Results of Questionnaire UAWG Survey for 19 November

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: w3c-archive@w3.org, jeanne@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2009-11-18 to 2009-12-02.

3 answers have been received.

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  1. Proposal 4.9.6 Playback Rate Adjustment for Multimedia Content.

1. Proposal 4.9.6 Playback Rate Adjustment for Multimedia Content.

From a proposal from Mark Hakkinen.


4.9.6 Playback Rate Adjustment for Multimedia Content. The user can adjust playback rate of prerecorded content containing speech audio tracks such that all of the following are true (Level A):

- The playback rate should be user adjustable between 1/3 and 3 times real time of the recorded content.

- Recorded speech, whose playback rate has been adjusted by the user, should utilize pitch maintenance in order to avoid degradation of the speech quality.

If only a visual track is present, provide at least one setting between 40% and 60% of the original speed. (Level A)

When audio and video tracks are expected to be synchronized, synchronization is maintained as long as they are played at 75% of the original speed or higher. (Level A)

The UA should provide a function that resets the playback rate to normal (1x). (Level A)


ChoiceAll responders
Accept the proposal 1
Recommend changes (see comments field)
The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) 2
Disagree with the proposal
Neutral - will accept the consensus of the group


Responder Proposal 4.9.6 Playback Rate Adjustment for Multimedia Content.Comments
Kelly Ford Accept the proposal I am voting accept on this. I realize we need some harder data but think we could call this out in a draft of seeking comments. Overall the basic concept we want is here.
Jim Allan The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field) synchronization at 75% - UAAG10 set this at 80% see http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG10/guidelines.html#tech-slow-multimedia

playback rate for sign track 2.5-3x loss of comprehension - http://jslhr.highwire.org/cgi/content/abstract/42/3/568

goto http://scholar.google.com/ search for 'playback rate comprehension'

?? only 'speech audio', how is the player/UA to know when something is speech or just sound? are there 'speech ' attributes?
should be 'audio'
Markku Hakkinen The proposal needs more discussion (see comments field)

More details on responses

  • Kelly Ford: last responded on 19, November 2009 at 04:50 (UTC)
  • Jim Allan: last responded on 19, November 2009 at 17:00 (UTC)
  • Markku Hakkinen: last responded on 19, November 2009 at 18:08 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

Compact view of the results / list of email addresses of the responders

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