"light blue" (http://example.com/colors#LtBlue)
Generic Instance Display (Not Using Type Information)

Object --Property-->
myCar color
myHouse color
joe favoriteColor
"light blue"
Pick a Class for Type-Based Views: Color, BluishColor
--Property--> Object
redComponent 0.2 sources del dup edit
greenComponent 0.2 sources del dup edit
blueComponent 1.0 sources del dup edit

Current Configuration

Hide this Panel

This Identifier:
Attached Data Sources: Joe's Personal Database
RGB Color Model
John's Home Page on the Semantic Web :-)
Schema Validation Rules
Schema (subclass, subproperty) Inference Rules
Attached Data Processors:
Datalog Inference Engine
cwm-think (inference engine)
cwm-prune (deleter)
Contents-at-URI-in-Identifier Importer
Proxy Authentication:
Your passwords are kept on our server for up to 12 hours. Use of them requires a session cookie which will be cleared when you exit your browser. Because of this design, you can safely share this page. Users without proper authentication to use a sources or processors will be notified and asked to provide it.


editing features depend on writabliity -- grey out

schema errors should probably be highlighted, if known

listbox for properties to add? or link to "unused but valid properties",

Big Data: limit the number of rows by property? add a " more... " link. (by property and by table.) These numbers on edit form.

viewing literals -- I guess that's in the Class-specific thing. Esp if the literal is a web page? Like the Class and Property viewers, which are similar to this but domain/range based.

"Edit List" page: maybe have a big list of suggestions, plus a way to add your own, mark some public (they'll be stored); others are just in your URI.

View of a Data Source -- vaguely like RDF Validator. Summary, triples.

schema validation just adds properties: schemaError xxx, schemaValidInClosure

Display provenance in main table? A few more columns labeled "1", "2", "3" matching data sources & processors , check boxes for who provided the data? But what if one provides it and another takes it away? :-) eek!

Color code properties which (1) participate in breaking the schema rules [just the latest, if you knew it], (2) are from another source?

THE BIG THING is what's the difference between a Data Source and a Data Processor. I think many things can go in either place, but for us they have very different APIs, and drive-directions, although Sources can be watched. And sources can be modified (potentially). But basically we're watching Sources (and sometimes telling them they are wrong or insufficient), while Processors are watching us, and sometimes telling us we're wrong or insufficient. Do Processors end up modifying the sources....? If not, they can't delete. HRM. Scary. BIG "READ-ONLY" MODE BUTTON.

For data sources -- what is our max-lag-time? and "reload" button.

Maybe have Auth Panel difference from Data Sources & Processor's panel?

Sandro Hawke
$Date: 2001/12/13 21:26:06 $