Minutes W3C WS Choreography WG con call held on 30th September 2003, 1pm PDT.




Role Call:




 Martin Chapman



W3C Staff Contacts

Yves Lafon












Anthony Fletcher

Choreology Ltd

Mayilraj Krishnan

Cisco Systems Inc

David Burdett

Commerce One

Francis McCabe

Fujitsu Ltd

Yoko Seki

Hitachi, Ltd.

Assaf Arkin

Intalio Inc.

Abbie Barbir

Nortel Networks

Greg Ritzinger


Nickolas Kavantzas

Oracle Corporation

Jeff Mischkinsky

Oracle Corporation

Ugo Corda

SeeBeyond Technology Corporation

Michael Champion

Software AG

Monica Martin

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Carol McDonald

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Ed Peters

webMethods, Inc.



Raw IRC log at: http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc

Appointment of scribe:


Carol McDonald (Sun) volunteered for minutes.


The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Nick Kavantzas, Tony Fletcher, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Jeff Mischkinsky, David Burdett ,John Dart, Monica Martin, Tony, Fletcher, Jim Hendler, Kevin Liu, Tony Fletcher, Jon Dart, David Burdett, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Monica Martin, Len Greski, Jean-Jacques Dubray, Monica Martin, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Michael Champion, Abbie Barbir, David Burdett, Jon Dart, Carol McDonald, Yaron Goland, Leonard Greski, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Daniel Austin, Peter Furniss, Jim Hendler




Minutes Approval

Minutes 9th September 2003

mchapman approving minutes for 9 sept.  Minutes approved

Minutes September 2003 F2F

still need urls before approving F2F minutes can comment on next version, so defer approval to next meeting.

Action Item Review

Actions from previous meeting marked with *




ACTION*: Steve to facilitate calling a Requirements / Use Case editors meeting. Ongoing

Steve trying to sort this out for sometime in October.


ACTION*: Dave will call a meeting, to discuss how to take the two CDL contributions and come up with a baseline document

and match it with the revised requirements document. Ongoing


ACTION: Chairs to put liaison with UN/CEFACT on next con call agenda. DONE

On this agenda.




ACTION: David Burdett to provide a design collaboration use case. Ongoing


ACTION*: Steve: Will put all the comments on draft requirements above into the requirements spreadsheet and send out. Ongoing


ACTION*: Editors of the requirements are directed to look at the issues list and filter each issue in a similar way to the filtering method used at the F2F. Ongoing


ACTION*: Tony to rephrase his requirements and bring back to group. DONE



ACTION*: Requirements editors to consider an EAI use case and think about within and across firewalls. Ongoing

monica: eai use cases: those that submitted could pull out elements that are enterprise within use cases already done

monica: use case owners extract highlight eai aspects of their use cases


NEW ACTION: Use Case proposers to highlight/extract any EAI specific aspects from their use cases.





ACTION: DB to produce a commentary on how Burdett ML meets (or not) the current requirements.  Ongoing

Partially done for F2F, but needs to be completed




ACTION: SRT Brought semantics question to the TAG. On chairs coordination call, he asked about semantics for/of choreography. A new Semantic Web Services Interest Group is being formed in about one month. Issue will be sent to that group when it is formed. Ongoing

Standing Items




chapman: whats happening with requirements?

ed peters: we are looking to get together at a F2F, need to filter issues list



chapman: any new issues for issues list?

WSA has process doc for issue resolution, should we adopt something like that? Need to provide a reference


NEW ACTION: chairs look at WSA issues process and recommend whether it should be adopted by this group.




chapman: liaisons



feedback from bpel meeting?

chapman: made a 10 min report on the choreo F2F. reaction was good on our 2 language contributions, work to merge 2.


anything else from bpel?


Tony: liaisions got the graveyard slot!


chapman: as a good faith effort should invite them for current status report at next f2f. Too one way currently

monica: discussion about uncefact work raises other issues. How are liaison related to work we want to accomplish

tony: it would be good to make it more 2 way and invite liaison from bpel group to next f2f




chapman: tony gave overview at F2F but ran out of time did not get to discuss


tony: tried to give overview , gave same presentation at Bpel

tony: gave overview uncefact organization which is different. Grand plan of things

slides are on W3C site ( http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2003Oct/0000.html)

tony: report on delta and bits which are pertinent for choreo

tony: at F2f gave overview of organization. Future concentrate on developement and bits which are relevant for choreo

chapman: do we want to give them information as well, do we need to set up liaison with uncefact

tony : don't know . meeting in Austria, can ask if they are interested and report back

chapman: any other comments? should do something more proactive?

tony: just had meeting in Seoul , have not heard feedback from that yet.


NEW ACTION: Tony to keep group updated on un/cefact


NEW ACTION: chairs to explore with UN/CEFECT whether a liaison is of mutual interest




chapman: oasis announced new TC for BPSS , hasn't started yet , should talk about if we want to talk with them

monica: 1st meeting 20 Oct

chapman: monica do you want to tell us goals of TC , how it fits with choreo, do we need liaison?

monica: internally focused on ebusiness and model for collaboration could work in complementary manner to ws-chor

chapman: wait for TC to get up and running and then have discussion between 2 groups

20:36:34 [MChapman]


Proposed new use case

chapman: next item proposed new use case , discuss, decide what to do with it



chapman: use case from Marco Adragna [marco.adragna@kellogg.oxford.ac.uk]



tony : web services going in direction of loose coupling , not concerned with implementation focus is on message


frank: is this a use case?

chapman: probably not, but not much different than some of our other use cases

not rpc message type thing. static methods in distributed env do not scale.

jeff: static information is not usable externally

jeff: not visible in distributed environments

??: I think he is just giving analogy. get at notion set of services that will create stateful interaction

     concrete example like travel agent might have parent methods create travel package, then set of services for hotel reservation in travel package

    wind up with static methods on travel package , instance methods allow hotel reservation


chapman: like factory pattern?

asserting usefulness of factory pattern

chapman: still struggling to see what this has to do with choreo

jeff: debate going on in WSA about this topic

issue which could be choreo or underlying infrastructure.

chapman: factories useful in choreo if you want to model messages for factory then you would model like any other choreography.

would need concrete example of factory pattern

jeff: need factory pattern to instantiate choreo, but not fundamental for choreo

chapman: one could say factory pattern highlight dynamic nature. Does this use case add any new information to our requirements. Maybe dynamic nature factory ability to add addresses..

chapman: not convinced should be dismissed or has something that we don't already have so needs analysis by requirements people

tony: should ask him to make sure we understand what he is getting at


NEW ACTION: Chairs to reply to Marco requesting clarification of his use case 

 Discussion Threads

chapman: next agenda threads WS awarness of choreo concluded?

chapman: simultaneous execution?

frank: little work lately

chapman: should not relax and stop talking


David: need choreo multiple participants same role

chapman: did we talk about this?

david: agreed requirement? do we need to think of solutions. my spec does not address it

chapman: what point do we think of solutions?

david: can define interaction buyer and seller can occur one or more times, how do you synchronize responses 

chapman: need to raise iterator in requirements? might be too detailed there?

david: think about this is a problem we want to solve specify variable number destinations, and synchronization before moving on

chapman:isn't this already in requirements?

david: do we need to do anything else at this stage?

david: don't know when design choreo don't know participants and number,

chapman: does anyone think this hasn't been captured in requirements?


nick: oracle proposal captures this requirement. can have multiple instantiantions of role but unbounded part not captured

nick : need to look at unbounded part

david: when define choreo can say 1 , 0-1 , or many

chapman: need to be able to name participants, need to be able to correlate responses

chapman: need a handle on responses

nick: otherwise will not be able to do sync

tony: don't fix actual number at design time, at runtime fix number

nick: need concept of array

chapman: may know number of participants

chapman: unbound at runtime is important. need handles

nick: need handle on channel and documents, responses correllated back to handle











Australia F2F

chapman: talk about F2F in Australia

chapman: narrow majority for attending in Australia, will there be enough people to make a productive meeting? open up an online pre-registration for the meeting and

based on numbers chairs will make executive decision. Pre registration will be open for two weeks (to Monday 13th)

please register intention (registration page at: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34340/WS-Chor)


monica:bpel might have their's in Europe. if ibm hosts maybe Berlin. Date no decided on yet.


chapman: any other compelling topic?

frank: question setting up F2F for discussion oracle presentation, is that happening

david: 15-16 oct in bay area f2f to discuss


tony: clarification on transaction requirements next week

NEW ACTION: chairs put tony's requirements on agenda on next week


chapman: John Dart has  left Tibco, formally like to thank him for contribution to this group.

   Tibco still intends to  participate




Summary Of Action Items

New This week:

ACTION: Use Case proposers to highlight/extract any EAI specific aspects from their use cases.


ACTION: chairs look at WSA issues process and recommend whether it should be adopted by this group.

recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc#T20-22-01


ACTION: Tony to keep group updated on un/cefact

recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc#T20-32-44


ACTION: chairs to explore with UN/CEFECT whether a liaison is of mutual interest

recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc#T20-33-04


ACTION: Chairs to reply to Marco requesting clarification of his use case 

recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc#T20-50-10


ACTION: chairs put tony's requirements on agenda on next week

recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/30-ws-chor-irc#T21-08-17






ACTION: Steve to facilitate calling a Requirements / Use Case editors meeting.


ACTION: Dave will call a meeting, to discuss how to take the two CDL contributions and come up with a baseline document

and match it with the revised requirements document.



ACTION : David Burdett to provide a design collaboration use case.


ACTION: Steve: Will put all the comments on draft requirements above into the requirements spreadsheet and send out.


ACTION: Editors of the requirements are directed to look at the issues list and filter each issue in a similar way to the filtering method used at the F2F.


ACTION: Requirements editors to consider an EAI use case and think about within and across firewalls.

monica: eai use cases: those that submitted could pull out elements that are enterprise within use cases already done

monica: use case owners extract highlight eai aspects of their use cases





ACTION : DB to produce a commentary on how Burdett ML meets (or not) the current requirements. 



ACTION: SRT Brought semantics question to the TAG. On chairs coordination call, he asked about semantics for/of choreography. A new Semantic Web Services Interest Group is being formed in about one month. Issue will be sent to that group when it is formed.