Timer: 0

Testing: keyTimes, autoReverse.
At 0 seconds, the smile should be at 50px.
At 2 seconds, the smile will immediately move to 150px.
At 2-11 seconds, the smile will move back to its original position of 50px.
At 11-12 seconds, the smile will move to 250px.
At 12-13 seconds, the smile will move back to 50px.
At 13-22 seconds, the smile will move to 150px and freeze.
**Note that the right side of the image is the reference point.

<t:animateMotion id="anim2" begin="2s" dur="10" calcMode="linear" keyTimes="0;.9;1" values ="100,0;0,0;250,0" targetElement="T1" additive="sum" fill="freeze" autoReverse="true"/>

Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. Author: Debbie Newman, Microsoft
Version: 11/02/2000
Module: animateMotion
Feature: values, keytimes, autoreverse calcMode="linear"
File Name: animateMotion_vk01_reverse.htm
Media Components: images/bg.gif", images/smile.jpg