            Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Aaron M. Cohen   
         File Name: layout-topLayout1.smil
  Media Components: 2 JPG
 Expected Behavior: Tests default topLayout behavior, and topLayout
background color.
                    Show both topLayouts with blue backgrounds
                    At 0s show smile in one window.
                    At 2s show frown in another window.
                    At 4s smile ends, but window should not close.
                    At 5s frown ends, but window should not close.
<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language">
            <topLayout width="320" height="240" backgroundColor="blue">
                <region id="r1" top="0%" left="0%" right="0%" bottom="0%"/>
            <topLayout width="320" height="240" backgroundColor="blue">
                <region id="r2" top="0%" left="0%" right="0%" bottom="0%"/>
        <par dur="10s">
            <img region="r1" src="../images/smile.jpg" begin="0s" end="4s"/>
            <img region="r2" src="../images/frown.jpg" begin="2s" end="5s"/>