
The document saved/private/Origo/CEWOLSingleContractTxnHistoryResponse.xsd has been classified as being possibly an Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Nodes Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
advanced QualifiedLocalAttributes .[@attributeFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@attributeFormDefault)
basic SchemaVersion ./@version
basic DocumentationElement .//xs:annotation/xs:documentation/ (.., ., .//*, .//@*)
basic IdentifierName .//.[matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$")]/ (@name)
basic NonIdentifierName .//.[@name and not(matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$"))]/ (@name)
basic ImportSchema ./xs:import[@namespace and @schemaLocation]/ (., @namespace, @schemaLocation)
basic GlobalElement ./xs:element[@name and @type and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic ElementMinOccurs0 .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and (not(@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[(not(@minOccurs) or @minOccurs = '1') and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
advanced ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursFinite .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and @maxOccurs and not(@maxOccurs = '0' or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs = 'unbounded')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
advanced ElementMaxOccursFinite .//xs:element[@maxOccurs and not(@maxOccurs = '0' or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs = 'unbounded')]/ (@maxOccurs)
basic AttributeFormUnqualified .//xs:attribute[@form='unqualified']/ (@form)
basic AttributeOptional .//xs:attribute[@use = 'optional']/ (@use)
advanced AttributeRequired .//xs:attribute[@use = 'required']/ (@use)
advanced AttributeDefault .//xs:attribute[@default] / (@default)
basic GlobalSimpleType ./xs:simpleType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic GlobalComplexType ./xs:complexType[@name]/ (., @name)
advanced SimpleTypeEnumerationType .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@base,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' ]/ (., @base, xs:enumeration/(., @value))
advanced ComplexTypeSequenceChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
basic ComplexTypeAttribute .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name]/ (., @name)
advanced ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[../not(xs:choice or xs:sequence or xs:all or xs:anyAttribute or xs:group or xs:attributeGroup or xs:simpleContent or xs:complexContent)]/ (., ..,@use)
basic ComplexTypeSequence .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ExtendedSimpleContent .//xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension[@base]/ (.., ., ./@base, xs:attribute/ (., @name))
advanced SequenceChoice .//xs:sequence/xs:choice/(.)
advanced ChoiceElement .//xs:choice/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceElement .//xs:sequence/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceSingleRepeatedElement .//xs:sequence[count(xs:element) = 1]/xs:element[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (., @maxOccurs)
basic NillableElement .//xs:element[@nillable = 'true' and not(@minOccurs = '0')]/ (@nillable)
basic ElementTypeReference .//xs:element[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic AttributeTypeReference .//xs:attribute[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
advanced IDAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:ID')]
advanced IDREFAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:IDREF')]
advanced StringSimpleTypePattern .//xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:pattern[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:minLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:maxLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string') and xs:minLength/@value and xs:maxLength/@value]/ (., @base, xs:minLength/(., @value), xs:maxLength/(., @value))
advanced SimpleTypeRenamed .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and count(./*) = 0]/ (., @base)
advanced RestrictedMinInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:choice[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@maxOccurs)
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeTotalDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:totalDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:totalDigits/(., @value))
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeFractionDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:fractionDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:fractionDigits/(., @value))
advanced SubstitutionGroup .//xs:element[@substitutionGroup]/(.,@name,@substitutionGroup)

<xsd:schema TargetNamespace targetNamespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/ce/v2.1/CEWOLSingleContractTxnHistoryResponse" TargetNamespace elementFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalElements attributeFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalAttributes version="2.1FinalDraft" SchemaVersion >
<!--Import the definitions of the ROOT <mtg:message> element and <mtg:m_control> section from the following schema: -->
<xsd:import ImportSchema namespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/mtg/v2" ImportSchema schemaLocation="OrigoMessageHeader.xsd" ImportSchema >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This schema requires v2.0 of the Origo Message Transmission Guidelines (MTG) Schema.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The MTG schema is available from: https://www.origostandards.com/StandardsISEF/Standard.asp?StandardId=26&StandardTypeId=6&hidSTDVersion=2.0
<!-- Local declaration of the <ce:m_content> element -->
<xsd:element GlobalElement ElementTypeReference SubstitutionGroup name="m_content" IdentifierName GlobalElement ElementTypeReference SubstitutionGroup type="ce:MContent" GlobalElement ElementTypeReference substitutionGroup="mtg:m_content" SubstitutionGroup >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for the specific business content for a particular message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: M_Content
<!-- Origo Data Types (SimpleTypes), listed in alphabetical order -->
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="CurrencyCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
List of defined Currency Code Used within Origo Messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType > </xsd:restriction>
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Date" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The date in CCYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2001-12-31. This will be implemented using the XSD base simple type of: date.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeRenamed base="xsd:date" SimpleTypeRenamed />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="DecimalAmount" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A decimal value containing up to twenty digits and six decimal places. Valid values are between -999999999999999.999999 and 999999999999999.999999.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Decimal-2DP-Amount" NonIdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A decimal amount with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FreeText" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The FreeText type is typically used for Error, Warning or Note elements. It enables a phrase, sentence or paragraph of text to be sent as part of the message. The text will normally be displayed on a screen to a user, to explain some other data supplied in the message. This information may also be included on any printed documentation that could be supplied to a client.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="YesNo" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An indicator of whether a condition applies or not.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType > </xsd:restriction>
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Frequency" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The frequency of an event.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Weekly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Fortnightly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Four Weekly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Monthly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Quarterly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Termly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Half Yearly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Annually" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FSARefType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A unique reference number allocated to an approved Firm by the FSA. Valid format is a six digit number.
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9]{6}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FundCodeType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The different types of fund code that may be used. It is intended that Trading Partners within the industry will extent this with a name or some other form of identifier, to include their own fund code values.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ISIN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="MEX" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This is a code of type MEXID®. MEXID® codes are proprietary to FT Interactive Data. All fund managers will require a license from FT Interactive Data to use these codes. Contact details can be obtained at http://www.ftinteractivedata.com. Origo does not accept any liability, loss, damage, claims, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) arising out of any claim in respect of any infringement of any third party rights arising out of or in connection with the use of MEXID® codes by a user of Origo Standards.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Product Provider Specific" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SEDOL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Service Provider Specific" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ResponseStatus" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The different values that are applicable to response status.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Success" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
All processing and calculations performed successfully.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Warning" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Processing completed with some errors or problems.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Error" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
No processing was able to be performed.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="SmallNumber" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A non-negative integer with up to three digits. Valid values are between 0 and 999.
<xsd:restriction RestrictedMaxInclusive base="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" RestrictedMaxInclusive >
<xsd:maxInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive value="999" RestrictedMaxInclusive />
<!-- Origo Data Types (ComplexTypes, SimpleContent), listed in alphabetical order -->
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MonetaryAmount" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A financial amount. This will be a numeric value held within the textnode, of the element, that is implemented using this structure. An attribute will be defined within the implemented element to define the currency of the amount to be specified.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:Decimal-2DP-Amount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: List of defined Currency Codes used within Origo Messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Currency Code
<!-- Complex Data Types listed in alphabetical order -->
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="BControl" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="enquiry_response_status" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ResponseStatus" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates whether the request has been successful or that there are error or warning messages associated with the response content.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Response Status
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="enquiry_error_note" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:EnquiryErrorNote" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains details of any errors and warnings generated as a result of the enquiry including pointers to the groups, elements or attributes in the original message which are in error. The group will repeat for each different error and/or warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Note
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Contract" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="contract_reference_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unique identifier for a contract as defined by the Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To reiterate what was contained in the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contract Reference Number
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="money_in" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MoneyIn" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money paid into a contract in exchange for goods and services.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of money in transactions being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Money In
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="money_out" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MoneyOut" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money taken out of a contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose:Placeholder for details of money out transactions being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Money Out
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_switch" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundSwitch" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The transfer of holdings from one or more Unit-Linked Funds into alternative fund(s).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of fund switch transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Switch
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_alteration" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitAlteration" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Any miscellaneous unit transaction, not explicitly defined within the Transaction History Standard, that either reduces or increases the number of units held in a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of unit alteration transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Unit Alteration structure must not be used when units have been bought or sold under any other defined transaction type.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DateRange" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="from" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive earliest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: From Date
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive latest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: To Date
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DateRangeSupplied" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="from" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive earliest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Date from which transactions are being supplied in the response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: From Date
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive latest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Date to which transactions are being supplied in the response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: To Date
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="WOLContributionTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date a contribution monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the regular contribution was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Date
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of a specific contribution.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the regular contribution.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Amount
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="frequency" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Frequency" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The regularity of contributions.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the frequency of the regular contribution.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Frequency
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="WOLPartialSurrenderTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date a Partial Surrender monetary amount was deducted from a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the Partial Surrender was deducted from the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Partial Surrender Date
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of a Partial Surrender.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the Partial Surrender.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Partial Surrender Amount
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of a money out transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="EnquiryErrorNote" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="relates_to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:RelatesTo" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Identifies the group, element or attribute to which the error/warning relates. Will repeat for each element involved in the error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Relates To
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: DATA ITEM "DEPRECATED". This item will be removed from the Standard in the next Major release. It remains part of the current standard for backward compatibility only. The ResponseScope structure of the Transaction History standard caters for the identification of any elements which may require notification through comparison with the request scope.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="short_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MediumDescription" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides a summary of the error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: At least one of short_description or reason must be present if enquiry_error_note is present.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Short Description
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides a full definition of the error/warning. This is free format and may contain several pages of text.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: At least one of short_description or reason must be present if enquiry_error_note is present.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Reason
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference name="code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference type="ce:AlphaNumber" AttributeTypeReference use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides a code to identify the error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Code
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference name="sequence_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference type="ce:SmallNumber" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Provides a number to order the error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Number
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="IntermediaryForAuthentication" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="FirmFSARef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FSARefType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unique identifying code given to an Adviser Firm by the FSA.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Reiterates from the request message, the Adviser who is the servicing agent for the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Firm FSA Reference
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MContent" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="b_control" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:BControl" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for control details indicating the success of the enquiry with either a success flag and/or warning and error descriptions.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: B_Control
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="intermediary" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:IntermediaryForAuthentication" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person or firm which acts as a broker between a buyer and seller, providing advice on financial matters.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Identifies the servicing agent for the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Adviser
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="request_scope" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:RequestScope" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for request parameters being used to refine the content of the message reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Plays back the set of parameters which were sent within the Request message defining the requested scope of the transaction history.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Request Scope
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="response_scope" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ResponseScope" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for parameters defining the scope of the content of the message reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Allows a comparison of the scope of the response with the scope of the request through provision of the parameters defining the scope of the transaction history reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Response Scope
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="contract" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Contract" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An understanding between at least two parties which is enforceable by law and details the Terms and Conditions of their association. In the case of the Financial Services industry this relates to the contract for goods and services between the policyholder and the Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contract
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional form="unqualified" AttributeFormUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Message Content identifier, providing a mechanism to electronically identify a message if the requirement exists.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Message Content Id
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MoneyIn" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement SequenceSingleRepeatedElement ElementTypeReference name="contribution" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:WOLContributionTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded SequenceSingleRepeatedElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The process of paying a monetary amount to a Product Provider in exchange for goods and services.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the contribution transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MoneyOut" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement SequenceSingleRepeatedElement ElementTypeReference name="partial_surrender" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:WOLPartialSurrenderTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded SequenceSingleRepeatedElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The process of taking an ad hoc monetary lump-sum out of a contract, the amount being a proportion of the total value of the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the partial surrender transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Partial Surrender
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="RelatesTo" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="element_id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREF" IDREFAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes form="unqualified" AttributeFormUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Identifier of the element responsible (or partly responsible) for generation of an error/warning in the response to the request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Element Identifier
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase or sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Details of a fund transaction taking place on behalf of the contract for which the Transaction History is being provided.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Transaction
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the name of the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Name
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCode" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="5" ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Fund Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying an investment fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the fund code for the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a Fund Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the units traded within the fund transaction being supplied as part of this Transaction History response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitPrice" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The price of a fund unit, expressed as a decimal amount (with up to 5 decimal places), along with a currency.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:DecimalAmount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: List of defined Currency Codes used within Origo Messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Currency Code
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="number_of_units" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DecimalAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The quantity of units of a fund exchanged in a fund unit transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the number of units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Units Traded
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount associated with a fund unit trade.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the amount involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction Amount
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitPrice" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount allocated on a given date to a single unit of a fund for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Unit Price allocated to the units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: Must be quoted in the currency in which the fund is priced.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a price is assigned to a fund unit for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: The allocation date of the price of the units involved in this transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price Date
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundSwitch" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference nillable="true" NillableElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the Product Provider received the instruction to carry out a fund switch.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the Product Provider received the instruction to carry out the fund switch.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Switch Instruction Date
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of a fund switch on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a fund switch on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitAlteration" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the Unit Alteration was applied.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Records the date the Unit Alteration took place.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration Date.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A proprietary Product Provider description of the reason for the Unit Alteration.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the reason for the Unit Alteration.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration Reason
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeSequenceChoice SequenceChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a unit alteration on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of a unit alteration on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RequestScope" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_details_required" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:YesNo" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States whether or not details of fund-level transactions are required.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Details Required Indicator
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date_range" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DateRange" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates, consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for the range of dates, inclusive of the From and To Dates, specified in the request to be used in identifying transactions to be returned within the reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code_type_required" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Specification of the preferred Fund Code Type to be used in all occurrences of Fund details in a message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type Preferred
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Must be present if this field was supplied as part of the request message.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ResponseScope" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_details_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:YesNo" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States whether or not details of fund-level transactions have been supplied in a response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To state the level of detail being returned in the response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Can only be set to "Yes" if the contract is for a unit-linked or unitised product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Details Supplied Indicator
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date_range_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DateRangeSupplied" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates, consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Defines the range of dates, inclusive of the From and To Dates, for which transactions are being returned within the reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code_type_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursFinite maxOccurs="5" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursFinite ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Specification of the Fund Code Type supplied in a response message for all occurrences of Fund details.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the Fund Code Type being supplied for all occurrences of Fund Code in the response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only supplied if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type Supplied
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundCode" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Fund Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying an investment fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the fund code for the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:AlphaNumber" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="fund_code_type" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" AttributeTypeReference use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: There are several official organisations that provide industry standard codes for identifying investment funds. This field indicates which of these standards bodies' codes are being used to describe the Fund Code.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).