delta/detailed.tests#t4 -- granularity cmdline option test delta should by default lump formulae that have the same left-hand side together into one formula. It should also do this when passed the "-g 1" or "--granularity=1" command-line option. It should not perform extra work to lump formulae if it is passed the "-g 0" or "--granularity=0" command-line option. Note that as far as I (eefi) can tell as of July 12, 2005, the extra work to lump formulae makes a difference only when the left-hand side is an empty formula. In other instances, the way delta constructs patches automatically lumps things that are related to the same left-hand side together. issue originally raised in the following bug: options passed to cwm: delta/t4/test.n3 --think --with "`../ -f delta/t4/from.n3 -t delta/t4/to.n3`" "`../ -g 1 -f delta/t4/from.n3 -t delta/t4/to.n3`" "`../ --granularity=1 -f delta/t4/from.n3 -t delta/t4/to.n3`" "`../ -g 0 -f delta/t4/from.n3 -t delta/t4/to.n3`" "`../ --granularity=0 -f delta/t4/from.n3 -t delta/t4/to.n3`" reference output: delta/t4/output.n3