Early March 2001 snow in Massachusetts

For Monday March 6 and Tuesday March 6 2001, the U.S. National Weather Service issued a blizzard warning for central Massachusetts. Snow accumulation of up to two to three feet (60 to 90 cm) was forecast. MIT closed at 3pm on Monday, a relatively unusual event.

In Lunenburg, MA Ralph measured 10cm of snow at 7pm Monday evening. An additional 10cm had fallen by 11pm. At 6am Tuesday morning an additional 10cm had accumulated.

medium-sized dog in shovelled path
      with snow higher than the dog

(March 6) Cinnamon is about 65cm tall. That's a yard stick standing vertically next to the path (91cm). Most of the big pile is accumulation from previous snow this winter. Since December 1 the temperature has mostly been at or below freezing, so little melting has occurred.

Snow covering minivan

Even a minivan looks small when covered.

60cm packed snow

The dry snow that fell is not too hard to shovel, but the 60cm of packed snow left at the end of the driveway by the road plows is best left to machines to move.

Ralph R. Swick
$Date: 2001/03/07 13:21:26 $