Results of Questionnaire UAWG Writers' Meeting followup #2

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: w3c-archive@w3.org, jeanne@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2010-08-02 to 2010-09-17.

5 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Proposal for 3.6.1 Configure Text
  2. Proposal for 3.6.2 Preserve Distinctions
  3. Proposal for 3.6.3 Option Range
  4. Proposal for 3.1.4 Rendering Alternative (Enhanced)
  5. Proposal for 3.11 General Intent

1. Proposal for 3.6.1 Configure Text

See 3.6.1 Configure Text Intent, Examples and Related Resources.


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 1
Recommend changes (see comments field) 3
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group


Responder Proposal for 3.6.1 Configure TextComments 3.6.1
Greg Lowney Recommend changes (see comments field) The Intent calls out the reason for making text smaller, but not the reasons for other adjustments. Suggest adding "Some users want to increase the size, or change the font or colors to better suit their visual needs." before the sentence about decreasing font size.
Jan Richards Recommend changes (see comments field) "Some users want to reduce the font size to decrease the need to scroll the content." =>
For example, while some users may want to increase the font for visibility, others may reduce the font size to decrease the need to scroll the content.
Kelly Ford The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) I can live with this as is but the intent would do with maybe one more sentence. It reads kind of like it just ends abruptly. Or perhaps just a bit of different wording in the second sentence since it sounds like you are talking about a different population so saying something like some users may also...
Markku Hakkinen Recommend changes (see comments field) I am not sure what is meant by "font resolution" as I think "font design features" is more appropriate. Font design features map to the "Font Family", though I don't think "Font Family" is appropriate in the example, as Lee is specifically looking for design features of the Palatino font: serifed and letter spacing.

I also would question the statement "The white on black reduces glare" as reflected light is generally more visible with black or very dark backgrounds (hence recommendations to reduce glare by using white or light backgrounds). Lee has selected white on black to reduce the overall brightness of the display, which due to her light sensitivity, results in a better reading experience.

Suggested re-write:

Lee has low vision from albinism and has difficulty with text legibility and screen brightness. She changes all text to 16 pt Palatino font, with white text on a black background. The serifed Palatino font has character spacing that resolves better for her vision. The white on black display reduces overall screen brightness, which results in less light entering her eyes.
Kimberly Patch Accept the proposal

2. Proposal for 3.6.2 Preserve Distinctions

See 3.6.2 Preserve Distinctions Intent, Examples and Related Resources.


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 4
Recommend changes (see comments field) 1
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field)
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group


Responder Proposal for 3.6.2 Preserve DistinctionsComments 3.6.2
Greg Lowney Recommend changes (see comments field) Suggest adding to Intent: ", and because some content may be authored in a way that would make it difficult or impossible to understand when if font distinctions were hidden."
Jan Richards Accept the proposal
Kelly Ford Accept the proposal
Markku Hakkinen Accept the proposal
Kimberly Patch Accept the proposal

3. Proposal for 3.6.3 Option Range

See 3.6.3 Option Range Intent, Examples and Related Resources.


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 2
Recommend changes (see comments field) 2
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group


Responder Proposal for 3.6.3 Option RangeComments 3.6.3
Greg Lowney Recommend changes (see comments field) 1. The SC itself doesn't specify what options it's referring to; it's meaningless unless you understand that it's referring to 3.6.1.

2. The SC itself has a punctuation error in (B) where the word "utilities" should be inside the parentheses.

3. The Intent paragraph starts with "The user needs to be able to" but provides no explanation as to why. The remaining sentences restate the SC bullets rather than explaining their intent.
Jan Richards The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) I always read this SC as being about the range (min to max) but the example is about the need for fine increments...which is ok, but different.

Also: "If platform"=>"If A platform"
Kelly Ford Accept the proposal Through in the success criteria for this one is missing the letter r.
Markku Hakkinen Recommend changes (see comments field) Small change: closing paren moved.

(a) the range offered by global preference settings supported by the operating environment (i.e configured though the Control Panel or System utility), or

Comment: "...then whatever text characteristics are supported by drawing programs for that operating environment..."

Is this saying that the text characteristics options found in programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop should be provided by the UA? That can be quite extreme (wide range of text effects possible in Illustrator, for example). Wouldn't it be more appropriate to state "font family, font face, sizing, styling, and color settings commonly supported in Word Processing applications"?
Kimberly Patch Accept the proposal

4. Proposal for 3.1.4 Rendering Alternative (Enhanced)

See 3.1.4 Rendering Alternative (Enhanced) Intent, Examples and Related Resources.


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 1
Recommend changes (see comments field) 1
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group 2


Responder Proposal for 3.1.4 Rendering Alternative (Enhanced)Comments 3.1.4
Greg Lowney Recommend changes (see comments field) 1. Again, this Intent paragraph restates the SC but doesn't explain WHY the user might want to do these things, or why they're important.

2. In "For a give piece of non-text content the author may have provide one or several alternatives" change "give" to "given" and "provide" to "provided".

3. Outside of these related new Intent paragraphs we haven't used the syntax (@alt) and (@longdesc), so we may not want to use them here. It's not a syntax I use or see widely used.

4. Combine the two Intent sentences containing examples, separated by semicolon, and delete the sentence "There may be others." Thus "For example, an image may have different versions based on resolution, ‘alt text’ (@alt) or a link to a long description (@longdesc), while a video may have bandwidth alternatives, caption files in different languages, or audio descriptions in different languages." Or even better, shorten them considerably or delete them altogether as they should be conveyed in the Examples list.

5. The examples are written with very short, simple sentences that one analyzer says is below 5th grade reading level. For our audience it might be better to vary the sentence length, such as something like "Mary has a learning disability, and finds looking at images on a web page very distracting. She would prefer to have all images replaced by their long descriptions, or by their 'alt text' when they have no long descriptions, or by their file names when nothing else is available."

6. Instead of saying Mary clicks on an image, say she'd click on the alternate content that replaced an image (since the actual image has been hidden and so can't be clicked on).
Jan Richards Accept the proposal "give piece"=>"given piece"
Kelly Ford Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group The first sentence in intent needs minor cleaning. Change this to:

For a given piece of non-text content the author may have provided one or several alternatives.
Markku Hakkinen Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group
Kimberly Patch The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field)

5. Proposal for 3.11 General Intent

See 3.11 General Intent


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 3
Recommend changes (see comments field) 1
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) 1
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group


Responder Proposal for 3.11 General IntentComments 3.11
Greg Lowney Recommend changes (see comments field) I think a lot of the Intent paragraph for 3.11.1 can be moved into 3.11, and the whole thing can be expanded further at the same time the rest of the Intent paragraphs are written for 3.11.*.
Jan Richards Accept the proposal
Kelly Ford Accept the proposal
Markku Hakkinen Accept the proposal
Kimberly Patch The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field)

More details on responses

  • Greg Lowney: last responded on 19, August 2010 at 06:11 (UTC)
  • Jan Richards: last responded on 24, August 2010 at 16:03 (UTC)
  • Kelly Ford: last responded on 26, August 2010 at 14:21 (UTC)
  • Markku Hakkinen: last responded on 26, August 2010 at 15:35 (UTC)
  • Kimberly Patch: last responded on 26, August 2010 at 17:21 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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