register-request-synchronous-1.xml -- register-result-synchronous-1.xml Registration of a client generated RSA key pair. Shared secrets Authentication = "Kymi Joki". Revocation = "Revoke My Key". register-request-synchronous-2.xml -- register-result-synchronous-2-[abc].xml Registration of a service generated RSA key pair with three different results. Shared secrets Authentication = "Kymi Joki". Revocation = "Revoke My Key". Private key encryption = "Shared Secret". register-request-synchronous-3.xml -- register-result-synchronous-3.xml Registration of a [client generated] DSA key pair. Shared secrets Authentication = "Hicketty Picketty this is my balloon". Revocation = "Hicketty Picketty my balloon is thin". reissue-request-synchronous-1.xml -- reissue-result-synchronous-1.xml Reissuance of a RSA public key key binding. Shared secrets Authentication = "Kymi Joki". revoke-request-synchronous-[12].xml -- revoke-result-synchronous-1.xml Revocation using revocation code and key binding authentication. Shared secrets Revocation = "Revoke My Key". recover-request-synchronous-1.xml -- recover-result-synchronous-1.xml Recovery of a private key. Shared secret Authentication = "12345 67890 abcde FGHIJ" Private key encryption = "Shared Secret". Tommy Lindberg May 4 2004