base, xs:enumeration/(., @value))
advanced ComplexTypeChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ComplexTypeSequenceChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
basic ComplexTypeAttribute .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name]/ (., @name)
basic ComplexTypeSequence .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ExtendedSimpleContent .//xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension[@base]/ (.., ., ./@base, xs:attribute/ (., @name))
advanced SequenceChoice .//xs:sequence/xs:choice/(.)
advanced ChoiceElement .//xs:choice/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceElement .//xs:sequence/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceSingleRepeatedElement .//xs:sequence[count(xs:element) = 1]/xs:element[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (., @maxOccurs)
basic ElementTypeReference .//xs:element[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic AttributeTypeReference .//xs:attribute[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
advanced DurationElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:duration')]
advanced IDAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:ID')]
basic IntElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:int')]
basic IntAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:int')]
advanced IntegerSimpleTypePattern .//xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:integer')]/xs:pattern[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:minLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:maxLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string') and xs:minLength/@value and xs:maxLength/@value]/ (., @base, xs:minLength/(., @value), xs:maxLength/(., @value))
advanced SimpleTypeRenamed .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and count(./*) = 0]/ (., @base)
advanced RestrictedMinInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced ChoiceMaxOccursFinite .//xs:choice[@maxOccurs and not(@maxOccurs = '0' or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs = 'unbounded')]/ (@maxOccurs)
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeTotalDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:totalDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:totalDigits/(., @value))
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeFractionDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:fractionDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:fractionDigits/(., @value))

<xsd:schema TargetNamespace targetNamespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/aip/v1.0/RetrieveAgreementInPrincipleResponse" TargetNamespace elementFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalElements attributeFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalAttributes version="1.0 Draft C" SchemaVersion >
<xsd:element GlobalElement ElementTypeReference name="retrieve_aip_response" IdentifierName GlobalElement ElementTypeReference type="aip:RetrieveAIPResponse" GlobalElement ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder element for the content of the RetrieveAIPResponse
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="CurrencyCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: List of defined Currency Codes used within Origo Mortgage messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="EUR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GBP" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Pound Sterling
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Date" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeRenamed base="xsd:date" SimpleTypeRenamed />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Decimal-2DP-Amount" NonIdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A decimal amount with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FreeText" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An string which can contain any number of characters but cannot be null.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="MonthTerm" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unit of time representing one month.
<xsd:restriction RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive base="xsd:integer" RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive >
<xsd:maxInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive value="11" RestrictedMaxInclusive />
<xsd:minInclusive RestrictedMinInclusive value="0" RestrictedMinInclusive />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ProcessInstanceStatus" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Enumerated values indicating the general executing state of a business process.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Invalid" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Pending" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Running" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Completed" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="RepaymentMethod" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of the form the payments will take in order to repay a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Interest Only" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Part and Part" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Repayment" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="TypeCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A free format code for a given type with up to 50 characters.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="YearTerm" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unit of time representing one year.
<xsd:restriction IntegerSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:integer" IntegerSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern IntegerSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9]{1,3}" IntegerSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AIPAcceptDecision" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Accept Decision
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates the Lender's decision to approve a mortgage based on the AIP lending criteria.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="aip_valid_period" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Valid Period
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of days the AIP is valid for.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the number of days the AIP is valid for.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_loan_part" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageLoanPart" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Loan Part
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A part of a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to provide the Mortgage Intermediary with the actual details of the Mortgage Loan Part(s) which make up the AIP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The sum of all the repayment portions within all mortgage_loan_parts must equal the requested total mortgage loan application loan amount.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="acceptance_condition" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:DecisionText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Acceptance Condition
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Conditions to be met by the Applicant(s) before the Lender will fully endorse the AIP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to stipulate any acceptance criteria to the Mortgage Intermediary for the AIP.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RetrieveAIPResponse" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="aip" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AIP" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Agreement In Principle
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An expression of a Mortgage Lender's willingness to enter into an agreement subject to other conditions being met, such as credit checks and a satisfactory Property valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides details of the AIP decision made by the lender in response to the ProcessAgreementInPrincipleRequest content. If not supplied then this will be the result of an invalid or incomplete process instance and details will be provided in the process_state element.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="process_state" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProcessInstanceState" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides information on the status of the AIP Decision process. If no AIP data is returned this will indicate the status of the incomplete process. If the AIP data is returned then this will indicate a complete process.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Message Content Identifier
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The identifier of a Request or of a Response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To electronically identify a message.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AIPResponseReferenceData" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Response Reference Data
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The set of data that enables a Mortgage Intermediary or a Lender to track a Mortgage Loan response message.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="2" ChoiceMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="aip_reference" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code provided by a Lender that enables a specific AIP document to be uniquely identified.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_case_reference" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Case Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code provided by a Lender that enables the association of related Agreement In Principle and Key Facts Illustration documents.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DecisionText" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="aip:FreeText" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent name="sequence_number" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent type="xsd:int" IntAttribute >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Clause Sequence Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A numeric value which uniquely identifies each clause which makes up the decision text.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="InterestOnlyMortgageLoan" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Interest Only Mortgage Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A Mortgage Loan where only interest is payable and the capital is intended to be repaid at the end of the term by an appropriate repayment vehicle. Examples of repayment vehicles are ISAs, PEPs, pensions or endowment policies.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time that is planned to repay a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the actual Interest Only term, in years and months, that this portion of the Mortgage Loan is for.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary value of a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the actual amount of the Mortgage Loan that this Interest Only portion of the Mortgage Loan is for.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="LoanApplication" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Application
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The key information about a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MonetaryAmount" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A financial amount. This will be a numeric value held within the textnode, of the element, that is implemented using this structure. An attribute will be defined within the implemented element to define the currency of the amount to be specified.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="aip:Decimal-2DP-Amount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="aip:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The type of currency used in a financial amount.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MortgageLoanPart" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="repayment_method" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RepaymentMethod" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repayment Method
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category of the form the payments will take in order to repay a Mortgage Loan Part, i.e. "Repayment", "Interest Only", or "Part & Part".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the actual Repayment Method.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Product" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A vehicle through which a Lender defines the terms for lending money against a Property. Synonymous with Mortgage Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to provide the Mortgage Intermediary with the actual Product details for the AIP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: These product details relate to the entire mortgage_loan_part, i.e. to both repayment and interest only loan portions. If the product for the repayment and interest only loan portions are different, each loan portion must be specified within a seperate mortgage_loan_part.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: More than one product can be specified where multiple products satisfy that mortgage_loan_part.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The AIP response will only be produced for products which match the request. There is no way of detailing other product or loan amount options within this message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: All of the data elements are optional but at least one of the data elements must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="repayment_loan_portion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RepaymentMortgageLoan" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repayment Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where both the capital and the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to provide the Mortgage Intermediary with the actual details of the Repayment portion for the Mortgage Loan for the AIP. .
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="interest_only_loan_portion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:InterestOnlyMortgageLoan" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Interest Only Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where only the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to provide the Mortgage Intermediary with the actual details of the Interest Only portion of the Mortgage Loan for the AIP.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Product" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A vehicle through which a Lender defines the terms for lending money against a Property. Synonymous with Mortgage Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: All Product data elements are optional but at least one data element is required.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The identifier used by a Mortgage Lender to identify a specific Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the Product Code requested where Product filtering was used for the AIP Request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if description is not present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A narrative supplied by the Lender that describes a Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the Product detail of the Product where Product filtering was used for the AIP Request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if code is not present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RepaymentMortgageLoan" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repayment Mortgage Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A part of a Mortgage Loan whereby the repayment is comprised of instalments made up of capital and interest.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time that is planned to repay a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the actual repayment term, in years and months, that this portion of the Mortgage Loan is for.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary value of a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the actual amount of the Mortgage Loan that this Repayment portion of the Mortgage Loan is for.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="TermYearsAndMonths" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in years and months.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="years" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:YearTerm" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in years.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="months" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonthTerm" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in months.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AIPDeclineDecision" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement SequenceSingleRepeatedElement ElementTypeReference name="decline_reason_text" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:DecisionText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded SequenceSingleRepeatedElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Decline Decision Details
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The information the Lender provides in declining the AIP request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to inform the Mortgage Intermediary of the reason for declining the AIP.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ProcessInstanceState" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides information on the status of an executing business process.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="status" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProcessInstanceStatus" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A generic descriptor of the general executing state of a business process.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the current processing status of the AIP decision process instance.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: If aip_details element is present then this will be set to "Completed".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="internal_state" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TypeCode" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A descriptor specific to the provider of the service which gives the internal processing state of the process instance.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides any internal state descriptors available to the lender on the state of the AIP decision process, supplementing the information provided by the status element.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="time_to_completion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:duration" DurationElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides an indication of the estimated time to completion of a process instance.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides an indication of the expected processing time to completion in order that the request to retrieve the AIP may be rescheduled.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AIP" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Agreement In Principle
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An expression of a Mortgage Lender's willingness to enter into an agreement subject to other conditions being met, such as credit checks and a satisfactory Property valuation.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="aip_issued_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Issued Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the AIP decision was produced.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to record the date that the AIP was generated.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_contact_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Contact Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the individual within the Lender's firm who is the point of contact for the AIP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to provide the Mortgage Intermediary with a name for a point of contact for the AIP.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeSequenceChoice SequenceChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="decline_decision" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AIPDeclineDecision" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Decline Decision
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates the Lender's decision to reject a request for a mortgage based on the AIP lending criteria.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for text providing information on the rationale behind the Lender declining the AIP.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="accept_decision" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AIPAcceptDecision" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Accept Decision
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates the Lender's decision to approve a mortgage based on the AIP lending criteria.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for information provided by the Lender pertaining to the decision to accept the AIP request.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="aip_response_reference_data" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AIPResponseReferenceData" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Response Reference Data
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The set of data that enables a Mortgage Intermediary or a Lender to track a Mortgage Loan response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to record the reference information for the AIP Response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: When reference data is being used, then at least one of Lender Case Reference or AIP Reference must be present.

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).