Results of Questionnaire UAWG Survey for 22 September 2011

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: w3c-archive@w3.org, jeanne@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2011-09-21 to 2011-09-30.

3 answers have been received.

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  1. Summary for Guideline 2.2
  2. Summary for Guideline 2.3
  3. Summary for Guideline 2.4
  4. Summary for Guideline 2.6

1. Summary for Guideline 2.2

Guideline 2.2 - Provide sequential navigation

Summary: Users without pointing devices need to navigate sequentially (2.2.3) to all the operable elements (2.2.1) in the viewport as well as between viewports (2.2.2). Users can opt stop wrapping or request a signal when wrapping occurs (2.2.4).


ChoiceAll responders
Agree with the proposal 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral, will accept consensus of the group
Suggest the following changes to the proposal 2


Responder Summary for Guideline 2.2Comments on 2.2
Jan Richards Agree with the proposal Grammar: opt TO stop
Markku Hakkinen Suggest the following changes to the proposal Small change:

Users can optionally disable wrapping or request a signal when wrapping occurs (2.2.4).

Questions: is wrapping defined somewhere? Is wrapping of within page controls different from wrapping view ports? Are these two different settings?
Kimberly Patch Suggest the following changes to the proposal Users can use the keyboard to navigate sequentially...

2. Summary for Guideline 2.3

Guideline 2.3 - Provide direct navigation and activation

Summary: In addition to sequential navigation, users need direct navigation (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) to frequently used elements (2.3.1) with immediate activation of the command(2.3.3). Display the command with the element, to make it easier for users to discover the command (2.3.2 & 2.3.4). Give the user an option to remap the direct commands to their needs (2.3.5).


ChoiceAll responders
Agree with the proposal 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral, will accept consensus of the group
Suggest the following changes to the proposal 2


Responder Summary for Guideline 2.3Comments on 2.3
Jan Richards Suggest the following changes to the proposal Summary: In addition to sequential navigation, users need direct navigation (e.g. keyboard shortcuts) to important elements (2.3.1) with the option of immediate activation of the operable elements (2.3.3). Display commands with the elements to make it easier for users to discover the commands (2.3.2 & 2.3.4). Give the user an option to remap the direct commands to their needs (2.3.5).
Markku Hakkinen Agree with the proposal
Kimberly Patch Suggest the following changes to the proposal Users can navigate directly (e.g....
Command is displayed with the element to...
The user can remap...

3. Summary for Guideline 2.4

Guideline 2.4 - Provide text search

Summary: All users, but especially users who listen to a web page sequentially, need the ability to scan web content for specific character strings. The user can search the rendered content (2.4.1) forward or backward (2.4.2) and can have desired text displayed in the viewport (2.4.3). The user is notified if there is no match (2.4.4)


ChoiceAll responders
Agree with the proposal 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral, will accept consensus of the group
Suggest the following changes to the proposal 2


Responder Summary for Guideline 2.4Comments on 2.4
Jan Richards Agree with the proposal
Markku Hakkinen Suggest the following changes to the proposal Changes:

In the first sentence, should scan be replaced by search? Scanning and Searching are two different by similar actions.

The user can search the rendered content (2.4.1) forward or backward (2.4.2) and can have instances of the searched for text highlighted in context in the viewport (2.4.3). The user is notified if there is no match (2.4.4)
Kimberly Patch Suggest the following changes to the proposal Users can scan...

4. Summary for Guideline 2.6

Guideline 2.6 - Provide access to event handlers

Summary: Users may interact with web content by mouse, keyboard, voice input, gesture, or a combination of input methods. Users need to know what event handlers (e.g. onmouseover) are available at the element (2.6.1), activate the event (2.6.2) or activate all events (2.6.3) at that element.


ChoiceAll responders
Agree with the proposal
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral, will accept consensus of the group
Suggest the following changes to the proposal 3


Responder Summary for Guideline 2.6Comments on 2.2
Jan Richards Suggest the following changes to the proposal Summary: Users may interact with web content by mouse, keyboard, voice input, gesture, or a combination of input methods. Users need to know what event handlers (e.g. onmouseover) are available at the element (2.6.1) and they need to be able to activate an element's events individually (2.6.2) or altogether (2.6.3)
Markku Hakkinen Suggest the following changes to the proposal Changes:

Users may interact with web content by mouse, keyboard, voice input, gesture, or a combination of input methods. A user's preferred input method may not directly activate authored event handlers on an element. Users need to know what event handlers (e.g. onmouseover) are available at the element (2.6.1) and have the option to activate an event (2.6.2) or activate all events (2.6.3) at that element.
Kimberly Patch Suggest the following changes to the proposal Users can interact...
Users can discover what

More details on responses

  • Jan Richards: last responded on 21, September 2011 at 13:47 (UTC)
  • Markku Hakkinen: last responded on 22, September 2011 at 13:56 (UTC)
  • Kimberly Patch: last responded on 22, September 2011 at 17:24 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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