This is part of A Model of Authority in the Web.

ABLP axioms and utility theorems

TODO: write this up as prose:

@keywords is, of, a.
@prefix : <speech#>.

@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix s: <> .
@prefix owl: <>.

<> dc:source _:ablp.
         dc:title "A Calculus for Access Control in Distributed Systems";
         dc:creator "Martin Abadi, Michael Burrows, Butler Lampson, and Gordon Plotkin";
         dc:publisher "ACM";
         s:comment "Trans. Programming Languages and Systems, 15, 4, pp 706-734.";
         dc:date "1993-10";
         s:seeAlso <>,
         <> .

# ugh. there seem to be several related papers.
# these course notes look right

# modal stuff

@prefix log: <>.
@forAll s, s2, subj, pred, obj, subj2, pred2, obj2, A, B.

says s:label "says";
     s:domain :Principal.

# idemopotency?
{ A says { A says s } } => { A says s }.

speaks_for s:label "speaks for";
          s:isDefinedBy _:ablp;
          s:domain :Principal;
          s:range :Principal.

{ ?A speaks_for ?B . ?A says ?s } => { ?B says ?s }.

{ ?A says s. ?A says { s => s2 }} => { ?A says s2 }.

{ A says { s => s2 } } => { { A says s } => { A says s2 } }.
{ ?A a Principal. s a log:Truth } => { ?A says s }.

quoting a owl:FunctionalProperty;
         s:domain rdf:List; # of 2 principals
         s:range :Principal.

#@@ <=> { [is quoting of (?B A)] says s } <=> { ?B says { A says s }}.
{ [ is quoting of (A B)] says s } => { A says { B says s } }.
# need this? { A says { B says s } } => { [ is quoting of (A B) ] says s }.

# blows up in fwd chainer:
# { ?A says ?p. ?A says ?q. } => { ?A says [ is log:conjunction of (?p ?q)]}.
{ ?A says { subj pred obj }.
  ?A says { subj2 pred2 obj2 }. } =>
   { ?A says { subj pred obj. subj2 pred2 obj2 }}.


controls s:label "controls";
         s:domain :Principal.

{ ?A controls ?s . ?A says ?s } => { ?s a log:Truth } . #level-breaker.

# constrained version of the rule:
{ ?A controls_spo ( subj pred obj ) ;
   says [ log:includes { subj pred obj }] }
 => { subj pred obj }.

# constrained version of the rule:
{ ?A controls_subject ( pred obj ) ;
   says [ log:includes { subj pred obj }] }
 => { subj pred obj }.

# special case

controls_property s:label "controls property";
  s:domain Principal;
  s:range rdf:Property.

{ ?A controls_property pred.
  ?A says [log:includes { subj pred obj }] } => { subj pred obj }.

# Theorems to help cwm

{ A says { [ is quoting of (A B)] says s } } => { B says s }.
# justification:
# { A | B says S } => { A says s } . # defn quoting
# A says { { A | B says S } => { A says s } } # principals say all true things
# A says { A says s } # implication works inside says
# A says s # idemopotency of says

# partial treatment of log:Truth
{ { subj pred obj } a log:Truth } => { subj pred obj }.

On formulas and requests/commands


A says s represents the informal statement that principal A says s. Here s may function as an imperative ("the file should be deleted") or not ("C's public key is K"); imperative modalities are not explicit in the fomalism.

Move this to the origin section, when it's written, maybe.


while we're doing deep logic stuff, work this in:

[pD]H.J. ter Horst, Completeness, Decidability and Complexity of Entailment for RDF Schema and a Semantic Extension Involving the OWL Vocabulary, Journal of Web Semantics 3 (2005) 79-115.