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    <variant type="html, vxml">
        The White House has invited Judy Brewer, Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative
    <variant type="html">(WAI) </variant>

    <variant type="html, vxml">
        of the World Wide Web Consortium 

    <variant type="html">(W3C) </variant>

    <variant type="html, vxml">
        , to speak at its Digital Divide Event on Accessible Technologies on 

    <variant type="vxml">the </variant>

    <variant type="html, vxml">21st </variant>

    <variant type="vxml">of </variant>

    <variant type="html, vxml">September </variant>

    <variant type="html">2000 </variant>

    <variant type="html, vxml">
        in Flint, Michigan.