16:13:20 RRSAgent has joined #webont 16:16:17 have fun guys 16:17:34 jhendler has changed the topic to: webont f2f agenda http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ftf3.html log: http://www.w3. 16:18:01 DeborahMc has joined #webont 16:18:03 jhendler has changed the topic to: webont f2f log at http://www.w3.org/2002/07/01-webont-irc 16:18:15 rrsagent, bookmark. 16:18:15 See http://www.w3.org/2002/07/01-webont-irc#T16-18-15 16:24:18 Roll call: Guus, Ian, Mike , Jos, Jeff, Mike Sintek. Mike Smith, Marwon, Evan, Larry, Jim, Deb, Jonathan, Abigiail Agam, Pat Hayes, Volz 16:26:37 social details: dinner tonight at Italian Restaurant - coffee breaks, lunch in room 16:28:43 Raphael Volz has sent list of differences between the three writeups, this is distributed to participants. 16:30:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jun/0219.html 16:32:19 Deb - minimal changes - cardinality restricted to 0, 1 at least 1 16:33:06 inverse functional added 16:36:35 Guus - is everyone okay with the specific division of features? 16:37:20 Ian - disjoint is expressible from the current features (noted: not real easily) should we add it? 16:38:18 Deb - disjoint in Ontolingua - wasn't much, but she added a lot to get usage of consistency checking, etc. 16:51:15 Discussion of what sort of implementation techniques can be used 16:52:16 DanC has joined #webont 16:52:36 Ian - but OWL allows complex things - can do same in Owl-lite 16:54:24 heflin has joined #webont 16:57:52 Smoked Salmon example. 16:58:20 Ian - smoked salmon -- if it is smoked and it is salmon can we say it is smoked salmon? 16:59:17 "current language"? which is that? 16:59:44 [several]: an interesting goal is a language that can be implemented with a horn-clause reasoner. 16:59:46 Danc - we're discussing Deb's document - "current language" is owl-lite as defined in that document 16:59:57 document is in the agenda - cited earlier 17:00:50 Discussion of whether we could restrict owl-lite a bit from where we are to make it simpler for languages like datalog, XSB, etc. 17:02:06 [... discussion of which features conflict with this goal of implementing in a horn reasoner ... ] 17:12:03 example: it seems to Ian that this can't be captured in horn logic: "the Person class is those things whose parents are Persons" and "BeerShopOwner subClassOf Person" 17:13:16 discussion as to whether we've added too many properties - Toulousse added a lot 17:13:44 JimH asked how to say that using the proposed vocabulary. Anser: Person sameClassAs eachValueFrom parent Person. BeerShopOwner subClassOf Person. 17:14:20 JeffH stipulated that it was hard, if at all possible, to capture that in horn clauses. 17:16:33 JimH - is it a hard change or a small change to implement OWL-lite in datalog? 17:20:28 discussion continues as to what kind of implementations people have in mind, and how they might interact 17:22:01 Guus - can we reformulate this in some actions we can address? 17:24:22 Discussion of completeness/incompleteness w/respect to Owl 17:30:52 Discussion of what kind of tools some people are using - examples 17:30:54 jhendler: the way DanC describes entailment tests are hard to relate to, say, our instance creator. Our instance creator does exploit the logical aspects of the language... 17:31:42 Smoked Salmon ontology (from Jon Borden on XML-Dev) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jul/0005.html 17:35:04 Discussion of general goals of OWL :-> 17:35:25 discussion of tests and test cases 17:39:14 Discussion of conformance and conformance coverage 17:42:06 DanC: recently I've changed my mind about completeness... I think the Web community expects a certain (fairly weak) interoperable inference 17:42:36 [which two things? lots of people are agreeing; important to write such things down] 17:43:10 Suggestion from Mike Dean - we allow sameclassas only between named classes in the OWL lite case 17:43:11 MikeD: allow sameClassAs only with named classes 17:50:55 discussion of how to change the document 17:54:14 issues on table - 17:54:29 issue 1 - is the issue with respect to defined classes 17:54:38 issue 2 - adding of disjoint 17:57:19 issue 3 - dropping local/existential 17:59:27 a local existential example includes a parent is a person who has a child who is a person 17:59:48 a simple alternative is someone who has a child who is a doctor 18:00:12 this should be named a parent of a doctor 18:00:26 "Class descriptions can either be partial, indicating that the elements of the class satisfy at least the stated description and perhaps others; or the class description can be complete, indicating that the elements of the class are precisely characterized by the stated description. " <- DanC would like to see this go. 18:06:13 ACTION Ian: investigate the implications of striking "Class descriptions..." text from the document./ 18:09:24 Ian - seems to me removing "red haired people" is a bad idea 18:14:48 las has joined #webont 18:41:04 jimh, I offered to scribe this session 18:41:34 mdean has joined #webont 18:42:07 meeting resumes... 18:42:31 chair notes we're a bit behind, as we didn't achive the objective of deciding on publication 18:43:16 === Naming 18:43:45 PROPOSED: "OWL Lite" for the subset, "OWL" for the full language 18:44:16 RESOLVED, connolly abstaining 18:45:00 --- 18:45:01 ISSUE: Syntax 18:45:02 From: Raphael Volz (volz@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de) 18:45:02 Date: Sun, Jun 30 2002 18:45:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jun/0219.html 18:45:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Ju 18:45:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jun/att-0219/01-syntax-issues.html 18:48:57 enumerating the terms as in syntax-issues.html ... 18:49:12 Mike: do we have norms for capitalization? 18:49:45 Guus: InitialCaps for classes, lowerInitial for properties. camelCase in general. No, no convention for individuals. 18:50:02 DeborahMc: we could use a norm for individuals 18:52:01 RESOLVED: owl:Ontology is an agreed term, as used in OWL 1.0 Reference D., Formal Spec 18:52:55 ... ok that feature synopsis doesn't have it, since feature synopsis needn't be exhaustive, esp. w.r.t. non-logical 18:53:11 RESOLVED: owl:versionInfo likewise. 18:55:17 PROPOSED: owl:imports 18:56:18 connolly, hayes, Horrocks abstaining. Dean opposed. 18:56:22 RESOLVED. 18:58:39 DebM: at present, I don't have owl: in front of any names. 18:58:55 MikeS: I got a little confused about which names are RDFS names 18:59:09 ACTION Deb: clarify that owl: is the default, note when names come from RDFS. 19:00:13 DebM: at present, feature synopsis uses lower case to start bullet items... 19:01:13 MikeD: let's use initial caps for classes, etc. 19:01:58 ACTION DebM: in 2.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 use a distinctive font for terms in the language and conventional capitalization 19:02:44 IanH: re "class"... is that rdfs:Class, or the general class constructor 19:04:15 greater clarification - for example, use of class in 3.1 first bullet - the first use 19:04:28 of class will have the special font and the agreed upon capitalization 19:04:40 and the second us of class will not have the special font 19:12:46 jhendler has joined #webont 19:15:54 JosD has joined #webont 19:19:19 AaronSw has joined #webont 19:29:37 heflin has joined #webont 19:41:19 JosD has joined #webont 19:59:52 LUNCH 20:41:33 jhendler has joined #webont 20:53:42 DanC has joined #webont 21:04:29 las has joined #webont 21:10:36 JimH: they're in 2.x of the feature synopsis 21:10:36 owl:cardinality 21:10:39 mdean has joined #webont 21:11:01 [scribe is switching back from emacs...] 21:11:31 jimH: propose to normalize all 3 docs to owl:cardinality, minCardinality, maxCardinality 21:11:33 2nded 21:11:40 so RESOLVED. 21:12:21 jimh: now onto the idioms for specialized (atMostOne etc.)... I prefer to have explicit vocabulary for these. 21:13:46 IanH: that could be said for lots of idioms... 21:15:27 JosD has joined #webont 21:18:02 Jim has joined #webont 21:18:41 Jim has left #webont 21:27:08 DanC [or was it Deb?]: PROPOSED: hasExactlyOne, as in BaseballTeam hasExactlyOne pitcher. likewise for hasAtMostOne/hasAtLeastOne 21:28:13 IanH: do we really want to add this sort of new, redundant terminology? 21:28:37 MikeS: indeed, let's stick to owl:cardinality, restricted to 1 or owl-lite 21:32:12 straw poll: 8 to 5ish 21:32:53 3ish would objectr 21:33:08 3ish would object to cardinality "1" 21:37:10 RESOLVED: to go with owl:cardinality/min/max, restricted to "1", dissenting: Evan. abstaining JimH abstained, Deb, Jos, Connolly. 21:37:32 ACTION DebM to update feature synopsis, restricted cardinality section 21:37:49 las has joined #webont 21:38:36 the 'restricted to "1"' decision here is for owl lite 21:39:49 ACTION MikeD: note owl-lite restrictions on cardinality in reference doc 21:41:44 RESOLVED: owl:intersectionOf. ACTION Ian update formal spec. 21:42:58 ObjectProperty... 21:44:06 [discussion of whether a change is merited...] 21:44:31 ACTION DebM: note ObjectProperty, DatatypeProperty in the note about "datatypes TBD" 21:45:08 ^so that folks searching for them will find them in the feature synposis somewhere. 21:46:01 ACTION Ian: get IndividualProperty changed in formalization 21:46:25 samePropertyAs... covered by formalism mapping decision above. 21:47:04 -- owl:UniqueProperty 21:47:15 note http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/webont-issues.html#I3.4-UnambiguousProperty still open 21:47:38 ACTION DebM: update feature synopsis functional->Unique (noting 3.4) 21:48:48 ... and isTheOnlyValueFor to owl:UnambiguousProperty. 21:49:08 (note the spelling of owl:UnambiguousProperty.) 21:49:40 -- Individual Instance... 21:49:55 JimH: I really don't like Instance 21:50:29 las1 has joined #webont 21:50:36 Guus recuses himself on this issue 21:50:58 Guus: in my experience, "instance" is always relative to some class. (cf Brackman 1985) 21:51:24 ... i.e. "instance" means class membership; it's a relationthips 21:51:29 relationship 21:52:59 JimH: after reviewing the reference/exchange document, I withdraw my objection 21:53:27 seems to be an editorial matter. never mind. 21:54:19 differentIndividualFrom ... covered by formal mapping decision above 21:54:37 ACTION MikeD: "sameIndividual in text" fix typo. 21:54:54 RESOLVED to thank Raphael for the detail work. 21:56:11 ----------- 21:57:36 Ian summarizes 21:57:37 * Re: Feature Synopsis for OWL Lite and OWL Ian Horrocks (Mon, Jul 01 2002) 21:57:44 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Jul/0000.html 21:58:51 Ian: document motivates owl-lite, but doesn't motivate this document itself. 21:59:31 JimH: it would suffice, to me, to cite requirements/charter 21:59:43 DebM: I could add a short bit along those lines. 22:00:57 Guus: about Thing/Nothing... 22:01:14 DebM/Ian: we think Thing merits explanation, but not Nothing. 22:02:35 ACTION: add Thing to owl-lite description. add Nothing to owl (full) description. 22:04:36 [JimH recalls how we worked on the requirements... conversation between WG member reviewers and editors; discussions that don't resolve between the two are raised to the whole group's agenda] 22:05:31 DebM: yes, we prefer suggested text. it's reasonable if you can't. 22:06:25 Guus[chair]: summarizing the discussion this morning: 22:06:36 (1) add a Disjoint feature to owl-lite? 22:07:00 straw poll: none in favor. 22:07:27 one in favor. 22:07:37 three against. 22:08:11 RESOLVED: to leave disjoint out of owl-lite. 22:08:37 (2) "complete" class descriptions, and can sameClassAs take class expressions or just names? 22:12:35 ... recall Ian's actin to study the issue earlier... 22:14:18 DanC: Deb, has the feadback you've gotten so far given you pause about releasing? 22:14:50 DebM: I have been able to integrate much of the feedback already. No, I'm reasonably content to release with the "complete" issue outstanding. 22:15:13 Guus: schedule estimate? 22:15:21 DebM: I'm offline 6-13July 22:15:43 DebM: I could put something out 6Jul, and hand off to Frank at that point. 22:17:14 suggested schedule: draft 6Jul, discussion 11Jul, release 18Jul. [confirm pls?] 22:20:02 PROPOSED: release feature synposis document as a W3C WD, with editorial input thru telcon of 18Jul. (contingent on availability of reference document) 22:20:36 so RESOLVED. 22:22:06 JimH encourages folks to get their input in by 11Jul. 22:24:21 jhendler1 has joined #webont 22:50:10 GuusS has joined #webont 22:52:12 JosD has joined #webont 22:53:05 Agenda item: OWL Reference document 22:53:18 Comments from Evan 22:54:51 1. Different syntactic forms 22:55:21 2. relation between class elements & class expressions 22:58:18 DanC has joined #webont 23:02:18 it is difficult to grasp the distinction from the document 23:06:57 Evan: class elements are constructors; expressions are axioms?! 23:07:01 Ian: yes 23:07:16 well, sort of; not in any exact technical sense 23:12:19 Eva: the document contains a lot of duplication 23:24:15 i think the proposal touches the following 5 things: 23:24:18 Rdf:Property 23:24:19 Rdfs:subClassOf 23:24:19 Rdfs:subPropertyOf 23:24:19 Rdfs:domain 23:24:19 Rdfs:range 23:45:44 heflin has joined #webont 23:48:04 jhendler has joined #webont 23:48:06 GuusS has joined #webont 23:48:15 JosD has joined #webont 23:48:17 DanC has joined #webont 23:48:36 ACTION: Mike Dean to include explanation of class elements and expressions 23:48:36 STRAW POLL 23:48:36 rdfs:subclassof only: prefer 5 can live with 9 23:48:36 rdfs:class + owl:subclassof: prefer N-3; can live with: N-3 23:48:36 For the moment we will go with the owl:subclassof format, as this was 23:48:36 the DAML+OIL way. 23:48:38 ACTION: DanC to raise an issue wrt rdfs:subclassof and owl:subclassoff 23:49:22 ACTION: editor to propose changed title, if deemed necessary 23:51:27 PROPOSED: to use for the namespace name: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# 23:51:47 so RESOLVED. 23:52:00 ACTION: Dean & Connoly to propose name space 23:52:28 (actually, my action is to get the above OK'd by the W3C webmaster/director; mike's is to update the reference document)