Mapping of complex Forms

Project acronym: QUESTION-HOW
Project Full Title:Quality Engineering Solutions via Tools, Information and Outreach for the New Highly-enriched Offerings from W3C: Evolving the Web in Europe
Project/Contract No. IST-2000-28767
Workpackage 1, Deliverable D1.3

Project Manager: Daniel Dardailler <>
Author of this document: Michel Bercovier , Danny Dolev

Created: 29 August 2002. Last updated: 29 August 2002.

Table of Content:


Forms are the current customer – organization interface. Forms are present wherever there is a need of dialog between a user and an organization. Most sites offering a service to users have multiple forms to allow for registration, information retrieval and gathering , requests, shopping,  etc…etc… Hence we were able to gather a collection of existing forms , representing complex operations such as job request, bank operations and so on… Users request to have continuous access to the organizational interfaces by means of such forms.

The necessity to be clear and effective ( a user will drop out if the operations and requests are tedious and difficult to understand) means that such forms will have a complex layout .

Organizations need efficient and powerful tool to handle forms. This is sometimes done by special purpose form generators or by  complex layout of the web pages.

As a consequence  thecurrent design of Web forms doesn't separate the purpose / content / actions from the presentation of a form.

XForms, based on XML, in contrast, are comprised of separate sections that describe what the form does, and how the form looks. This should allow for flexible presentation options, including classic XHTML forms, to be attached to an XML form definition.

 Since XForms intend to become the bridge across these expectations validation of XForms’ capabilities is important.

Present state of the work

Review of the status of Xform and related software


XFormis still a specification at the stage of a working draft  XForms 1.0 now for public review. None of the available  browsers have an XHTML implementation of Xforms.  There exists a few spetial pupose browsers currently devellpoed for XML and Xforms, but all of them are still at a beta stage. Hence we had problem using most of the clients that are listed in XForms - the next generation of Web forms . The only one we did succeed to use is the X-Smile browser  We expect the same difficulties on the Web Server software side.


Constructing a form under XForm


 The number of  available XForm examples is VERY limited , and in general one find only the few given in the Xform working draft. Hence  we decided to start from a simple form taken from the site : the step4 of the registration to the AC meeting of the W3C. It can be  found at and a copy is provided as example in this report

Please complete attendance details.


Please tell us to which groups you belong. Check ALL appropriate boxes.
Advisory Committee Representative for your Company/Organization
Advisory Board Member
Working Group Chair

I will be attending the W3C Introductory Day: Monday 18 November *.

Meeting documents

Meeting documents will be available on the web from the Meeting Overview Page.

You may request to receive a paper copy of meeting documents such as the Activity Statements, Executive Summaries, Effort Tables and Process Document upon registering for the meeting.

I would prefer *meeting materials.

Upon registration, attendees will receive a paper copy of the meeting Agenda and the attendee list.

Meal Requirements

I would like *meals.
In case of special dietary requirements, please specify :
Please note: we will do our best to accommodate requests but must work with a fixed menu from the hotel.

*: required field

This has the advantage of being written in HTML 4.01 , hence follows a standard  and its rules.

The fist problem we encountered was the use of  the break command, given in a format compatible with XHTML ie  <br /> , it was generating fatal errors in the XForm  browser! Hence before processing the form to build an XForm version some editing had to be made. Moreover the variables and values of the form entries are defined in the HTML body at the same time as the actual layout , hence no separation of content and forms.

To map such a form to XForm one had to construct first the xform:model,  where the actual variables and actions are defined. This has to be down by analyzing both source and original web pages to extract the necessary information. The resulting source text file can be viewed as a postscript file  The method could be automatic if the original web pages had been properly constructed, but still it would need at least a double pass parsing to construct the Xform file.


One can view and compare  original HTML  page and the resulting Xform page under the X-Smile browser .


A collection of Forms and the problems to analyze


A large collection of forms written in various versions of HTML have been collected.  It can be downloaded from

Take a typical example of a form generated by a Form Generator , in pdf format, the corresponding source shows that the  HTML generated is non standard and the HTML body is made of interleaved tables . Starting from such a source necessitates its editing to have a compliant HTML file. Next the table imbedding must be understood to build s corresponding layout by style sheets and XForm.


Next Steps


It is essential to manipulate the equivalent of tables under Xforms. This is not an easy step ( no tutorial, no examples). Moreover the Xform enabled browser being beta releases , some of the problems we encounter can be due to the software's lack of maturity . And not all recommendations are yet implemented. We will analyse and test how such tables , and their imbedding could be done under Xform.  

Using the forms we have collected together with  some Form editor characteristics we will try and identify repetitive structures to create an initial  XML based  Xform dictionary and see how it can map to the most important form editing requirements.


Deviations from plan

Delay due to late contract signature.