IRC log of ws-cg on 2002-10-15

Timestamps are in UTC.

Zakim, who is here?
On the phone I see Dave_Hollander, ??P1, Kelvin, Hugo, Fallside
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, DaveH, DavidF, hugo
zakim, ??PP1 is addisson
sorry, DavidF, I do not recognize a party named '??PP1'
zakim, ??PP3 mikeC
I don't understand '??PP3 mikeC', DavidF
Agenda at
agenda+ Review action items
agenda+ Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or Chris re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination
agenda+ Report from XML CG
agenda+ Status on choreography charter proposal from WS Arch
Zakim, list agenda
Zakim, what is the agenda?
I see Team_MIT(site)10:00AM, WS_WSCG()1:00PM
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
1. Review action items [from hugo]
2. Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or Chris re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination [from hugo]
3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
4. Status on choreography charter proposal from WS Arch [from hugo]
ACTION: Hugo open a WSAWG issue about MEP
MC and JM to continue trying to find venue for Jan 2003 f2f: candidate on the West Coast
ACTION: Hugo to add the publication moratoria in the calendar
MSM to send email to tech-plenary arrangements team with coordinated response from WS and XML: done
ACTION: DH MC MSM to discuss team tag to report from XML CG
Zakim, close agenda 1
agendum 1 closed
I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
2. Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or Chris re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination [from hugo]
Telcons every 2 weeks, next f2f in Dec
(Kelvin speaking)
OASIS forming a Steering Committee on JOint Security to oversee all security issues in OASIS
aka SJC
re action team-tag - this was a discussion regarding my inability to fully attend xml-cg meetings and micheal's coverage of the liason.
This action is done.
thnx D
SJC would be the place where W3C could liase
(from Kelvin)
KL: SJC might report to TAB, and W3C may have liason with TAB
HH: not sure about that liason
HH: not sure about TAB liaison. however, the WSCG may not be the closest to the SJC; xenc, dsig and XKMS would be closer IMO
ACTION: Hugo to contact Joseph Reagle about liasing through SJC
KL: OASIS process changed; can publish something every month; more flexibility
KL: OASIS in process of collecting comments on WS security specs
... collected on the WS-Security mailing list (public)
... should start the formalization by the end of the year, and should get something out between Dec and March
KL: WS security spec = WS-Scecurity and 4 related bindings docs
KL: [ scribe missed something about new work]
... I have seen something about a new work about Web services and signatures: new security work
DF: it seems like OASIS has created a new security steering group; maybe, we should liaise at a higher level from now on
KL: several level. WG level will still happen
... SJC seems important
KL: Phil Griffin chairs SJC
Carl Best would be a good contact as well (he is in OASIS Technology Office)
DF: how often such a report would work for you?
KL: around every month would work best
ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to wscg telcon in ~1 month
Zakim, close agenda 2
agendum 2 closed
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
agenda+ I18N WS task force
5. I18N WS task force
AP: I am the chair of this task force
AP= Addisson Philips
AP was invited to telcon by DF to give brief overview of I18N WS TF
... getting started
charter to be liason for ws wg's, thus removing direct contact w/ I18N WG
... this task force is meant to the the WS Activity direct liaison with the I18N Activity
2 deliverables:
- set of use cases, specific to I18N
- come up with a set of requirements for the architecture
... concerned that because coming in late, out of synch already
DH: why a TF for WS?
came up at an I18N workshop; interesting issues, and interest from people
DF: vendors today concentrate on server interactions
... so why an I18N interest?
AP: agreed, but there are interesting issues, e.g. executing in a particular locale
discussion on whether transport layer should include local (for ex.) information
AP: what I really am interested in is finding out who to talk to
DF: public mailing lists are a good start
DH: reviewing our recently published documents would be good too
Zakim, close agenda 5
agendum 5 closed
I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
XML CG didn't meet
Zakim, close agenda 3
agendum 3 closed
I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
4. Status on choreography charter proposal from WS Arch [from hugo]
MC: went back to the WG reporting the WSCG discussions
... need to make progress on choreography framework
... WG accepted the task to guide people
... not a whole lot of progress yet
... we will drive the WG with the agenda to focus on this
DH: need to give more concrete directions
MC: got 3 companies volunteering invited experts for 6 weeks to help us out
DF: who are they?
DH: in the process of finalizing this
DF: report from W3M on behalf of MSM
... 2 actions:
- talk to the owned of BPEL and ask about bringing the spec to W3C
... behind on this
- ask authors of BPEL, WSCI, (???) (didn't hear) to do a presentation to staff to see how things relate to each other
HH: MSM did start to talk to people; in progress
DH: goal to get something published, useful to the AC
WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
DH: something is an architecture document describing how choreaography fits into WS arch
rssagent, bye
rrsagent, bye
I see 4 open action items:
ACTION: Hugo open a WSAWG issue about MEP [1]
recorded in
ACTION: Hugo to add the publication moratoria in the calendar [2]
recorded in
ACTION: Hugo to contact Joseph Reagle about liasing through SJC [4]
recorded in
ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to wscg telcon in ~1 month [5]
recorded in