<html xmlns:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" >
	 .time    { behavior: url(#default#time2);}
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
function startTimer(){ setInterval(doTimer,100);}
function doTimer(){ document.all.Timer.innerText =parseInt(document.body.currTimeState.activeTime) }
<body timecontainer="seq" onbegin="startTimer()" >
<font style="color:black; font-size:16"><b>
<span id="Timer" >0</span>
<DIV align="left" style="position:absolute; top:40; left:300;"><pre>
Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Muriel Jourdan (Muriel.Jourdan@inrialpes.fr)
Version: Oct 25th, 2000, v1
Module: SMIL Timing & Sync Module
Feature: hyperlink on an inactive object
File Name: hyperlink_inactive4.smil
Media Components: 1MPG (5.4s), 1WAV (10s), 1JPG
Expected Behavior: (a) without any user click 
at t=0s: the video starts, 
when it ends the frown image is shown for 5s. 
(b) the user didn't click on the video, 
but click on the hyperlink image: 
the video starts, 
when it ends the frown image is shown for 5s. 
when the user clicks on the hyperlink image 
then the sound and the video starts 
from their beginning.
<t:video style="width:100;height:100" src="../videos/nist.mpg" id="vid" />
<t:audio  src="../sounds/geminidecho.wav" begin="vid.click" id="sound"
dur="4s"  />
<a href="#sound"> <t:img style="width:100;height:100" src="../images/frown.jpg" dur="5s" /> </a>
<t:video style="width:100;height:100" src="../videos/nist.mpg" id="vid" />
<t:audio  src="../sounds/geminidecho.wav" begin="vid.click" id="sound"
dur="4s"  />
<a href="#sound"> <t:img style="width:100;height:100" src="../images/frown.jpg" dur="5s" /> </a>