
Server-side Access Control (1)

Server-side Access Control (2)

Server-side Access Control

Subtree encryption

Subtree encryption

The rough idea of XML pool encryption

Pool Encryption (full access)

Pool Encryption (full access)

Pool Encryption (restricted access)

Pool Encryption (restricted access)

Comparison of the approaches

Model Server-Side Access Control Subtree encryption Pool encryption
Secure complete subtrees possible possible possible
Secure only attribute values possible possible (depends on proposal) possible
Leave "deep" descendants visible yes no yes
Needs trustworthy server yes no no
Automation of access/encryption decisions yes needs some sort of style sheet needs some sort of style sheet
Needs additional transport security (SSL) yes no no
New recipients can without reencrypting content yes, only new (X)ACL depends on situation yes

Properties of pool encryption

An example

01 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
02 <document>
03 	<poolEncryption>
04 		<encryptedNodes>
05 			<encryptedNode id="hukj645" encryptionAlgo="">
06 				<base64_and_encrypted_Wrapper>
07 					<positionInformation>
08 						<anchestors refs="#h566, #763, #8465"/>
09 						<precedingSiblings refs="#hd26, #7363, #8dg65"/>
10 					</positionInformation>
11 					<elementType>Element</elementType>
12 					<elementContent></elementContent>
13 					<namespaceInfo></namespaceInfo>
14 				</base64_and_encrypted_Wrapper>
15 			</encryptedNode>
16 		</encryptedNodes>
17 		<keyMaterial>
18 			<clientPackage id="client1" clientId="geuer-pollmann">
19 				<packageEncryptionKey Algo="RSA" Encoding="base64">567886439875==</packageEncryptionKey>
20 				<keyCollection Algo="AES">
21 					<base64_and_encrypted_Wrapper>
22 						<keys>
23 							<key ref="#hukj645">0x65ffe34a</key>
24 							<key ref="#7363">0x0123456</key>
25 						</keys>
26 					</base64_and_encrypted_Wrapper>
27 				</keyCollection>
28 			</clientPackage>
29 		</keyMaterial>
30 	</poolEncryption>
31 </document>