W3C Spell Checker for http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/Window/publish/Window.html?rev=1.11


This tool allows you to check the spelling of a web page. It currently only supports English and French.


Errors found in the page

  1. "APIs" ; suggestions:
  2. "Acknowledgements" ; suggestions:
  3. "DocumentWindow" ; suggestions:
  4. "ERCIM" ; suggestions:
  5. "EmbeddingElement" ; suggestions:
  6. "IDL" ; suggestions:
  7. "Keio" ; suggestions:
  8. "Maciej" ; suggestions:
  9. "Navigations" ; suggestions:
  10. "Stachowiak" ; suggestions:
  11. "Talis" ; suggestions:
  12. "TimerListener" ; suggestions:
  13. "URI" ; suggestions:
  14. "WG" ; suggestions:
  15. "de" ; suggestions:
  16. "facto" ; suggestions:
  17. "html" ; suggestions:
  18. "indow" ; suggestions:
  19. "namespace" ; suggestions:

See also


Known bugs and limitations

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Last Modified: $Date$