<html xmlns:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" >
	 .time    { behavior: url(#default#time2);}
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
<DIV align="left" style="position:absolute; top:270; left:10;">
<span id="Timer" class="time" dur="1"  repeatCount="indefinite"
Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Debbie Newman,±Microsoft
Version: 11/8/2000
Module: InlineTransitions Module
Feature: mode="out", accumulate="sum", from=".66" to=".33", repeatDur="4"
File Name: transfilter_mode-out_from_to_accumulate-sum_calcMode-paced.html
Media Components: videos/nasa.qt
Transition starts at 0s with media 33% displayed (on right),<br>
wipes to 66% visible over 2s.  Transition repeats and accumulates --<br>
video jumps to 0% visible at 2s and wipes to 33% visible at 4s.<br>
Duration of media is 8 seconds.<br>
Transition will be type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"<br><br>
<t:video  id="m1"  src="../videos/nasa.qt "   dur="8">
<t:transitionfilter id="trans1" type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"   dur="2"
from=".66" to=".33"   calcMode="paced" accumulate="sum"   repeatDur="4"
mode="out" fill="freeze"  />
<img  src="../images/barWipeTransOutBackward.gif" />
<t:video  id="m1"  src="../videos/nasa.qt "   dur="8">
<t:transitionfilter id="trans1" type="barWipe" subtype="leftToRight"   dur="2"
from=".66" to=".33"   calcMode="paced" accumulate="sum"   repeatDur="4"
mode="out" fill="freeze"  />