            Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Muriel Jourdan (Muriel.Jourdan@inrialpes.fr)
           Version: March 8, 2000, v3       
            Module: SMIL Timing & Sync Module 
           Feature: end attribute
         File Name: endSyncbaseWithNegOffset1.smil
  Media Components: 1 JPG, 1 MPG (23.8 sec) 
 Expected Behavior: the video and the two pictures start to be presented
                    if the user clicks on toto before 15.8s 
                    then both the video and the two picture are removed. 
                    Otherwise image1 is removed at 15.8s and 
                     the video and toto end either if the user clicks on toto or at t=23.8s.                   
<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language">
     <img src="../images/frown.jpg" id="image1" end="video.end - 8s" />
     <video src="../videos/pe_video1.rm" dur="media" id="video"
            end="toto.activateEvent" />
     <img src="../images/frown.jpg" id="toto" />