Karl F. Best OASIS - Director, Technical Operations 978.667.5115 x206 karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org Position Paper for W3C QA Workshop Karl Best, Director of Technical Operations, OASIS karl.best@oasis-open.org OASIS is an XML industry member consortium dedicated to the promotion of structured infromation standards. Part of our mission is to make XML specifications and standards more useful and usable. We do this by building upon existing specifications and standards, providing horizontal and vertical implementations and interoperability and conformance specifications for those standards. OASIS has been doing XML conformance work for some time now, and has a number of technical committees established doing this work. OASIS has recently announced the results of some of this work: an XML conformance test suite was annnounced in July 1999, a DOM conformance test suite was announced in February 2001, and a conformance test suite for XML 2nd edition was announced in March 2001. Our current technical committees related to conformance are the Interoperability Conformance TC, which develops guidelines for conformance test suite development; the XML Conformance TC, which has developed test suites for XML and XML 2nd Edition; and the XSLT Conformance TC, which is developing test suites for XSLT. In addition, conformance work for WebCGM is being done by CGM Open, a member section of OASIS. OASIS technical committees should work together with W3C working groups to enhance the value of W3C Recommendations. While a minimum of conformance work may need to be done by the WG itself, having the majority of conformance work done by an outisde party, for example an OASIS conformance TC, would provide a "outsider's view" or "second opinion" on the W3C work by a qualified, friendly technical group. Doing so gives a broader perspective to the work from a different set of members operating under a different technical process, whose mission is not restricted only to the World Wide Web.