Minutes WS Choreography WG conference call 31 May 2005

See also IRC log:       


1. Role Call: Steve, Charlton, Nick, Abbie, Yves, Gary, Tony

2. Scribe: Steve

3. Agenda Changes:
        Tony: Yves sent in proposal for correctness and if we have time could be dealt with tonight.
        SRT: Adds to agenda for today
        SRT: Issue 1166 - concurrent performs remains outstanding
        Gary: Ordering of activities (based on gary response to Tony's email)

4. Approve minutes 24th May 2005:

5. Action Item Review:
        1. ACTION: Martin to do UML diagram from scratch for CDL 

        2. ACTION: chairs to respond to issue raiser for closed issues 

        3. ACTION: Yves to define what is meant by correctness 
        DONE (Correctness proposal herin)

        4. ACTION: chairs to bring Tony's conformance proposal to the Choreo WG for discussion 

        5. ACTION: Steve and/or Martin to generate a list of the issue numbers that the  editing team should be working on as a spot check.
        NO PROGRESS 

        6. ACTION: Greg to make sure all editorial issue that are in the current ed draft be marked resolved fixed in bugzilla

        7. ACTION: Chairs discuss and provide a recommendation. 

        8. ACTION: Gary/Charlton to do example

        9. ACTION: Nick to do example 

        10. ACTION: Nick to ask again on the public list to get a clear answer that  enables implementors to deal with the issue. It needs to be a yes or no on the legality. So the semantics of the attributes need to be totally clear and  unambiguous.

        11. ACTION: SRT to email Nigel W on use of group for fwd marketing.

6. Proposals:
        ISSUE 1008      http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1008 
        URL:    http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2005Jan/0012.html
        Lastest thread:         http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0058.html
        PROPOSAL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0049.html

        Gary: Suggests that we postpone this one until the F2F
        Yves think that the f2f will give more bandwidth for discussion as well
        Charlton: Seconded
        Objections: None
        NEW ACTION: SRT To add 1008 to agenda for F2F

        ISSUE 1001      http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1001
        URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2005Jan/0006.html
        PROPOSAL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0016.html

        Steve: Are there any points clarification
        Nick: We can link it more accurately to the WS-CDL specification and that is just wordsmithing.
        Nick: The question I have is procedural.
        Nick: What I wanted to do is to enhance the proposal to cover these wider issues. If we need to raise another issue then that is okay or we can use the existing proposal and add an amendment to the proposal as is.
        Yves: Everything is open to reach consensus. If it is closed we can reopen it and make an amendment if we need to do so.
        Nick: Asks gary what is his preference.
        Gary: Would rather it is dealt with as an amendment having adopted this proposal as and when agreed. One of the dangers is merging might detract from the issue at hand.
        Nick: Is worried that we might make it more tricky to get such an amendment in. Being able to handle both problems would be preferable than dealing with one.
        Gary: Suggests that we adopt the proposal and then Nick raises an amendment to the spec (with the proposal having been adopted).
        Nick: This is really important and so I would prefer to deal with this at the F2F. Not sure if I fully understand this.
        Nick: There are many ways of resolving the issue at hand. The proposal is one way of doing it. 
        Nick: The issue text itself is loose enough to be able to incorporate a possible amendment.
        Chalton: What is driving Nick's amendments?
        Steve: I am not necessarily prepared to accept amendments but I am not ruling it out right now.
        Nick: My small amendment at the Boston F2F was all about what is a choreo session. The big choreo instance and the conversation within a choreo.
        Nick: Explains the issue about choreo id (the big one) and conversation (group of interacts). And so maybe this can be solved by both proposals.
        Gary: The choreo session (the big one) is inferred rather than made explicit.
        Nick: What happens if you correlate two sets of interactions? Is this one or two choreos?
        Gary: One choreo
        Nick: How do you relate them together?
        Gary: This is what the proposal really done but it is implicit rather than explicit
        Nick: The two conversations need to be related or associated to something?
        Gary: They relate to each other not to some higher thing
        Nick: Look at my example
        Gary: Our proposal combines both sorts of identities
        Nick: Can I point to the big thingy (the choreo instance)
        Gary: No that you cannot do. The proposal says how the channels are related?
        Nick: How does it work for this example?
        Nick: Point to  http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005Apr/0029.html
        Gary: The email is not easy to understand. So I cannot do this easily. You can set up associations and derive keys that model the relationships that encode identity 
        Nick: Asks if Gary can sketch a soln to the example
        Nick: There is a sequenec and a parallel.
        Nick: There are only two channel instances used: ch4CBVar_chT4 and ch4CBVar_chT3
        Gary: In the proposal there is one concept and not two and the same can be achieved.
        Nick: Are u askings if there is a good reason for having these two types of identity concepts? Can we do everything that we need to do (e.g. Finalizations)
        Gary: Yes u can do finalizations
        Gary: What is the problems with finalizations?
        Nick: The problems is that during finalization how could you identify the appropriate instance of the choreo
        Gary: The proposal allows u to have as many keys as you want/need and you make relationships between them.
        Nick: If some of these only have SupplierId is this used as the primary key?
        Gary: You can have alternate keys.
        Nick: So what you are saying is you can it?
        Gary: yes but without being as explicit
        Gary: Asks the group is adopt the proposal at hand.
        Nick: I object on the grounds that the proposal does not deal with the definition of "choreography session" and so it needs further text to define this concept.
        Gary: Would you agree that this could be a minor amendment that is editorial?
        Nick: No
        Gary: But I thought you said it was just a definitional issue.
        Steve: Does any one else object to the proposal
        Ccharlton: I agree with Gary's proposal
        Charlton +1 Gary
        Abbie +1
        Nick point to latest editors draft to see how to incorporate proposal
        Nick refers to  2.4.7 Choreography Life-line of editors draft above
        Nick: It may be that the Life-line is a session. So we could maybe rename the section to support such a change. Would this work?
        Tony/Nick: In section 2.4.7 from 2nd para downwards replacing choreo with choreo session or instance.
        Gary/Nick: Proposed AMENDMENT to Gary's proposal as follows:
                "session" is replaced by "instance"
        AMENDED PROPOSAL (proposed change to Gary's) ADOPTED
        NEW ACTION: Gary to modify proposal for 1001 changing session for instance
        NEW ACTION: Editors will take modified proposal for 1001 and wrap up into 2.4.7 based on amendment

        ISSUE 1003      http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1003
        URL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2005Jan/0007.html
        PROPOSAL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0005.html
        Latest thread: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0042.html
        Nick: This is now looking good but needs further text from gary to clarify the rules and maybe a small example.
        NEW ACTION: Gary to craft text for 1003
        NEW ACTION: SRT to add 1003 to agenda for F2F

        ISSUE   Unknown
        SUMMARY:        Correctness proposal
        PROPOSAL:       http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0077.html

        Seconded by Tony
        SRT: Any objections
        No objections
        PROPOSAL (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/0077.html) PASSED

        ISSUE 1039            http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1039
        SUMMARY:        Section 8 (Conformance) is incomplete
        LATEST PROPOSAL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005May/att-0056/2005-05-23_Contribution_to_WS-Chor_on_Conformance_section.doc
        Seconded by Charlton
        Objection: Yves - not enough time to read pls take to F2F
        NEW ACTION: SRT to include 1039 in F2F Agenda

7. Issues requiring clarification

8. F2F Agenda and planning

9. AOB

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


        1. ACTION: Martin to do UML diagram from scratch for CDL 

        2. ACTION: chairs to respond to issue raiser for closed issues 

        3. ACTION: Steve and/or Martin to generate a list of the issue numbers that the  editing team should be working on as a spot check.
        NO PROGRESS 

        4. ACTION: Chairs discuss and provide a recommendation. 

        5. NEW ACTION: SRT To add 1008 to agenda for F2F
        6. NEW ACTION: Gary to modify proposal for 1001 changing session for instance
        7. NEW ACTION: Editors will take modified proposal for 1001 and wrap up into 2.4.7 based on amendment
        8. NEW ACTION: Gary to craft text for 1003
        9. NEW ACTION: SRT to add 1003 to agenda for F2F
        10. NEW ACTION: SRT to include 1039 in F2F Agenda