XML Protocol WG telcon minutes, 10 September 2003

Based on IRC log

1. Roll call
Present 14/10
BEA Systems, Mark Nottingham
BEA Systems, David Orchard
DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Mario Jeckle
IBM, David Fallside
IBM, John Ibbotson
IONA Technologies, Seumas Soltysik
Microsoft Corporation, Martin Gudgin
Oracle, Anish Karmarkar
SeeBeyond, Pete Wenzel
Sun Microsystems, Tony Graham
Sun Microsystems, Marc Hadley
Systinet (IDOOX), Jacek Kopecky
W3C, Yves Lafon
W3C, Carine Bournez

DaimlerChrysler R. & Tech, Andreas Riegg
IBM, Noah Mendelsohn
IONA Technologies, Eric Newcomer
Microsoft Corporation, Jeff Schlimmer
Oracle, Jeff Mischkinsky
Systinet (IDOOX), Miroslav Simek

Ericsson, Nilo Mitra
SAP AG, Volker Wiechers
Canon, Herve Ruellan
Canon, Jean-Jacques Moreau

SAP AG, Gerd Hoelzing

[scribe] 2. Agenda review, and AOB
[scribe] no AOB suggestions.

[scribe] 3. Approval of September 3 telcon minutes
[scribe] Minutes accepted without objection.

[scribe] 4. Review action items
[Yves] ACTION: Carine to Create an issue to track Amy's concern wrt regex for media type (close it and note dissent)
[Yves] (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-dist-app/2003Sep/0017.html)

[scribe] 5. Status reports
[scribe] -- Registration of "application/soap+xml"
[scribe] MarkN: We're waiting for a mail clarifying what the next process step to take is

[scribe] -- Telcon time change
[scribe] Chair: 13 responses. European members prefer to move telcon time earlier.
[scribe] 9am pacific time seems to be the best option.
[scribe] Chair: Proposes to change the time to 9am pacific time. Meeting time 90 minutes.
[scribe] Chair: Option to have 120 minutes when necessary.

[Gudge] As far as I can tell from the CVS log the action to the editors to incorporate Noah's proposal has NOT been done

[scribe] (Group seems to love the change ;-)
[Yves] ACTION: Yves or Carine to change the teleconference time to be 2 hours earlier
[scribe] Chair: Telcon time will be changed.

[scribe] 6. Attachments
[Gudge] Yves, do you know where the latest MTOM documents are in CVS? I'm looking in 2000/xp/Group/3/06/Attachments

[scribe] SOAP Optimized Serialization Requirements
[scribe] as Ed Copy, date, remove WD indicators, remove "SOAP Attachment Feature
[scribe] requirements", fix title text on WG homepage

[Yves] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/3/02/24-soap-attachment-feature.html for requirements
[Yves] http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/3/06/Attachments/OptimizationMechanism.html
[Yves] for mtom (latest edcopies)

[scribe] SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
[scribe] now listed at W3C web page

[scribe] Proposal for SOAP OS Reqs and SOAP MTOM docs publication
[scribe] Chair's proposal: start work on use cases and go back to Req doc later

[scribe] Report on Core WG, XInclude, etc
[scribe] XInclude doc was demoted to WD state to resolve some outstanding issues. 
[scribe] Chair: Does document's return affect their comments sent do XMLP WG
[scribe] Chair: Response from XInclude folks: we should state reqs to XInclude if we have 
[scribe] Mark: Still interested in the base64 issue. 
[scribe] Tony: similary of bin xinclude in paswa and xinclude. +1's from the group
[scribe] Chair: We will do investigation on issues with XInclude and send information to Core WG by next week.
[scribe] Chair: Remember to provide reqs to XInclude fellows
[scribe] Gudge will start discussion at XMLP mailinglist
[JacekK] ACTION: Gudge to start discussion at XMLP mailinglists of XInclude requirements
[JacekK] ACTION: chair to respond to Core with notice of a 2 week discussion period
[marc] Add discussion of Xinclude to XQDMTF agenda on Friday

[scribe] Evaluate pro's and con's of different methods for flagging MTOM processing
[scribe] MarkN provides short discussion of pros and cons of all options listed in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-dist-app/2003Sep/0014.html
[scribe] MIME Content-Type Parameters striked from the list.
[scribe] also removed from consideration "New HTTP Header"
[scribe] Straw poll on HTTP header vs. mime vs. XML
[scribe] Chair: Results: Implicit (0/1/5), xml (0/../1), new mime header (.../3/0), http content coding (1/5/0), new mime content type (3/../1)
[scribe] (1st choice/ok/against) "..." means "couple of people"
[noah] FWIW:  I think I like new content type
[noah] ..of course, that's without the benefit of being in the debate...take with big grain of salt
[Gudge] Gudge cheers!
[scribe] Chair: There seems to be a preference for mime content vs. mime header
[noah] That's mime content type, as in mime type, as in something like applicatoin/mtom+soap+xml ?
[Gudge] yes
[scribe] Chair: adopt new mime content type for flagging mtom messages
[scribe] adopted without objection.
[noah] thank you
[scribe] Chair: new type should be "application/soap-xml-mtom"
[JacekK] ACTION: MNot and Chair to confirm on the exact name of the new content type

[noah] Remind me:  does putting xml in the middle take it out of the family of application/XXX+xml, which relates to 3203?

[scribe] Evaluate use cases

[noah] My view is this is not an example of application/soap+xml (because it's not directly ready for soap processing), but it is an example of application/xml, and RFC3203 should apply

[JacekK] look for XMLP-UC-1
[Gudge] minutes are here: http://www.w3.org/2000/xp/Group/3/03/06-minutes.html
[davidF] http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-ws-arch-scenarios-20020730/#S090 
[scribe] UC-1 is at http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-ws-arch-scenarios-20020730/#S090
[davidF] defer UC-1 discussion to MarkN's UC discussion

[davidF] UC-2: an application that uses URI to deref resources, and assumes the only representation travels with the message

[scribe] XMLP-UC-3: an application that uses middleware/SOAP-stack to
[scribe] deref resources, and assumes the only representation travels with the message
[JacekK] ACTION: Jack to try modify XMLP-UC-2 (to cover Representation header)
[scribe] Suggested and supported to drop UC3
[scribe] without objection.

[scribe] XMLP-UC-4: digital camera wants to encrypt and/or sign the
[scribe] message and/or binary data
[RRSAgent] See http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T19-27-38-1
[JacekK] ACTION: Anish to reformulate UC4 as a requirement

[scribe] XMLP-UC-5: message with binary data successfully goes through
[scribe] SOAP 1.2 intermediary 
[scribe] Group thinks this already covered elsewhere
[scribe] UC-5 dropped without objection

[scribe] 7. SOAP 1.2 Recommendation
[scribe] chair: proposes unless he sees objections on the list we adopt all of the resolutions proposed for the first six items
[scribe] accepted without objection
[Gudge] objections to be posted by EOB Friday

[scribe] meeting adjourned

[RRSAgent] I see 7 open action items:
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Carine to Create an issue to track Amy's concern wrt regex for media type (close it and note dissent) [1]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T18-15-01
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Yves or Carine to change the teleconference time to be 2 hours earlier [2]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T18-22-32
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Gudge to start discussion at XMLP mailinglists of XInclude requirements [3]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T18-37-42
[RRSAgent] ACTION: chair to respond to Core with notice of a 2 week discussion period [4]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T18-38-41
[RRSAgent] ACTION: MNot and Chair to confirm on the exact name of the new content type [5]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T19-14-35
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Jack to try modify XMLP-UC-2 (to cover Representation header) [6]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T19-26-27
[RRSAgent] ACTION: Anish to reformulate UC4 as a requirement [8]
[RRSAgent]   recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/09/10-xmlprotocol-irc#T19-30-52
ACTION: Chair to send email to member list informing members that unless objection received, Editors proposals for resolving Rec Issues 1-6 (as listed in agenda) will be adopted