<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->
<html xmlns:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" >
 .time    { behavior: url(#default#time2);}
  #test		{position:absolute; top:50}
  #TimerParent {color:black; font-size:16; font-weight:bold}
  #instructions {position:absolute; top:40; left:350}
  t\:img   {height:100; width:100}
  t\:video {height:100; width:100}
function timerTick(){
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
<t:par id="test">
	<t:par id="par1" begin="10s;11s">
		<t:video id="video1" begin="-5s" dur="10s" src="../videos/nasa.qt"/>
	<t:video id="video2" begin="video1.begin" dur="10s" src="../videos/nasa.qt"/>
<span id="TimerParent">Timer:
  <span id="Timer" class="time" dur="1" repeatCount="indefinite" onrepeat="timerTick()">0</span>
<DIV id="instructions"><pre>
File Name: interval_logic_and_multiple_begins.htm
Expected Behavior:
at t=5  video2 (1st interval) starts.
at t=10 video1 (1st interval) starts 5 seconds into the video.
at t=11 video1 (1st interval) disappears.
at t=11 video2 (1st interval) disappears.
at t=11 video1 (2nd interval) restarts 5 seconds into the video.
at t=11 video2 (2nd interval) restarts 5 seconds into the video.
at t=16 video1 and video2 (2nd intervals) disappear.