Workshop Recommendations

“What” and “How” of Recommendations

Hong Kong Manifesto

  1. Establish a ‘working group’ ASAP to analyze, resolve, and prioritize the problems identified by the Multimodal Web workshop held in September in Hong Kong. These include

    1. No well defined definition of terms

    2. Different visual and voice markup languages

    3. No single authoring capability

    4. Different voice and GUI architectures

    5. Synchronization issues

    6. Multimodal interaction issues

    7. Authoring & rendering system issues

    8. Ergonomic and End-user issues

    9. Lack of published multimodal application scenarios

    10. Different visual and voice application models

    11. Identification of infrastructure requirements

    12. Addressing the issues of multiple channels

Hong Kong Manifesto (continued)

  1. Scope the problem considering complexity of development environment, skill set, implementation cost, extensibility, etc.

  2. Create use cases and a roadmap ASAP (no later than six months), with a draft recommendation available within a year.

  3. Please review the documentation from this workshop, and use it as a starting point.

  4. Re-use the skills of existing committees, both inside and outside of W3C

  5. Demonstrate the participation of key stakeholders

Relevant groups

How and Who

As an outcome of this workshop, W3C is now now seeking submissions for detailed proposals as a precursor to chartering a multimodal working group.