            Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Rob Lanphier
             Edited: Josh Wright (3-15-01)
            Version: $Id: param.smil.html,v 1.4 2002/03/11 11:06:53 root Exp $
             Module: Media Object
            Feature: param element
          File Name: param.smil
   Media Components: 1 JPEG
  Expected Behavior: One image for 120 seconds.  
                     The chromaKey and chromaKeyTolerance
                       parameters are implementation specific extensions.  
                     The teal background of smile.jpg should be replaced by 
                       the red background specified on the region element.
<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language">
       <layout type="text/smil-basic-layout">
         <region id="r1" top="0px" left="0px" height="400" width="400" backgroundColor="red"/>
             <img src="../images/smile.jpg" dur="7s" region="r1">
                 <param name="chromaKey"          value="#7FFFFE"/>
                 <param name="chromaKeyTolerance" value="#101010"/>