XML Infoset Disposition of Comments

16 March 2001

Issue core-1

Should CDATA section markers be retained?
Origin: FYergeau@alis.com: origin
Followups: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup muraw3c@attglobal.net: followup mhkay@iclway.co.uk: followup
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
CDATA section markers will removed from the Infoset. After considering the views submitted on this issue, we have concluded that the likely usefulness of CDATA section markers in the Infoset is outweighed by the problem of maintaining them when translating between character sets and the danger of implying that they are more than a syntactic convenience. Implementations are of course free to record whether text came from a CDATA marked section and use this information when serializing.

Issue core-2

Should we move the RDF schema to a separate Note?
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We will remove the RDF schema from the Infoset spec and publish it as a W3C Note.
See also: issue query-17

Issue lesch-1

Various editorial suggestions from Susan Lesch, W3C
Origin: lesch@w3.org: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The editor has incorporated most of these suggestions.

Issue tobin-1

What should [element content whitespace] be for non-whitespace characters in the absence of an element declaration?
Origin: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
It should always be false for characters that are not whitespace. The spec has been revised to state this.

Issue tobin-2

Should [charset] be renamed?
Origin: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: origin
Followups: marting@develop.com: followup
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
This property has been renamed [character encoding scheme] in accordance with the WWW Character Model draft.
References: reference

Issue ok-1

Are comment info items required (XML 1.0 does not require them to be reported)? The spec should be more explicit about not being a lower bound.
Origin: ok@cs.otago.ac.nz: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The Infoset does not require anything of processors. It is up to a specification using the Infoset to specify whether it requires any item or property. We have added a sentence to the introduction stating that the Infoset is not a minimum requirement for XML processors. The conformance section states the requirements on specifications using the Infoset.

Issue tobin-3

Should we provide pointers to the notations/entities referred to by attributes of those types? Also idref?
Origin: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We have decided not to add this. It might be added to a future version if it turns out to be useful to multiple specifications.

Issue connolly-1

Bugs in the RDF
Origin: connolly@w3.org: origin
Followups: connolly@w3.org: followup
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Dan's corrections will be incorporated (when the RDF schema is published as a Note).

Issue dom-1

Restore attribute [children] property so that entity boundaries are described. Base it on DOM level 2.
Origin: plh@w3.org: origin
Followups: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup plh@w3.org: followup richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup plh@w3.org: followup plh@w3.org: followup richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We looked at DOM level 2 and still do not believe this can be done in a way that is both consistent and useful. Entity boundaries only make sense before normalization, and the XML 1.0 specification requires that attribute values be normalized. Furthermore, the unnormalized value cannot be normalized without knowledge of which characters were represented by character references. In any case, we have now decided to remove entity markers from text content too.
See also: issue query-10

Issue dom-2

Keep CDATA section markers
Origin: plh@w3.org: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue core-1

Issue dom-3

What if an unexpanded entity turns out to be not well formed?
Origin: plh@w3.org: origin
Followups: richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup plh@w3.org: followup richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup plh@w3.org: followup plh@w3.org: followup richard@cogsci.ed.ac.uk: followup
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We consider this out-of-scope for the Infoset. It is a problem to be addressed by specifications which allow insertion of entity references.

Issue query-1a

Don't provide prefix on elements/attributes.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The [prefix] property is required so that XML 1.0 reporting requirements can be expressed in terms of the infoset.

Issue query-1b

Prefix should be absent (=null) rather than empty (string).
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We note that the DOM uses null for this purpose. We will change to match (actually we will use "no value").
See also: issue query-5

Issue query-1c

Why does attribute refer to element prefix?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
It's a cut-and-paste mistake, now corrected.

Issue query-2

[in-scope namespaces] should only contain "newly-defined" namespaces.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
This would make it harder to cut-and-paste elements between documents (as in XInclude for example) keeping their namespaces intact. Furthermore, our model matches XPath's. Note that since there is no parent property, no distinctness of items is implied.

Issue query-3

Clarify whether xmlns="" (ie default namespace undeclaration) counts as a namespace attribute.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Yes, it does. Clarified.

Issue query-4

Get rid of the entity items for predefined entities.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The built-in entities are not magic; they are just internal entities that you don't have to declare. So they should be treated like other internal entities. However, we elsewhere decided to remove entity boundaries so they will disappear anyway.
See also: issue query-10

Issue query-5

Replace null with absent.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Accepted. We will use "no value" and "unknown" as appropriate.

Issue query-6

Get rid of CDATA section markers.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue core-1

Issue query-7

Attribute value should be given and marked as normalized or not. What about entity boundaries in attributes?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue dom-1

Issue query-8a

"Aren't entities resolved to strings?"
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
If this refers to the ENTITY and ENTITIES types for attributes, these are unparsed attributes, which are not subject to replacement.

Issue query-8b

Default attribute type should be CDATA.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Having null (now "no value") as default type gives more information than CDATA and (more importantly) is consistent with other cases of absent definitions. Applications should indeed treat it as semantically the same as CDATA.

Issue query-9

Can unexpanded entities appear in attributes
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
No. Only internal entities are allowed in attributes, and internal entities must be expanded according to XML 1.0.

Issue query-10

Don't preserve entity boundaries.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
We accept this change, in part because we agree that they are not part of the logical structure of a document, but more importantly because we do not expect specifications other than the DOM to use them. As a consequence, we are also removing external and internal entity items, and modifying the document and unexpanded entity reference items accordingly.

Issue query-11

Why are attributes and elements treated differently wrt character info items?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Attributes are represented as strings because they are normalized, and because there are no properties applicable to the individual characters.

Issue query-12

Is document info item required if there is a DTD?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Yes, in so far as anything is required - if a document has a DTD then there is a DTD item in its infoset. This is stated explicitly in section 2.8.

Issue query-13

Standalone should be boolean.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We prefer to use the same term that is used in the XML document itself.

Issue query-14

Why [base URI] on elements?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The base URI of an element is used for the interpretation of relative URIs in its attributes and content. It would be possible to construct the base URI from that of the containing entity and from any xml:base attributes on the element or its ancestors, but this is such a common concept that it seems useful to define it in the infoset. In any case, now that we are removing entity boundaries it is essential.

Issue query-15

Why are there two properties for types in the PSV Infoset?
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The Schema group has decided to only augment a document's infoset, not change it, so it has to use a new property.

Issue query-16

Rename owner to parent.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We want [parent] to be the inverse of [children], and [attributes] must be separate from [children]. This was a requirement in the XPointer-Infoset liaison statement.
References: reference

Issue query-17

An XML schema as well as an RDF one would be useful.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We agree. Richard Tobin expects to submit one for consideration as a W3C Note.
See also: issue core-2

Issue query-18

More examples and use cases would be useful.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
We will add some if time permits.

Issue query-19

A couple of editorial changes.
Origin: mrys@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Editor will incorporate these or similar changes.

Issue dsig-1

Several interesting observations, no editorial or substantive issues.
Origin: reagle@w3.org: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
No action required.

Issue gudgin-1a

Get rid of prefix for elements.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue query-1a

Issue gudgin-1b

Description of prefix is wrong for no-prefix case.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Fixed (it now refers to unprefixed names rather than elements not belonging to a namespace).

Issue gudgin-1c

Clarify description in case of "xmlns".
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
This has been clarified.

Issue gudgin-1d

[namespace attributes] property is odd; go back to [declared namespaces] containing Namespace info items.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
They are represented as attributes to correspond more directly to the XML 1.0 reporting requirements. The namespace for namespace declaration attribute was not invented for the Infoset but already existed in DOM Level 2.

Issue gudgin-2a

Get rid of prefix for attributes.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue query-1a

Issue gudgin-2b

Error in description of [prefix] for attributes (has element instead of attribute).
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue query-1c

Issue gudgin-2c

Add children property for attributes.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue dom-1

Issue gudgin-3

Why [base URI] on PIs (can get it from containing element)?
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
The base URI of a PI at the top level of an entity is not necessarily the same as that of the containing element.

Issue gudgin-4

Why [element content whitespace]?
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
This is needed to allow the reporting requirements of validating XML parsers to be described in terms of the Infoset.

Issue gudgin-5

Get rid of CDATA section markers.
Origin: marting@develop.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
Response: see issue core-1

Issue microsoft-1

Microsoft concurs with the comments of the Query WG.
Origin: jmarsh@microsoft.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference
See reponses to individual Query WG comments.

Issue lewis-1

Document item should have [charset] property.
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
The [charset] property of the [document entity] property of the document information item provided this information. However, now that we have removed external entity items, this property has been moved to the document information item.

Issue lewis-2

Are defaulted attributes in the infoset? (Prolog to 2.3 says no.)
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
This seems to be a misreading. It actually referred to "attributes declared in the DTD with a default value of #IMPLIED", ie attributes without a default. The wording has been changed to make this clearer.

Issue lewis-3

What about schema types for attributes?
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
Response: see issue query-15

Issue lewis-4

Entity markers should be in attributes if they are in text
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
Response: see issue dom-1

Issue lewis-5

Why are entities and notations in the document item rather than the DTD item.
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
Because the mapping of entity and notation names to system and public identifiers is a property of the document as a whole. Furthermore, not all entities are declared in the DTD (the document entity, maybe built-in entities).

Issue lewis-6

Comment and PI children of DTD are useless out of context
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
We agree that comments in the DTD are of little use out of context, and we will remove them. PIs are needed however; stylesheet PIs may appear in the DTD.

Issue lewis-7

Support calls for clarification of namespace items
Origin: amyzing@talsever.com: origin
Core group discussions (MEMBER ONLY): reference reference
See responses to the individual comments.

$Revision: 1.1 $ by $Author: dom $
$Date: 2001/03/16 16:55:06 $