Amaya 5.3 - conformance to Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

This is a review of Amaya version 5.3, assessing its conformance to the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Recommendation. This is the personal opinion of the reviewer, which may contain errors or omissions, and is offered for the information and possible use of the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines working group (AUWG). This review has not been approved or further assessed by anyone. This review does not represent the opinion of the AUWG, W3C, or any of its members.

Comments on this review are invited, and should be sent to the AUWG mailing list - - whose archives are publicly available.

Review information

Tool reviewed:
Amaya version 5.3 compiled from the release distribution, on a macintosh G3 bronze keyboard powerbook running Mac OS X.1.3 with X window system and Motif.
Guidelines version:
The 3 February 2000 Recommendation "Authoring Tool Accessibilty Guidelines 1.0"
Charles McCathieNevile
26 March 2002. This review took approximately 5 hours.


Amaya does not meet any of the available conformance levels in the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. In particular it fails because of a lack of accessibility testing and repair functionality, and to some extent because the tool itself is still lacking in important accessibility features for users. In other areas Amaya meets a large number of checkpoints at all priority levels, and it seems that it could become conformant at level double-A or triple-A.

Checkpoint by checkpoint assessment

Guideline 1. Support accessible authoring practices.


1.1 Ensure that the author can produce accessible content in the markup language(s) supported by the tool. [Priority 1]
Yes. Amaya offers a source editing facility, and a structure editing facility, to enable the author to directly edit content if required.
1.2 Ensure that the tool preserves all accessibility information during authoring, transformations, and conversions. [Priority 1]
Yes. Amaya provides some built-in transforamtion possibilities, which preserve information,
1.3 Ensure that when the tool automatically generates markup it conforms to the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [WCAG10]. [Relative Priority]
Yes, to level A. The WCAG checkpoints are supported as follows:
Priority 1 checkpoints
1.1 - inserting any kind of object requires a text alternative to be provided. (Except in the case of producing SVG)
Not applicable - these are functions not supported by Amaya
1.3, 1.4, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, 12.1
Not Applicable - these are decisions made by the author
1.2, 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 9.1, 11.4, 14.1
Priority 2 Checkpoints
3.2 - Amaya produces valid HTML, XHTML, SVG, MathML, or mixed-namespace XML combining these languages.
11.1 - Amaya uses the latest W3C specifications for each of HTML, XHTML, SVG, MathML, and CSS
11.2 - Amaya does not automatically generate markup using deprecated elements
Partially implemented
3.3 - Amaya uses style sheets to provide presentation control, but does not enable the extraction of style sheets from individually styled content elements.
Not implemented
3.4 - Amaya uses a mixture of relative and absolute measures in generating styles
Not applicable - these are functions not supported by Amaya
6.4, 6.5, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 12.2
Not Applicable - these are decisions made by the author
2.2, 3.1, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 5.4, 5.4, 10.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4
Priority 3 Checkpoints
11.3 Amaya provides language and content-type identification
9.4 Amaya does not provide for complex positioning, so the order of appeaance is the same as the order of rendering.
5.5 Amaya generates tables with a caption element to provide a summary.
Not implemented
1.5, 5.6, 104 - Amaya does not generate redundant text links for client-side image map links, abbreviated header attributes, or form controls with default content
Not Applicable - these are decisions made by the author
4.2, 4.3, 9.5, 10.5, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.9, 13.10, 14.2, 14.3
1.4 Ensure that templates provided by the tool conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [WCAG10]. [Relative Priority]
Not Applicable. Although there is a template mechanism, Amaya does not provide any actual templates.

Guideline 2. Generate standard markup.


2.1 Use the latest versions of W3C Recommendations when they are available and appropriate for a task. [Priority 2]
2.2 Ensure that the tool automatically generates valid markup. [Priority 1]
2.3 If markup produced by the tool does not conform to W3C specifications, inform the author. [Priority 3]
Yes. The author can find out in the case of HTML by viewing the structure. In the case of XML the author is automatically informed, and processing is discontinued, as required by the XML specification.

Guideline 3. Support the creation of accessible content.


3.1 Prompt the author to provide equivalent alternative information (e.g., captions, auditory descriptions, and collated text transcripts for video). [Relative Priority]
Yes, the author is required to enter a text alternative when inserting any kind of object, or identifying a "hotspot" in a client-side image map.
3.2 Help the author create structured content and separate information from its presentation. [Relative Priority]
Not to any conformance level. The only related WCAG checkpoint (using a list proposed by the reviewer in July 2001) for which prompting is automatic is checkpoint 5.5 (priority 3) - Amaya automatically prompts for a caption for every table created.
3.3 Ensure that prepackaged content conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [WCAG10]. [Relative Priority]
Not applicable
3.4 Do not automatically generate equivalent alternatives. Do not reuse previously authored alternatives without author confirmation, except when the function is known with certainty. [Priority 1]
3.5 Provide functionality for managing, editing, and reusing alternative equivalents for multimedia objects. [Priority 3]

Guideline 4. Provide ways of checking and correcting inaccessible content.


4.1 Check for and inform the author of accessibility problems. [Relative Priority]
No. Amaya does active checking for validity (WCAG 3.2, Priority 2) but does no other accesssibility checking of content. (In addition, Amaya fails to pick up the accessibility problem of missing alt attributes even checking for validity - a bug in its validity checking). Various features of Amaya, parrticularly the synchronised views, allow for manual checking of certain WCAG checkpoints (although Amaya does no other prompting for these checks to be done). The WCAG checkpoints for which some functionality of Amaya supports checking are as follows:
Priority 1 checkpoints
12.1 - Amaya automatically presents each frame as a link, with the name and title as available
6.3 - Because Amaya does not support scripts or applets any function which relies on them will not work in Amaya
Partially implemented
1.1, 2.1, 6.1 - The alternative view can be compared with the "main view" to ensure that there are good text equivalents. However, checking long descriptions is not easy, and is not described in the user manual.
Not applicable - these are functions not supported by Amaya
1.3, 1.4, 6.2, 7.1,
Not implemented - no checking available
1.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 9.1, 11.4, 14.1
Priority 2 Checkpoints
3.2 - Amaya validates code (except the bug in HTML validation of the alt attributre noted above) and informs the user.
11.1 - Amaya defaults to use the latest W3C specifications of XHTML, SVG, MathML, and CSS, and to save content in that default version.
Partially implemented
3.5 - Amaya provides a table of contents view that can be used to verify that headings are used appropriately
3.6, 3.7, 5.4 - Amaya shows the markup of the selected element in the status bar, and the document can be inspected in the structure view. This enables the author to check if lists and quotations are marked up as such, and whether things that are indented have used quotation markup.
5.3 - the alternate view linearises content to enable the author to check that it makes sense.
13.1 - The links view can be used to check that each link makes sense on its own, out of context.
Not implemented
2.2, 3.1, 3.4, 6.4, 6.5, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 8.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 10.2, 11.2, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.3, 13.4
Priority 3 Checkpoints
Not implemented
No functionality assists in checking for priority 3 accessibility errors
4.2 Assist authors in correcting accessibility problems. [Relative Priority]
4.3 Allow the author to preserve markup not recognized by the tool. [Priority 2]
Yes. But in some cases Amaya may not allow the author to edit the document further. (There are some known bugs in particular cases, which lead to Amaya not completely meeting this checkpoint).
4.4 Provide the author with a summary of the document's accessibility status. [Priority 3]
4.5 Allow the author to transform presentation markup that is misused to convey structure into structural markup, and to transform presentation markup used for style into style sheets. [Priority 3]
No. It is possible to do some transformations, but important ones such as converting presentation markup to style sheets is not supported.

Guideline 5. Integrate accessibility solutions into the overall "look and feel".


5.1 Ensure that functionality related to accessible authoring practices is naturally integrated into the overall look and feel of the tool. [Priority 2]
5.2 Ensure that accessible authoring practices supporting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [WCAG10] Priority 1 checkpoints are among the most obvious and easily initiated by the author. [Priority 2]
No. Some functionalities are difficult to find - for example adding text equivalents to SVG elements.

Guideline 6. Promote accessibility in help and documentation.


6.1 Document all features that promote the production of accessible content. [Priority 1]
6.2 Ensure that creating accessible content is a naturally integrated part of the documentation, including examples. [Priority 2]
6.3 In a dedicated section, document all features of the tool that promote the production of accessible content. [Priority 3]

Guideline 7. Ensure that the authoring tool is accessible to authors with disabilities.


7.1 Use all applicable operating system and accessibility standards and conventions (Priority 1 for standards and conventions that are essential to accessibility; Priority 2 for those that are important to accessibility; Priority 3 for those that are beneficial to accessibility).
No. The documentation of Amaya probably meets WCAG double-A, and many functions can be performed with a keyboard, but not all. Amaya does not work well in providing access through accesssibility APIs.
7.2 Allow the author to change the presentation within editing views without affecting the document markup. [Priority 1]
Yes. Amaya allows the author to edit the document applying a user style sheet, which is not published.
7.3 Allow the author to edit all properties of each element and object in an accessible fashion. [Priority 1]
Yes. It is possible to edit all the possible attributes of all elements.
7.4 Ensure that the editing view allows navigation via the structure of the document in an accessible fashion. [Priority 1]
Yes. Amaya provides several options for navigating the structure of a document, including via a table of contents generated automatically for HTML documents.
7.5 Enable editing of the structure of the document in an accessible fashion. [Priority 2]
7.6 Allow the author to search within editing views. [Priority 2]

Level Double-A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0